- US Factory Orders Advance 1.8% The truth of the matter is, that whether or not the manufacturing sector of the US economy is booming or slumping, folks will always need to go to their doctor for everything from their annual physicals to treatments for seasonal afflictions like Flu and the common cold. In fact, there are literally thousands of ailments and afflictions keeping medical offices humming regardless of factory output.
- Oil’s Downtrend Seems to be Ending We all know that the price at the pump has come down significantly. The price of oil most definitely has a real and noticeable effect on economic output. But do you know what isn’t affected by low oil prices? Instances of swimmer’s ear, plantar’s warts, hay fever, acid reflux and countless other ailments that keep medical offices humming regardless of the price of crude.
- Housing Data Beats Market Expectations Do renters get sick more or less often than those who own their own home? Guess what, it doesn’t matter! Whether more people are pouring money into homeownership or living in frugal rental properties, they will all require medical attention at roughly the same rate as statistically speaking. Ergo, the whims of the housing market do nothing to influence the extent to which medical offices hum with activity.
People training with the Allen School to start a new career as a medical office assistant have a lot of things to be concerned about when it comes to economic and investment market indicators. Things like “which US cities see the most robust job growth” and “where housing costs are lowest” when they’re deciding where to begin their new, lucrative careers.
But here are three things the market is telling us today that don’t amount to a hill of beans for a newly minted medical office assistant.
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