Tips to Avoid The Flu

Avoiding the Flu Blog
As we head into the fall and weather starts to get cooler, we unfortunately also head into cold and flu season. You have enough going on in your life with work, home, and school, you definitely do not want to get sick as well if you can help it. So please read on for 7 great tips to help keep you and your family from catching the flu this season.
  1. Get Your Flu Vaccine – Doctors agree this is your best preventative measure against the flu.
  2. Be Obsessed with Hand Washing – Wash often, and then wash again.
  3. Take Symptoms Seriously – Especially if you fall into a high risk category like being pregnant
  4. Teach your Kids to Wash Well – Kids love to teach everything and everyone! Wash those little hands often and use hand sanitizer
  5. Stop Nibbling your Nails – Your nails are a great hiding place for the flu bug and you touch more than you’ll ever know in a day.
  6. Keep Things Clean and Sanitized – the cleaner the better especially if someone in your home is already showing signs of being sick
  7. Be your Healthiest Self – Get plenty of rest. Keep exercising even as the weather gets cold, and eat healthy.
Now we certainly can’t promise these tips will keep you from getting sick, but they are good guidelines to help you lessen the possibility. Always remember that it is the duty of every healthcare provider to maintain an active and healthy life style to set a good example for their patients. Not to mention your fellow classmates will not appreciate you getting them ill.

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