Allen School of Health Sciences: Benefits of a Blended Healthcare Program

Blended learning programs provide a safer learning environment

At the Allen School of Health Sciences, we have students complete much of their coursework at home. Only requiring in-person attendance a few times per week creates a learning environment to keep staff and students safe. With fewer students on campus at a time, the Allen School can realistically practice social distancing and ensure common areas are cleaned and disinfected properly between classes.

Blended learning also allows us to be prepared in case a COVID-19 outbreak happens again. With our blended program of combining online instruction with an interactive classroom experience in place, our school can temporarily provide fully online courses until it’s safe to return to campus.

Flipping the classroom improves comprehension

When students are more engaged in the class session, their comprehension naturally increases. Blended learning calls for what many call a “flipped classroom” approach, where students learn theory remotely and practice what they learned at home during in-person class sessions with instructors present to assist. Instead of spending the time students and instructors have together listening to a lesson, the in-person portion of blended learning is spent actively practicing skills and getting hands-on training from instructors.

Students have the flexibility to take the online portion anywhere!

In a blended learning model, students can partake in the online portion of the class and look over class materials anywhere they have internet access, enabling our students to balance schoolwork and external obligations more effectively. For adult learners especially, a sense of autonomy and control over their learning experience is essential for success.

Efficient use of instructor time

Traditional in-person courses require instructors to spend time outside of class completing administrative tasks like printing out handouts, uploading attendance data, hand-grading assignments, etc. With technology in blended learning, many of those tasks can be automated, allowing instructors to spend more time helping students comprehend material and develop their skills.

Access more students with blended learning programs

Many career college students have obligations outside of school that make it difficult for them to commute to campus every day. Prospective students interested in enrolling will look for medical programs with flexibility, giving the Allen School the ability to offer blended learning to attract a wider variety of students.

 The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering our accelerated program of blended learning. Combining online instruction with an interactive classroom experience. Classes are starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit​ to learn more.

Article updated July 2024

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