Hacks for Studying Medical Billing Online Classes (From the Beach!)

OK, so if you’re like me, you like to play hooky every once in a while.  And although technology has made many elements of modern life easier, it is something of a double-edged sword.  Take, for instance, the extent to which wireless devices and ubiquitous WiFi have made it less possible to truly disconnect.  Hooky used to be about leaving the classroom behind.  But with today’s technology, hooky now involves at least faking the appearance of being where you’re supposed to be.  You’re really at the beach, but you bring your tablet and log in so that it seems like you’re at home, dutifully working or studying medical billing online classes – just, from the beach instead of your bedroom. With this in mind, assuming that most of you will likely play hooky at least one day this Summer season, we’re providing you with the following list of innovative beach hacks to make your beach experience more enjoyable (courtesy of Yahoo! Makers).
  • Place Your Touch Screen Cell Phone in a Ziplock Bag
  • Attach Your Keys to a Cork, So They Float
  • Keep Money in an Empty Chapstick, Magic Marker (or even a diaper) for Safe Keeping
  • Lie on a Fitted Sheet to Keep Out Sand
  • Sneak Beer on the Beach by Hiding It in a Soda Cup
View the details on these hacks and others including tips for flip flop maintenance, beach towel comfort and utility improvements, and others at the Yahoo! Makers slideshow here.  Then, enjoy your beach day and get back to your medical billing online classes tomorrow (only, with a better tan!). Looking to start a career in medical billing? Find all the courses you need at the Allen School of Health Sciences – we have three campuses in Queens, Brooklyn, and Phoenix. Contact us below to learn more about the program!   Article updated July 2024



No Surprise – Healthcare Industry Among Top Recession-Proof Fields

Number OneWe continue to be un-surprised by report after report confirming what Allen School Online students already know – that jobs serving the healthcare fields are never in short supply.  This is probably one of the main determinants that factored into your decision to pursue an Allen School Online diploma.  True to form, the latest report, courtesy of Time.com confirms that indeed, healthcare industry jobs top the list of safest, most recession-proof jobs.

Daylight Saving Time Ends – Tips for Online Medical Coding Students

short days
Perhaps more so than their counterparts taking nursing assistant classes or medical office assistant training at Allen School ground campuses, the online medical coding student is more susceptible to minor disorders/discomfort stemming from the end of daylight saving time.  Oh, and if you haven’t already set your clocks back one hour, then you’re very late.  Switch off this blog and get to class!

For those who commute, the end of daylight saving time means daylight begins an hour earlier than it did last week.  So no more driving to class or to work in the cover of darkness.  Those who study online medical billing at home may find the shorter days a bit depressing, particularly if they fail to get out of the house enough.  For these folks, we recommend setting aside some time in the midday sun to go outside and bask in the cold, pale sunlight of the oncoming winter.  Make sure you get your daily dose of Vitamin D.  Another recommendation is to add a bit more artificial light to your surroundings indoors.  This, according to studies, has been shown to reduce the seasonal depression suffered by some folks.

It is a blessing to be able to study remotely.  But with shorter days and less daylight, it can be easy to miss out on the daylight.  Stay healthy, stay bright, stay connected, and make sure to balance your online study with some real-world exposure.

Looking to start a career in medical coding? Find all the courses you need at Allen School of Health Sciences – we have three campuses in Queens, Brooklyn, and Phoenix. Contact us below to learn more about the program!


Windows Updates for Medical Coding Online Students

Free Windows-10 for medical billing classes onlineUsing your computer to study medical coding online with Allen School is most definitely an exceptional convenience.  However, if your machine is running Window 8, you may be among the many users who harbor a particularly strong distaste for the operating system.  And you’re not alone.  Windows 8 is nearly universally disliked by users due to its arguably failed attempt at incorporating a “mobile style” user interface for the desktop user.  The tiled interface and the removal of the very useful Windows “start button” are but two of the most often cited reasons why users dislike Windows 8. As we’ve written about here before, Microsoft is busy readying its next release of the Windows operating system – Windows 10.  And as we’ve noted, Microsoft is planning to give a Windows 10 update away for free to anyone currently using a licensed version of Windows 7, 8 or 8.1.  If that includes you, here’s what you need to know. Windows 10 will be made available to all users on July 9.  If you allow regular, scheduled Windows updates to be made to your computer, the new software package will be automatically downloaded to your machine.  You won’t have to do anything on July 29, as the operating system will automatically update and install itself.  Here’s an article from Microsoft which explains how to make sure you get the update and the process it will involve. If you’re like this blogger – using the reviled Windows 8, this is welcome news and I join you in anticipating how much easier life will be working with the new OS.  It can’t come quickly enough!

Phelps, Paes and You – The Medical Assistant Training School Student

To make it to your country’s Olympic team in any sport is an enormous achievement.  Olympic athletes train for years and most go home from the Olympic Trials without a spot on the team.  To make it to that vaunted position – and have a chance to compete for the Gold- one must have truly exceptional abilities and a determination to succeed.  To make the team five or even seven times in a row, like American swimmer Michael Phelps (going to Rio for his fifth Olympics) and Indian tennis player Leander Paes (going to Rio for an astounding SEVENTH Olympic Games) is a feat that is almost hard to comprehend.  The focus, drive, single-mindedness of purpose and perseverance required is truly super-human. It should give the reader inspiration to consider that such achievement is possible.  It should also make the challenges involved in enrolling and completing nurse assistant training school seem far more manageable by simple comparison.  If you’ve been thinking about nurse assistant training school as an option, for a better career, greater job security and upward mobility, but you’ve been concerned about how difficult it may be to do it, then you should simply think about Phelps and Paes.  As they head to Rio De Janiero for the Olympics, they should inspire anyone with a goal, a dream or just the desire to succeed. If this American swimmer and Indian tennis player can do the impossible 5 times each, you can do nurse assistant training school once!

Can You Describe an Instance Where You Screwed Up at School or Work?

Healthcare Field Job InterviewThis is the very type of loaded question interviewers are increasingly asking of candidates for job positions.  Ah, how quaint seem the days when they used to ask you about your 3 top strengths and weaknesses.  Listen, the job market is more competitive now than it has ever been.  Hiring managers are forced to sort though thousands of candidates before making the best choice and they are getting more pointed in the questions they’re asking.  They just don’t have the time to beat around the bush and with so many in line for the available jobs, they feel emboldened to ask more penetrating questions.  Questions like: “What bugs you about your co-workers or your current boss?”  or “If you’re currently employed, how do you have time to make this interview?”  They’re fishing for answers that shed light on how you’d be as an employee.  Forbes magazine put out a list of ten new and interesting interview questions used by hiring managers, what they’re really asking and how to best answer them.  Click here to read it before you head out to your next job interview.  You’ll be glad you did!

Medical Assistant Trainees are Aware as Virus Spreads

As always, we here at the Allen School Blog report on emerging public health concerns so that our nurse assistant trainees and other readers are well-apprised of situations as they come to the forefront.  The latest alert we’re issuing here comes via the World Health Organization. The Zika virus is a particularly damaging pathogen which is being communicated via infected mosquito.  The WHO says that Zika is expected to spread to all countries in the Americas except Canada and Chile.  One of the most troubling effects of Zika is the birth defects the illness produces in the babies of pregnant women.  Zika is suspected of producing microcephaly in fetuses which results in babies born with abnormally small heads.  Once a very rare condition, the spread of Zika has resulted in a spike in the occurrences of microcephaly although WHO chief, Margaret Chan stressed that the link between Zika and microcephaly is not yet confirmed.

According to the WHO, “The virus is already present in 21 of the 55 countries and territories across the Americas, the WHO said in a statement Sunday. But it stressed that the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which carries Zika and also dengue and chikungunya viruses, is already present in all countries in the Americas besides Canada and Chile.”

As for symptoms and diagnosis, the virus in most infected people only means short-lived flu-like symptoms.  However, the WHO says it could be transmitted through blood and had been isolated in human semen meaning there may be a sexual transmission pathway for the pathogen.  In any case, it is important for nurse assistant trainees to know about the latest threats to public health and safety so that they can be as effective as possible in their roles.

Transferring Files to New Computer for Medical Coding Online Classes

file transfer ides for medical coding online classesOne critical piece of hardware relied upon by those taking medical coding online classes (as well as those in medical coding jobs) is the trusty computer.  Whether it is a laptop or a desktop, medical billing and coding as a study topic and a career relies heavily on computers.  They’re a fact of life in this field.  So its very likely that at some point, you’ll be faced with a dying machine or a machine so old, it is more cost effective to replace than repair/upgrade.  When that happens, do you know how to transfer all your files from the old/dying machine to the new one without losing important data or programs? Donna Tapellini writing for Consumer Reports offers the following five steps to safely and effectively migrating your files/data from an old computer to a new one.
  1. Back up your files before you move them.
  2. Transfer your files.
  3. Install your applications.
  4. What about that old printer?
  5. Keep your data to yourself!
For the details on each of these five steps, read Donna’s article here.  The article provides insight into each of these steps including file backup services/procedures, media/processes for transferring files, deciding which applications to migrate and which to leave behind, how to migrate older peripherals like printers and how to keep your data secure. For those taking medical coding online classes, this computer first aid is almost as important as the kind doctors and nurses apply to carbon-based life forms (humans).

Medical Office Assistant Training in Jamaica and Queens New York

There are plenty of good reasons to study medical office assistant training classes.  Beginning an exciting new career, working in a field expected to experience ongoing growth, earning better pay than you could in retail or service jobs, finding satisfaction in helping to heal the infirm are just a few of the reasons why one might wish to take medical office assistant training classes. But, WHERE should one enroll for medical office assistant training?  Is it better to enroll with the Allen School’s medical office assistant training in Jamaica, Queens, New York or in the actual country of Jamaica? Well, we cannot speak with authority on what kind of schools or programs may be available for those wishing to study medical office assistant training in Jamaica.  But we do know all about studying medical office assistant training in Jamaica Queens.  We do know that the Allen School of Health Sciences campus in Jamaica Queens is easily accessible by public transit.  We know that there are plenty of great things to do in an around campus in Jamaica, Queens.  We know that there is a wide diversity of students from all parts of the world who are living in Jamaica Queens and are part of the rich multi-cultural tapestry exhibited at the Allen School. The one thing about studying in the island nation of Jamaica is the fabulous weather they have in the islands.  Tropical temperatures with that balmy humidity and sunshine.  However, if you’ve been studying medical office assistant training in Jamaica, Queens this week, you’ve had the benefit of sultry, summer weather nonetheless.  So in total, it seems like for studies in the field of health sciences, Jamaica Queens is the better choice.

Q: What’s a Polar Vortex? A: Another Reason to Love Online Medical Billing Classes

Best to be a medical coding online student during polar vortex

Image courtesy of Accuweather

So, if you’re in the Northeast these past few days, you’ve encountered some subzero temperatures not seen in this region for more than 20 years.  The meteorologist tells us we’re in the grip of a polar vortex, which sounds like something from a science fiction flick.  But, if you’ve stepped foot outside in the last 72 hours, you know this is no fiction. If you’re enrolled in online medical billing school with Allen School Online, it’s entirely possible (assuming your home was well stocked with groceries and you have a Netflix account) that you haven’t needed to set foot outside.  Especially as, with temps this low, you may lose said foot to frostbite.  Studying medical billing and coding online is a great way to greatly reduce the number of times one has to brave the elements; whether it be the crippling polar vortexes of winter or the blistering heat waves of summer. Of course, if you’re not fazed by such ridiculously low temperatures, you could spend your spare time (after studies of course) to go surfing in Lake Michigan in minus 50 degree weather with these fellows of questionable sanity.