Improper Questions During Interview for Medical Assistant NYC Job?

Interviewing for medical assistant jobsSo you’ve completed healthcare training school and you’re ready to embark on your career as a medical assistant.  You’re sending out well-crafted resumes and your medical assistant training at the Allen School has prepared you well, so you’re getting calls back and interviews scheduled.  That’s fantastic!  But are you prepared to tactfully handle inappropriate or possibly illegal questions that you may be asked by inexperienced or worse, unscrupulous hiring managers? Did you know that any of the following questions are improper, even illegal for hiring managers to ask?
  • When do you plan on starting a family?
  • In what country were you born?
  • Are you gay?
  • What is your religion?
  • Do you have a disability that caused you to limp into this room?
  • How many years will it be before you qualify for social security?
Faced with a question like this, you may be inclined to overlook the impropriety of the question for fear of losing the opportunity.  But, there are ways you can artfully disarm the question without scotching your chances at landing the gig.   This excellent article from USNews explains how to do just that.  Read it and prepare yourself so that you can land that job as a medical assistant without complication.

Medical Billing Classes Online are Easier with a Faster Computer

Medical billing classes online are easiest with a fast computerSo you’re taking (or considering taking) online classes for medical billing and coding.  Online courses for medical billing and coding are an excellent opportunity for busy people to train for an exciting new career while maintaining multiple, other commitments which would be hard to accommodate in a traditional, on-site, classroom study environment.  This is precisely why, if you’re taking the steps to study online for convenience sake, you’re not squandering your time savings by waiting for a slow computer to load course materials and research sites.  Be sure to prepare and maintain the health and speed of your machine so that you’re able to get the maximum benefit from online classes for medical billing and coding. Take the following three steps – courtesy of Business2Community – to help ensure your computer runs as quickly and efficiently as you do. #1 — Remove Unnecessary Programs #2 — Check Your Startup Programs #3 — Close Programs Read the full article here to get the details on how to do these three simple things and why they work so well at keeping your machine humming along quickly and efficiently.

Security Update for Online Medical Billing Classes

One of the most liberating options for those interested in medical billing and coding school is taking medical billing classes online, from the comfort of, well, wherever you happen to be most comfortable.  Whether that is at your own kitchen table, or a cozy back booth at your favorite local java dispensary (coffee shop).  Training to become a medical billing specialist online saves time, money and sanity; especially if you have many other responsibilities to handle beside studying.  Additionally, the ever quickening pace of new wireless technologies in the form of powerful PDAs, tablets and other devices means students of medical billing classes online are doing more and more with their wireless devices.  Especially popular among the sea of wireless tools is the iPhone.  I have one, you have one, heck, even Grandpa Stan has one.  However, those studying crime as a career are also hard at work finding ways to steal what’s yours.  In this case, sensitive data like personal financial information from your wireless devices.  This is absolutely no reason at all to avoid online medical billing classes.  After all, it is only the easiest targets that thieves will take advantage of.  And, it’s not hard to make yourself a “hard target” to would-be wireless scammers.  All it takes is keeping up with the latest hacks, scams and other tricks used by thieves.  In that spirit, the Allen School Blog always tries to bring the latest and greatest threats to your attention.  Here’s a story from uber-geek gadget site, Gizmodo with the scoop on how crooks are using iPhone chargers to hack your phone.  Read it and learn simple ways to avoid this innovative grift.  Stay safe in cyberspace you medical billing specialists of tomorrow!

Healthy Behaviors Promote Better Memory for the Medical Assistant

Like any course of study, medical assistant school requires strong memory performance if the student is to master the manifold processes and practices required to attain a career as a medical assistant.  Further, medical assistants, by nature of the industry they serve, must be champions of health and healthy behaviors.  After all, a big part of medical practice is to help keep patients healthy and educating them on which behaviors are positive and which are potentially damaging to their well-being. Reading this article posted at Huffington Post, we learn that there is a strong correlation between healthy behaviors such as proper diet, attention to maintaining a good level of physical activity and mental acuity.  Simply put, science is revealing that those who eat well and exercise not only enjoy better overall health and longevity, but also improved memory.  So if you’re currently enrolled in medical assistant training in NYC at the Allen School or if you’re considering a career as a medical assistant, you should treat your body well and in so doing, you’ll also have an easier time with the course work and ultimately, become a credible champion for healthy behaviors in the healthcare position(s) you’ll hold once you enter the workforce.

Certified Nurse Assistants, Be Ready for the Future of Medicine

There are so many truly disruptive technologies at work in the modern medical arena.  There are also many innovations from other technical areas that are having an impact on the way medicine will be practiced in this young 21st century.  If you’re currently enrolled in nursing assistant school or, really, any kind of healthcare training school, you’d be well-advised to keep an eye on some of the latest and greatest technical advances. Take for example, the emerging technology for 3D printing.  This is a process that produces nearly any object using a specialized printer that produces tangible objects.  Anything from the recently publicized 3D printed pistol, to aircraft parts, to bioplastic, implantable medical devices.  Consider the recent case of an infant who was born with a damaged trachea and at six months old, stopped breathing.  Using a 3D printed tracheal implant, surgeons were able to implant a brand new windpipe, after printing it out using a 3D printer and plans/specifications provided by a biomedical research company.  Click here to read the exciting story at Popular Science. Training to be the certified nurse assistant of the 21st century means you’ll be witness to incredible advances such as this recent marvel of science.  Learn about as many of these emerging technologies as you can and you’ll be sure to be as effective a certified nurse assistant as you can be!

Medical Assistants See Some Crazy Things

So you’re studying at Allen School’s medical training program in NYC.  You’re learning all about the various afflictions, ailments and illnesses you’re sure to confront as a medical assistant.  Beyond the simple ear infections, flu, or occasional broken bones, there are many, more creative injuries that people either fall prey to, or in some cases, inflict upon themselves.  If you’re going to be the best prepared medical assistant or nursing assistant, you’ll need to hide your sense of shock when some of the more bizarre cases walk through the door to your medical office.  So, with that in mind, I thought all you medical assistant and nursing assistant candidates would be well advised to view this slideshow of some of the most unbelievable injuries.  This way, you won’t betray a look of horror when a patient walks into your office.  Warning: not for those with a squeamish sensibility!

Happy Memorial Day – Thank a Veteran

If you’re grateful for the freedom you enjoy as an American, take a moment today to thank all who have served and those who laid down their lives in defense and protection of the American way of life.  Thank you from all of us at the Allen School Blog.

Secrets to Landing a Job After Graduating from Healthcare Training School

Whether you’re about to complete the medical assistant program at the NYC ground campus or the medical billing and coding online program, you’re sure to be energized about the benefits you’ll reap for having invested the time and energy in this field of study.  Namely, you’ll be jazzed about taking those new medical billing specialist or medical assisting skills to the job market.  What you may find when you get there could either be the wealth of good jobs you’ve heard about, or the frustration of not getting any calls back from the places you’ve applied for work.  If you fall into that latter category, don’t despair.  It’s not because you’re not qualified.  After all, you’ve received excellent training from the Allen School and you’ve worked hard to become fluent in the language of medical office work.  The problem likely lies in the way you’ve presented your résumé.  Don’t feel bad.  The nature of how human resources and hiring managers source candidates has undergone significant change in the last 5 years.  Alot of it now has been effected by the use of HR software to screen résumés and the processes by which those selected are scrutinized. Here’s a link to the very best, most comprehensive article I have ever seen on the topic of preparing your résumé for battle.  Read it, take the fantastic advice and go back out to the market.  You’ll notice the difference immediately.  You can thank me later!  

Need Another Reason to Study Medical Billing and Coding Online?

Online study of any subject, not just medical billing and coding training, is one of the best consequences of the tech boom.  Reason #1054 why comes to us by way of Gary Maddin of Milford CT whose commute into the city – normally a 20 minute trip by train – is taking more than an hour and a half in the aftermath of last week’s horrific train collision.  Two Metro-North commuter trains collided late last week seriously injuring dozens.  Cleanup and full restoration of service is expected to take weeks.  During which time, some 30,000 commuters will be taking an inconvenient network of shuttle buses and other routes to get into the city to work and study.  If you’re a student of the Allen School Online, taking medical billing and coding training from the comfort of your favorite remote location, this significant detour will not add to your stress levels or time spent in transit.  Study medical billing and coding online and leave the rat race to the rats!

Lesson for CNA Candidates – Turning Adversity into Achievement

Nothing dissuades winners from their ultimate triumph.  Countless volumes have been written by or about those who have made some of human history’s most significant achievements.  The similarity between every winners’ story is a strong tendency to persevere.  Those who have ultimately won and captured the prize they pursued all agree that countless failures had to be endured along the long road to inevitable success; a road that one cannot travel to its terminus without dogged determination and a mindset that doesn’t view adversity or challenges as obstacles.  But rather, as stepping stones to something greater. If you’re a certified nursing assistant, or if you’re considering becoming a certified nursing assistant, but there are obstacles preventing you from acting on your desire to take CNA training, you should consider the story of Dr. Jan Brunstrom-Hernandez.  Her story of overcoming adversity and even leveraging her challenge into a life-affirming solution is truly inspirational.  It should demonstrate that there are no true obstacles.  Only setbacks on the road to success.