Super Bowl Study Break for Medical Office Assistant Trainees

Well, you needn’t be studying to become a medical office assistant strictly.  The following also applies to all Allen School students who may be taking CNA training or studying online for medical billing and coding certification.  While it is certainly a good deal of work studying to be a medical office assistant, CNA or billing and coding pro, it is healthy to take some well-deserved time for a study break.  With Super Bowl 47 set to take place this coming Sunday, there is no better excuse for logging off, whipping up a batch of guacamole and chicken wings, and hanging out with a group of friends to watch the big game (and also the ridiculous TV commercials).  Yes, its true there are no local teams in the big game this year.  San Francisco versus Baltimore.  But its entirely plausible that Allen School graduates working as medical office assistants, CNAs or billing and coding professionals may well reside in Baltimore or San Fran.  After all, part of the reason to work towards these career positions is the ability to become more upwardly mobile.  And with these positions in high demand, those possessing them can pretty much choose to live and work wherever they want.  So keep up the good studies, but take some time this weekend for some FOOTBALL!

Certified Medical Assistant, Heal thy Cell Phone !

CNA Sick PhoneYes, the cell phone has become an invaluable tool for work as much as for play.  Certified medical assistants are as prone as any other career worker to rely on their cell phones for business apps, productivity apps, and other functionalities offered by today’s powerful, hand-held computers.  So perhaps none of us should be surprised to learn that the evil geniuses of the nerd community have begun producing viruses that infect cell phone operating systems.  Just like the viruses that damage our desktop computers and destroy productivity, these new cell phone viruses can render your cell phone nearly inoperable.  But, there are steps you can take to protect your devices from the malicious code of evil hackers. Yahoo! News’s Colm Byrne writes a great piece on how to stop the mobile virus in its tracks.  Medical assistants ought to read up on how to treat the personal assistants in their pockets or pocketbooks.  An ounce of prevention, AMIRITE? Article updated December 12, 2023

More Tips for the CNA Résumé

OK, so you don’t have to be strictly a certified nursing assistant to make use of the following résumé tips.  You can be a recent graduate of the Allen School with a newly minted certification in medical billing and coding, medical office assistant or CNA and this info will be equally pertinent to you. The good folks over at the US News & World Report published a list of 6 résumé red flags you can easily avoid.  Abridged list below, but you can read the details in the original article here.  6 things to avoid including in your curriculum vitae (CV):
  • Generic résumé
  • Résumé appearance malfunction
  • Bad grammar/spelling
  • Résumé timeline gaps
  • Résumé evasiveness
  • Key phrase banalities
Getting a job as a CNA, medical office assistant or medical billing and coding professional is easier when you have solid training provided by the Allen School.  But writing your CV is a difficult task full of pitfalls.  So read the article and make sure you put your best foot forward.

Staying Flu Free Working in the Medical Office

Sleep – water – exercise – garlic – zinc – sex – laughter – massage: what do all these items have in common?  They are all things you should be having plenty of if you want to avoid getting the flu this year.  2013 is shaping up to be an epidemic year for the flu with millions already infected and many more to contract the illness before the season is through. If you’re studying to become a medical office assistant, you’ll need to know how to keep yourself healthy, even during peak flu season when you’ll be coming into regular daily contact with sick people.  This awesome article and slide show courtesy Huffington Post’s Sarah Klein, explains how each of these easy-to-manage steps can really help you ward off the flu and other illnesses frequently encountered by medical office assistants, medical billing and coding professionals and all workers in the medical office.  Read up on how to protect yourself!

Medical Assistant Again Makes DOL’s List of In-demand Jobs

Every year, the US Department of Labor puts out a list of the careers in highest demand (by industry).  It surprises no one here at the Allen School Blog that healthcare careers continue to be in very high demand.  Doctors, nurses, CNAs, pharmacy technicians and all fields of healthcare are always seeking new human resources to meet with seemingly unending demand.  But this year, it was the Medical Office Assistant that made the USDOL list for the healthcare field.  Medical office assistant training can prepare one for a lifetime of opportunity in a field that is projected to enjoy continued growth over the next decade.  Read the summary of the DOL report here.

We Interrupt this Blog on Medical Assistant Training…

To bring you breaking developments in the “Oh my word, that’s just too cute for words” department.  Yes, it’s Monday and we should be focused as we typically are, on delivering material relevant to those in pursuit (or considering pursuing) careers as a medical office assistant or medical billing and coding specialists.  But we just saw this story about the debut of the recently born baby panda bear at the San Diego zoo.  And we had to take a moment to spend gawking over the new baby named “Xiao Liwu” (Shyyow Lee Woo).  As a medical office assistant, you may be called upon to help treat patients like this blogger who are suffering from a bad case of the mushies, oohing and ahhing over this cute little critter.  Consider it a treatment for a bad case of “the Mondays” from your friendly neighborhood blogger.  Now, back to your regularly scheduled blog on topics relevant to those studying medical billing and coding or medical office assistant training.

CNA, Medical Office Assistant and Billing and Coding Pro All Make List

US News and World Report publishes an annual list of the 100 best jobs of the year.  This is what they have to say about their list, ” U.S. News 100 Best Jobs of 2013 are the occupations that offer a mosaic of employment opportunity, good salary, manageable work-life balance, and job security. Some careers offer just the right mix of these components—for instance, our top tier is filled with tech and healthcare jobs.” It would seem that Allen School is the place to be if you’re interested in building a career in one of the list’s “best jobs”.  This is because every career opportunity you can train for at Allen School – Certified Nurses Assistant training, medical office assistant training and medical billing and coding training – are represented on this year’s list.  Allen School students are wise for seeking opportunities in some of the best positions for good salaries, work-life balance and job security.  See the whole list here.

Keeping Medical Office Assistants Well During Peak Times for Illness

Everyone in this blogger’s house, including yours truly, has been suffering with the Flu for the last 10 days.  Luckily, I got a Flu shot earlier in the year so my sickness was mild compared to my wife and son’s.  Authorities are saying this year is shaping up to be a bad year for Flu.  Articles here and here show the details of the emerging epidemic.  All this talk about overrun hospitals and doctors’ offices got me to thinking, “how do the office workers in my doctor’s office (and those in all other doctor’s offices) work in such a contaminated environment and manage to avoid being sick all year long? It seems that for medical office assistants, medical billing and coding professionals and certified nursing assistants (CNA), there are some best practices to follow that can help cut down on exposure and infection by communicable diseases. has an informative article entitled, “6 Tips for Avoiding Illness When You Work in a Medical Office” and it has some very excellent, common sense suggestions for medical office workers to help them avoid getting ill from patient contact.  So if you’ve recently completed your studies at Allen School and have earned your certification as a medical billing and coding specialist, a medical office assistant or a CNA, you should read this piece and take the advice to heart if you want to stay healthy throughout this Flu season.

Certified Medical Assistants, Get Your Sleep!

Today (and tonight) is National Sleep Day.  National Sleep Day is a holiday designed to illustrate the incredible value of getting enough sleep each night and raising awareness regarding the very negative consequences of not sleeping enough.  For those chronically sleep-deprived, there are many negative consequences to consider such as the increased risk of stroke, poor eating choices, depressed immune system response, anxiety, and others.  The article linked here mentions how surgeons’ success rates seem to decline in conjunction with the levels of sleep they get.  This is critical because nurses and certified medical assistants are also in very important roles where patient health and well-being hang in the balance.  It is part of providing superior service as a medical assistant to be sure that you’re well-rested and at the top of your game.  Allen School of Health Sciences can provide you with top-notch certified medical assistant training, but it is up to you to protect your ability to perform your job at the highest level by getting the appropriate amount of sleep each night. Article updated December 12, 2023

Resolve to Complete CNA Training and Improve Your Income

So the holiday decorations are put away, the Champagne bottles and party hats all sit, empty, next to an overflowing recycling bin, Times Square has been swept clean of confetti; the New Year has fully arrived.  In the cold and sober light of the first serious days of 2013, many of us turn to making assessments of ways we can improve ourselves with a fresh, new year stretched out before us with all its promise still intact.  For many (including your humble narrator) this involves redoubling efforts to lose weight and be more active.  For many, this self inventory may lead to a commitment to spend more time involved in serving others via church organizations or other charity organizations.  For those of you here reading a blog dedicated to topics relevant to medical office, medical billing and coding and certified nursing assistant careers, the New Years resolution likely has something to do with taking the actions necessary to improve your income, and thus your overall standard of living.  Earning a CNA certification from the Allen School is just the kind of resolution that leads to improved earning capacity and broader job opportunity.  Certified Nursing Assistants are in high demand according to many government reports about where employment will be most robust in the near- and long- term.  So if your resolution is to get training and apply what you learn to the pursuit of greater health and wealth in 2013, then you’re at the right place.  Allen School CNA training programs can certainly help you follow through on this New Year’s resolution.