Top Reasons to Start School Now

Top 5 Reasons to Start School NOW
  1. Healthcare Careers are growing, Leading to Career Opportunities
  2. The kids are in school, so why aren’t you?
  3. Start a Tradition/ Leave a Legacy
  4. If you don’t move, you won’t get ahead – Timing is Everything
  5. Your Time and Money are at stake
  Healthcare careers are on the rise in the US as people age the need for highly qualified Medical Assistants and Nursing Assistants. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics these occupations will see steady increases in job opportunities between 2014 and 2024. The kids are in school… why aren’t you? The Allen School of Health Sciences has flexible schedules to help you balance home, school, and work. Imagine how excited your family will be to see you learning and creating new opportunities for yourself. Start a Tradition/ Leave a Legacy. If there’s one thing we love at the Allen School of Health Sciences, its hearing how so many of our students are the first in their families to finish school and start on the path to a rewarding new career. We take pride in helping you step up to the next level and start a legacy of education that you and your family can be proud of. If you don’t move, you won’t get ahead. 2017 is almost gone. What are you waiting for? Nothing will change in your life if you don’t take the first steps to making it change. If you don’t start school now you’ll be in the same situation next year. Stop letting life pass you by, in less than a year it could be YOU walking across the stage at graduation celebrating your accomplishments and starting a career. Time and Money…two things everyone wants more of. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Department of Labor the unemployment rate among people who further their education is significantly lower than that of people who have a high school diploma or less than a complete high school education. Earnings increase significantly as a worker’s degree of education rises. In addition healthcare workers often enjoy things like flexible schedules, healthcare benefits, and retirement plans, something not often available in jobs that don’t require a more advanced education. So stop waiting until the time is right, or the kids are older, or things are better. It’s time to make the change YOU deserve to live a better life. Education is the first step to a potentially life changing career. Call us today to get started. Call 877-591-8753 or visit our website at

Unusual Medieval Medicine Practices

The Halloween season is upon us and it’s always fun to take a look at some unusual and sometimes gruesome medieval medicinal practices that we are all very glad are not used today. Many of them did more harm than good and have since been replaced with more practical, effective, and humane alternatives. A few however still exist at least in theory.
  1. Blood Letting – There was a huge belief that many illnesses were caused by bad blood. So this practice involved the draining of blood which would often result in accidental death from blood loss, this could either be accomplished through cutting the skin or using actual leaches. It is not entirely a bad idea though, today many hospitals still use leaches when re-attaching things like fingers or ears as their saliva is a natural anticoagulant. They also encourage blood flow through the reattached body part.
  2. Trepanation – You had to be careful not to complain about headaches too much in medieval times lest you find yourself on the receiving end of this procedure. Trepanation involved boring a hole through the skull to release evil spirits. Amazingly enough evidence shows that many patients actually survived this procedure.
  3. Mercury – We now know that this is a highly toxic substance, but back in the day it was believed to prolong a person’s lifespan and increase their vitality. It was also believed to treat anything from syphilis to infection. Unfortunately this would often result in an untimely death as the mercury destroyed the patient’s kidney and liver.
  4. Babylonian Skull Cure – Definitely the weirdest, but least damaging “cure” on our list. This practice was based on the belief that sleeping by a human skull would offer protection from evil spirits. This was prescribed to patient’s suffering anything from sleepless nights to grinding teeth. It was believed the skull would prevent spirits from contacting you while you slept.
To read more interesting and gruesome medieval medicine practices please click here. If you would like to explore a career in modern medicine please contact us today. Our curriculum doesn’t cover sleeping by skulls or drilling holes in people’s heads, but we have help thousands of students start successful careers in healthcare over the past 56 years.

Flu Season Is Coming

As we head into the New Year we unfortunately also head into cold and flu season. You have enough going on in your life with work, home, and school, you definitely do not want to get sick as well if you can help it. So please read on for 7 great tips to help keep you and your family from catching the flu this season.
  1. Get Your Flu Vaccine – Doctors agree this is your best preventative measure against the flu.
  2. Be Obsessed with Hand Washing – Wash often, and then wash again.
  3. Take Symptoms Seriously – Especially if you fall into a high risk category like being pregnant
  4. Teach your Kids to Wash Well – Kids love to teach everything and everyone! Wash those little hands often and use hand sanitizer
  5. Stop Nibbling your Nails – Your nails are a great hiding place for the flu bug and you touch more than you’ll ever know in a day.
  6. Keep Things Clean and Sanitized – the cleaner the better especially if someone in your home is already showing signs of being sick
  7. Be your Healthiest Self – Get plenty of rest. Keep exercising even as the weather gets cold, and eat healthy.
Now we certainly can’t promise these tips will keep you from getting sick, but they are good guidelines to help you lessen the possibility. Always remember that it is the duty of every healthcare provider to maintain an active and healthy life style to set a good example for their patients. Not to mention your fellow classmates will not appreciate you getting them ill.

Donating Blood – How is Blood Used?

On October 10th the Phoenix Campus will be hosting an onsite blood drive thanks to help of United Blood Services of Phoenix and their mobile Blood Mobile! Donating blood is a great way to help those in need. In fact it’s estimated that blood transfusions save more than 4 million lives each year. So how exactly is blood used once you donate it? Most commonly your blood will be separated into several different components so that one donation can benefit many patients. The five most common components are: Red Blood Cells: The most frequently transfused component. Treatment of chronic anemia resulting from disorders such as kidney failure, malignancy or gastrointestinal bleeding. Congestive heart failure. Treatment to raise the hematocrit or hemoglobin levels without raising blood volume (such as with elderly patients). Replenish acute blood loss resulting from accident or surgery. Platelets: Treatments for leukemia and other cancers. Used for conditions in which patient has a shortage of platelets or abnormal platelet function (thrombocytopenia). Learn more about Platelet Pheresis. Plasma: The liquid portion of blood that contains proteins that help treat severe bleeding problems. Plasma isn’t transfused as often as red blood cells or platelets, so once patient needs are met, plasma can be sent to manufacturers that make other treatment products such as albumin and immune globulin. Cryoprecipitate: A component of plasma that contains blood clotting proteins. It is used to treat or prevent bleeding and disorders such as hemophilia or von Willebrand disease. It may also be used as a hemostatic preparation in surgery. White Blood Cells: Granulocytes are a type of white blood cell that can be collected through apheresis and used for infections that are unresponsive to antibiotic therapy. *Sources: AABB (, America’s Blood Centers ( To read more about blood donation and learn how you can take part in the Phoenix Campus Blood drive please visit the United Health Services website here or contact Ms. Vivian at the Phoenix campus. The Allen School of Health Sciences is always proud to help our community through events like blood donations, fund raising, and education. To learn more about our community efforts please visit our website and read about our Institution for HOPE Campaign.

10 Awesome Human Body Facts You (Probably) Didn’t Know

You learned a lot of awesome things about the human body in your anatomy and physiology class but here are 10 awesome things your instructor (probably) didn’t teach you.
  1. Just like your fingers, your tongue also has a unique print to it. So if you don’t want people to find out your identity make sure you don’t go around sticking your tongue on things!
  2. You shed about 1.5 lbs of skin every year. So by the time you are 70 you will have lost around 105 lbs of skin. How’s that for a great diet plan?
  3. You probably learned that the human body has 206 bones, but did you know that an infant actually has 350? As a child grow the bones fuse together and eventually leave us with 206.
  4. You probably learned more than you hoped about digestion in class, but did you know that you actually grow a new stomach lining every 3-4 days because of the strong acids needed for digestion?
  5. The human nose can remember 50,000 scents.
  6. Your small intestine is roughly 4 times longer than your height. Generally between 18 to 23 feet in length.
  7. Your feet produce approximately a pint of sweat every day.
  8. A human sneeze travels around 100 miles per hour.
  9. There are approximately 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body (if you laid them all end to end) and the heart pumps almost 2000 gallons of blood every day.
  10. In a lifetime the average person produces about 25,000 quarts of saliva…..that’s enough to fill almost 2 swimming pools.
  Want to read more fun (and sometimes frightening) facts about the human body? Click here Ready to put your new found knowledge to good use and start a new career? Visit our website at and start working towards your new career today. We are enrolling now for our final fall classes in Medical Assisting and Nursing Assisting. Don’t wait until next year to make your dreams come true.

Institution for HOPE – Sickle Cell Disease

Every month the Allen School of Health Sciences offers our students the opportunity to take their learning beyond the classroom and into the real world through our Institution for HOPE program. This unique program allows students to learn about, research, and support important causes that their patients may face when they begin their new careers. In the month of September we support Sickle Cell Awareness. Today we look at 5 facts about Sickle Cell Anemia you may not know.
  1. Sickle Cell Disease is the most common genetic disorder in the United States with almost 100,000 Americans living with the disease.
  1. People are born with the disease, it does not develop in adulthood, and it’s not contagious.
  1. Sickle Cell Disease is chronic, but treatable. Currently there is no known cure.
  1. Sickle Cell Disease affects people of many different races
  1. Patients with Sickle Cell Disease require comprehensive care that address many different aspects of the patient’s lifestyle
  To read more of this great article from the New York Times please click here. To learn more about our Institution for HOPE program, please visit our website at where you can learn about all the great causes we support throughout the year.

Are You The Ultimate Allen School Fan?

You know how awesome it is to be a student here. You have great instructors, a support team to help you every step of the way. You are going to go out into the world and be the king or queen of all healthcare interns ever…. But do you know all the other ways you can show that you are the ultimate Allen School fan?  
  1. Social Media!! – We are everywhere. We have Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google+, Linked-In, Pinterest, and more. If you want to know what we are up to and support your fellow students be sure to like us, follow us, tweet us, snap us, and show off your own moments of triumph during class, intern, and beyond. You can even show off your Allen School pride with our great Facebook Frames.
  1. Testify – You’ve seen the posters on the wall and on the website. Want to share your own story? Send us your testimonial and picture to and we will share it with everyone. You never know who else you may inspire to change their life through education just like you did.
  1. Buy the Swag – Please check out our awesome school store. We have some really great stuff in there that will help you show off your Allen School spirit. Imagine someone on the subway asks you about your awesome Allen School shirt and all of a sudden you have a new classmate. Wouldn’t that be the greatest feeling in the world? Check out the store here.
  1. Hash It Out – #AllenSchool, #AllenSchoolStrong, #GreatestMedicalAssistantEver. The sky is the limit when it comes to tagging. We want to see your best hashtag so we can share your Allen School success with everyone.
  1. Buy the DVD?? – Just kidding, there is no DVD. We would love to see your success though and invite all of our students to take part in our “I Got Hired” video series. You can either visit the student services department or make your own video and send it to us at it’s very easy. Just hit record and tell us who you are, where you got hired, and how much you love the Allen School.
  Our students mean everything to us and we want to share your success at every step of the way. So please check us out on Social Media, share your greatest moments, and become the ultimate Allen School fan!!

Tips for Keeping Fit in Fall

For much of the country fall is almost here. Days are getting cooler and shorter and it can be more difficult than ever to get the exercise you need to stay healthy and fit. Today let’s look at some  great tips from the Huffington Post on staying healthy and active in the fall months.  
  1. Enjoy the Foliage – Get outside and enjoy the turning leaves. A brisk walk under the autumn canopy will not only excite your sense, it probably won’t even feel like you are exercising.
  2. Layer Up – Layer your clothing so that as you get warm while exercising you can take off layers and stay comfortable. The more you enjoy your work out the more likely you are to keep exercising
  3. Take a Cue from the Kids – Go take a class. We know you are busy with work and school yourself, but now is a great time to take a class you have always wanted to try. From fencing to spinning, or even martial arts, a structured class setting will help keep you motivated and keep your exercise regimen on track.
  4. Work Out at Home – After a day of school and work the last thing you may want to do is hit the gym, especially as the weather gets colder and the days get shorter. Look for some easy ways to work out at home. Better yet involve your kids and keep everyone healthy and moving.
  5. Eat Those Fall Treats – No not candy corn and pumpkin spice lattes…..hit the farmers market and get fresh and nutritious foods like squash, sweet potatoes, and apples.
If you like these tips and want some more ideas of how to stay healthy as the fall season comes please check out the full article here. Always remember as a healthcare provider the best thing you can do for your patients is lead by example. By staying fit and healthy all season not only will you be ready to provide the best patient care, but you can easily encourage your patient’s to stay fit and healthy as well.

Warning! Look out for Ticks!

Deadly Tick Virus Summertime is tick season.  Ticks are familiar to most, especially dog owners. A common disease that ticks are known for carrying is Lyme disease. Unfortunately, there is a fatal virus that is getting a lot of attention throughout the nation. Powassan (POW) virus is transferred to humans through a tick bite as well, but its effects are far more deadly. Typically, this disease is transmitted to individuals in the Great Lakes and Northeastern region of the United States. Signs and Symptoms A few signs and symptoms to be aware of include: vomiting, headache, fever, fatigue, seizers, confusion and memory loss. In more severe cases long -term neurologic issues may ensue. If you think you or a family member may have contracted POW then contact your healthcare provider immediately Preventative Options Reduce the odds of infection by wearing long pants and sleeves, use tick repellent, and avoid wooded and forested areas. Remember; always check for ticks after spending time outdoors. Allen School of Health Sciences Medical Assistant and Nursing Assistant students we want you to enjoy these warmer months, but also remain informed about viruses like POW. By staying in the know it helps to keep you and your loved ones safe. Learn more about POW on Center of Disease Control and Prevention website.

It’s Graduation Time!!

Congratulations Graduates Congratulations Allen School of Health Sciences Graduates! Completing your program and graduating will be one of the greatest accomplishments in your life. Revel in this moment as you have completed a huge milestone and can now proudly address yourself as a healthcare professional. This time of year is always filled with excitement as the Allen School Health Sciences hosts commencement for all of our Nursing Assistant, Medical Assistant and Medical Billing and Coding students. Allen School would like to thank all of our graduates for choosing us as your school of choice to help take your healthcare career to the next level. We would also like to thank our faculty and staff who work diligently to provide an excellent student experience while preparing our students for the medical field. Class of 2017, the Allen School is proud to call you family and now Alumni! Our Phoenix Campus had a beautiful ceremony this month. We look forward to our New York ceremony in June where we will celebrate the success of not only our campus students, but also our online students. We are excited to meet the family and friends who have assisted in our student’s success and have kept them motivated throughout their journey.