25 Fascinating Facts About The Health Sciences

Learning about the breakthroughs and discoveries of the health and sciences field can hold one’s attention for hours at a time. It can seem like there is no limit to the number of interesting facts that health-science researchers and scientists have compiled throughout history.

It’s one of the major reasons Allen School has passionately taught health science for over 60 years – Let these fun and incredible facts stoke your interest and deepen your knowledge in the study of the health sciences.

Interesting Facts About Health Sciences

  1. The Hippocratic Oath, which still unites doctors around the world to a common ethical code, was written over 2,000 years ago. (Source: “Hippocratic Oath.” Encyclopedia Britannica, edited by Adam Augustyn.)
  2. Myofascia – like that tough casing around a steak – is found in and around all tissues of the human body, and it adapts to the particular musculoskeletal movements unique to each person. (Source: Cleveland Clinic.)
  3. Now cliché, the slogan “You are what you eat” achieved widespread popularity after a 1923 beef advertisement, which claimed: “Ninety percent of the diseases known to man are caused by cheap foodstuffs. You are what you eat.” (Source: Martin, Gary. “You are what you eat.” The Phrase Finder.)
  4. Everyone knows that the rich green color of most plant life is due to chlorophyll. What is not widely known is that its molecular structure is almost identical to the hemoglobin contained in the blood. (Source: Oregon State University.)
  5. The vagus nerve, which plays an integral role in regulating the entire nervous system, connects to every organ of the human body except the adrenals. (Source: Dr. Mark Sircus.)
  6. A study reviewed by the NIH proved that slow, deep breathing reduces one’s heart rate, increases vigor, boosts alpha brain waves, and activates the parasympathetic nervous system. (Source: Zaccaro, Andrea et al [2018]. How Breath-Control Can Change Your Life […]. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.)
  7. As far back as the early 1930s, scientists working for John Hopkins University were able to clearly see and identify living microscopic organisms even smaller than bacteria by using extremely advanced microscope technology. (Source: Johnson, Hal. “Newest Microscope Will Trail Unknown Germs to Their Lairs.” San Diego Union, Dec. 12, 1931.)
  8. During experiments aimed at discovering what was responsible for slowed decay rates in certain plant tissues, Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi conclusively identified what we now know as vitamin C. (Source: Science History Institute.)
  9. In the mid-1800s, people ridiculed the suggestion by Hungarian doctor Ignaz Semmelweis to wash one’s hands before delivering childbirth or conducting surgery. (Source: The Washington Post.)
  10. The electromagnetic field of the human heart is over 100 times more powerful than the brain and can be detected by magnetometers up to three feet away. (Source: “Science of the Heart.” 2022. HearthMath Institute.)
  11. A study concluded that “self-awareness” and “targeting emotional processes” (e.g., journaling) significantly reduced pain and improved the physical functioning of patients suffering from chronic pain. (Source: Hsu, Michael C., MD et al [2010]. “Sustained Pain Reduction Through Affective Self-awareness in Fibromyalgia […].” Journal of General Internal Medicine, 25, 1064–1070.)
  12. Spending at least two hours in nature per week creates health improvements comparable to meeting common exercise guidelines as well as overcoming socioeconomic barriers to health. (Source: White, Matthew P. et al [2019]. “Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing.” Scientific Reports, 9 [Article no. 7730].)
  13. The Medical Assistant field was officially recognized in 1956 with the founding of the American Association of Medical Assistants. (Source: American Association of Medical Assistants.)
  14.  Since 1961, The Allen School of Health Sciences has assisted and trained thousands of people for their new careers in healthcare. Learn more at one of our Allen School of Health Sciences campuses.
  15. The human body generates approximately 3.8 million new cells every… single… second! (Source: Starr, Michelle. “Your Body Makes 3.8 Million Cells Every Second […].” 2021. ScienceAlert.com.)
  16. Laughter has been repeatedly proven to stimulate organs, relieve stress, and improve immunity. (Source: Mayo Clinic.)
  17. Unlike the circulatory system, the lymph system doesn’t have a constantly pulsing network of tubes to keep it moving. The body’s solution? Movement! Exercise stimulates lymph nodes, drains cellular waste products, and enhances natural immunity. (Source: MD Anderson)
  18. Fingernails grow faster on one’s dominant hand. (Source: American Academy of Dermatology Association.)
  19. A study on how taking photos affects memory suggests that taking a picture of something actually reduces one’s memory for it. (Source: Soares, Julia S. & Storm, Benjamin C. [2018]. Forget in a Flash […], Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 7(1), 154-160.)
  20. Yarrow and mallow were some of the earliest known medicines, used as far back as 60,000 years ago to heal internal and external surface barriers of the body. Today, people use them for the same reasons. (Source: Applequist, Wendy L. & Moerman, Daniel E. [2011]. “Yarrow […]: A Neglected Panacea? […].” Economic Botany, 65(2), 209-225.)
  21. Knowledge and use of medicinal mushrooms go back thousands of years. Even the 5,300-year-old Ice Man “Ötzi” had finely preserved mushroom specimens tucked in his pouch. (Source: Stamets, Paul E. et al [2018]. “Extracts of Polypore Mushroom Mycelia Reduce Viruses in Honey Bees.” Scientific Reports 8 [Article no. 13936].)
  22. Mycoremediation – the use of fungi with toxin-remediating properties – is becoming a popular method for quickly breaking down environmental pollutants and improving public health. (Source: Permaculture Magazine.)
  23. Legacy pollutants continue to be phased out of modern industrial use since lead was removed from paint in 1978 and from gasoline in 1995 – making our environment a safer and healthier place. (Source: Department of Ecology State of Washington)
  24. The next time you feel a sneeze coming on when you don’t have a tissue, simply rub the middle of your forehead up and down. It has a mitigating effect on the sneeze reflex.
  25. When sprouted, seeds and nuts boast higher levels of nutrients, reduced digestion-inhibiting anti-nutrients, and increased levels of enzymes that aid in digestion. (Source: SFGATE.)
  26. The placebo effect is getting measurably stronger over time. (Source: Tuttle, Alexander H. et al [2015]. “Increasing placebo responses over time […].” The Journal for the International Association for the Study of Pain, 156(12), 2616-2626.)

Learn More at Allen School of Health Sciences

  Ready to start learning more about the health sciences? Working towards a new career? Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for classes starting soon. We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu to learn more.


Image Source: New Africa /  Shutterstock

Tips to Work from Home

Tips to Work from Home

In the office, your coworkers often pose the greatest threat to keeping you from getting some real, heads-down work done. They drop by your desk, engage you in conversation, and invite you to lunch. The social benefits of a workplace are definitely nice to have, but they can become a challenge if you’re easily distracted. At the home office, however, it’s easy for you to become your own worst enemy, because when you’re not surrounded by coworkers, you’re free to drop those pesky inhibitions. At the home office, no one’s watching. You don’t necessarily feel that same peer pressure or communal obligation to get things done. (Also: You can wear shorts and a tee-shirt)!

Get Started Early: When working in an office, your morning commute can help you wake up and feel ready to work by the time you get to your desk. At home, however, the transition from your pillow to your computer can be much more jarring. Believe it or not, one way to work from home productively is to dive into your to-do list as soon as you wake up. Simply getting a project started first thing in the morning can be the key to making progress on it gradually throughout the day. Otherwise, you’ll prolong breakfast and let the morning sluggishness wear away your motivation.

Choose a Dedicated Workspace: Just because you’re not working at an office doesn’t mean you can’t have an office. Rather than locking yourself up in your room or on the couch, dedicate a specific room or surface in your home to work.

Structure Your Day Like You would in the Office: When working from home, you’re your own personal manager. Without things like an in-person meeting schedule to break up your day, you can be quick to lose focus or burn out. To stay on schedule, segment what you’ll do and when over the course of the day. If you have an online calendar, create personal events and reminders that tell you when to shift gears and start on new tasks.

Plan Out What You Will Be Working on Ahead of Time: Spending time figuring out what you’ll do today can take away from actually doing those things. And, you’ll have planned your task list so recently that you can be tempted to change your schedule on the fly. It’s important to let your agenda change if you need it to, but it’s equally as important to commit to an agenda that outlines every assignment before you begin. Try solidifying your schedule the day before, making it feel more official when you wake up the next day to get started on it.

Communicate Expectations with Anyone Who Will Be Home with You: Of course, you might be working from home but still have “company.” Make sure any roommates, siblings, parents, and spouses respect your space during work hours. Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean your home. AND SOME FUN…….

Match Your Music to The Task at Hand: During the week, music is the soundtrack to your career. And at work, the best playlists are diverse playlists — you can listen to music that matches the energy of the project you’re working on. It only makes sense that it would help you focus on your work as well. ( Tell us what music you listen to when you are working from home. We will post your choices on our Allen School of Health Sciences Instagram @allen_school).

Use Your Laundry as a Work Timer: Doing your laundry is a built-in timer for your home. So, use the time to start and finish something from your to-do list before changing the load. Committing to one assignment during the wash cycle and another during the dry cycle can train you to work smarter on tasks that you might technically have all day to tinker with.

Keep the TV on in the Background: Of all the tips, tricks, and secrets I’ve uncovered for being more productive at home, one stands out above the rest: Putting on the Yes network! Just keeping the Yes Network running in the background at a low volume helps me get stuff done. (I’m not exactly sure why this trick works, but I can only assume it has something to do with Yankees)!

In order to protect our community during the COVID-19 crisis, The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment. Classes starting soon! Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu to learn more.

Medical Assisting Is More Than Just a Job. It’s an Important Healthcare Career.

If you’re considering pursuing a career in healthcare, Medical Assisting can allow you to do meaningful work that matters in your community. Medical Assistants play an essential role in the day-to-day operations of healthcare facilities and are often among the first and last people a patient sees at their check-ups or doctor’s appointments. If you think the healthcare field could be right for you, here are three reasons why Medical Assisting is a great place to start.

1. Medical Assisting is more than just a job. It’s an important healthcare career.

Medical Assisting is a rewarding healthcare career that can give you the chance to contribute to patient health and care as you support physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals. Medical Assistants often interact with patients and, with an upbeat attitude and positive demeanor, can help to keep patients feeling at ease and smiling during a physician’s visit that might otherwise be stressful. In fact, the Allen School of Health Sciences has been graduating healthcare professions for nearly 60 years.

As a Medical Assistant, you’ll also be learning a lot about the healthcare field, and, in time, may find opportunities for advancement into roles like medical office or records manager, healthcare administrator, nursing or other related jobs.

2. Medical Assisting encompasses many duties, keeping you engaged and on your toes.

As a Medical Assistant, you may perform a diverse mix of administrative and clinical responsibilities. On the administrative side, you might schedule appointments, greet patients, update electronic health records, and handle billing and insurance. Clinical duties can include recording patient information and history, instructing patients on medications, checking vital signs, preparing blood samples, conducting basic lab tests, and assisting the doctor before and during a patient exam. In some states, medical assistants may also give patients injections or medications as instructed by the physician.

Medical Assistants can work in a variety of care facilities, with most having full time schedules while others have the option to work part-time instead. If you work in a physician’s or practitioner’s office, you’re likely to work a predictable schedule as most clinics and offices open during standard business hours, allowing you to more easily plan and schedule time with family and friends. Other large employers of medical assistants include hospitals and outpatient care centers.

3. Employment of Medical Assistants is growing faster than average.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Medical Assistant employment is expected to increase 23% by 2024, much faster than the 7% average across all occupations. (https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/mobile/medical-assistants.htm ) Medical Assistant employment growth follows the general growth of the healthcare industry and the increasing need for support workers at healthcare facilities. By 2024, the BLS projects that 730,200 medical assistants will be employed in the US, compared to the 591,300 medical assistants counted in 2014. Such an increase in demand can provide workers with increased career stability and the knowledge that, no matter where they are in the country, medical assistants will be needed.

How to Prepare for Your Medical Assisting Career

At the Allen School of Health Sciences, our accelerated medical assisting program can prepare you to begin working as a medical assistant in less than a year. Take part in one of our virtual career planning sessions and discover the many healthcare pathways available to you. Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our classes starting soon and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu to learn more.

-Allen School

Essential Phlebotomy Equipment Guide

Phlebotomy is one of the most important jobs in the healthcare industry. A considerable portion of medical treatments and diagnoses rely on blood tests, and the collection of those blood samples is often done by a phlebotomist, who must carefully draw blood from the veins of patients. To do so effectively, they must have the right skills and equipment — with the latter being particularly important. Understanding phlebotomy equipment is key to understanding the job itself. If you’re considering a career in phlebotomy, read on to learn all about the top phlebotomy equipment pieces and their use in a medical setting.

The Most Commonly Used Equipment in Phlebotomy


When it comes to handling bodily fluids — especially blood — health care professionals can never be too careful. Exposure to blood can increase a phlebotomist’s risk of bloodborne pathogens, including HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Though the risk of contracting such an illness from blood exposure is low, it’s still important to prevent — and that’s why scrubs are important. Scrubs minimize the risk of cross-contamination of bodily fluids because they are made from thick, medical-grade materials that block any bodily fluids from seeping through.

Non-Sterile Gloves

Non-sterile gloves are another barrier of protection that’s important for phlebotomists to invest in. Sterile gloves are typically reserved for use in surgical procedures, so for a blood draw, non-sterile gloves are ideal. This is important for the same reason it’s important to wear scrubs. Gloves prevent potential exposure to blood from a patient and thus minimize the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

Alcohol Pad

One of the most important principles of phlebotomy is ensuring the integrity of the collected sample. If a sample is contaminated, it can yield false results or force a patient to later resubmit a new sample — both of which can threaten a patient’s health and wellbeing when test results are time-sensitive. In order to effectively prevent contamination of the blood sample, a phlebotomist must cleanse the draw site prior to venipuncture. This is typically done by using an alcohol pad on the skin. Alcohol is a natural antiseptic, so it quickly removes any bacteria or residue which might compromise a blood sample.


Some patients have veins that are immediately visible and easy to access, but others are not so lucky. Regardless of how easy a blood draw may look, it’s always best to take steps to make the target vein as accessible as possible. A tourniquet is key to accomplishing this goal. When applied, a tourniquet will limit the blood flow to a limb, making it easier for a phlebotomist to draw blood due to the dilation of the vein.


Needles, of course, are perhaps the most essential tool for phlebotomists. Needles come in all shapes, sizes, and gauges, but the most commonly used gauge for venipuncture is 21. However, a 16 gauge need may be used for blood donation, and injections may call for a 30 gauge needle. It’s essential to have a range of needles available to always have the best tool for the task at hand.

Blood Collection Tubes

A phlebotomist who collects blood samples must have the correct containers for the blood to be collected in. Blood collection tubes are thus another important item in the tool kit of an effective phlebotomist. Different types of tubes are used for different types of collections—for example, the Microtainer® tube is often used to collect a blood sample from punctured skin on a person’s finger or heel. Alternately, a microhematocrit tube may be used for microhematocrit test collections.


Correctly identifying a blood sample is just as important as correctly collecting it. A mislabeled or unlabeled sample can wreak havoc and jeopardize a patient’s health. Labels should always be completed and applied to a patient’s sample immediately after being collected.

Gauze or Bandages

Gauze and bandages are two of the most essential supplies for any phlebotomist. After a sample has been taken, a patient’s venipuncture site should be covered in order to encourage clotting, stop bleeding, and prevent infection. Both gauze and bandages can accomplish this and protect a patient’s wound. Bandages and gauze also help to absorb excess blood that may continue to flow after the draw has been completed.


Sometimes, if a patient has particularly fragile or small veins, a syringe may be necessary to complete the collection. Syringes are useful for this purpose because they allow for aspiration that prevents the collapse of the vein. Using a needle that is too big can easily cause swelling that results in vein collapse, which can quickly become a serious medical trauma.

Safety Trainer Device

The safety trainer device is a vital protective tool that prevents phlebotomists from potential exposure to a patient’s blood. These devices come in various forms, but they’re most commonly implemented in the form of a resheathing device that covers the needle after use. This protects phlebotomists from accidentally sticking themselves with a needle while transferring a blood sample into the vacuum tube from a syringe.

BD Eclipse

The BD Eclipse is a multi-sample collection needle that utilizes a vacuum system. It is most often used for venipuncture in conjunction with its vacuum tube collection feature. Phlebotomists can also enjoy the safety device that comes attached, which is part of the manufacturer’s SmartSlip technology. The needle’s pivoting shield further ensures the technician’s safety throughout the entire collection process.

Find the Right Phlebotomist Training Program

If you’re interested in a career in phlebotomy, you probably want to know as much as possible about the medical field and its available careers. Phlebotomy is an excellent job for anybody who wants to help people while working in the fast-paced health care industry, and Allen School is the best place to learn the skills you need for a successful career. For more information on available training programs, start dates, and financial aid, you can call us at (888) 620-6745 or reach us online.  

Image Source: Microgen / Shutterstock

Nervous to Go Back to School?

How do you feel about going back to school? Do you dream of where it could take your career, or do you fear that because you are a working parent or professional that you will not have the time or energy to go back? Fear has this funny way of holding us back from exceptional things. We can think of many reasons not to take on this challenge like the additional workload, the time and energy it will take, and the biggest one of all- fear of failure.

How can you put these fearful thoughts aside and truly judge if it is time for you to go back to school? School should give you something you are missing. Why do you want to go back to school?  What is missing in your life right now that school could provide? What will furthering your education bring you? A promotion, growth of your knowledge and skill of your field, or perhaps a change your career track all together? When you can articulate the reasons or your “Why statement” then you can use it to fight back your fear and leave your fearful thoughts behind.

Get Your Support System to Back You Up

There will be times when you need help with your home life responsibilities. To avoid feeling overwhelmed by the extra workload, think about who your support system is and how they can help you accomplish your goals. Identify what you need help with. Will you do homework at night, early mornings, or on the weekends at the library?

Next, get that support system on board. These can be ​your spouse, partner, parents, neighbors, kids, or friends. Share with them why you are going back to school and share any areas you need help with. You will feel relief knowing that your support system has your back.

Find Extra Time Blocks in Your Day

Do you feel like you will not have enough time or energy to do homework? Then try this; Throughout your day tomorrow make it a priority to look for small blocks of free time. Did you spend too much time on social media during lunch? If so, then that could be time in your day to do work.

Keep a lookout for these blocks of time where you could give up something to make room for schoolwork. School will not last forever and making some sacrifices will be worth it.  It is hard to contain excitement and anxiety over what will happen once you get that degree or certificate, but all good things come to those who wait or work hard.

When fearful thoughts creep up when thinking about returning to school, take a deep breath and put them aside. You have many options for making it work for you and you could reap some big benefits going for it. Following these tips is a way to “go the extra mile”. If you follow these guidelines, you can improve your approach to going back to school.

Ready to start working towards a new career? The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit  www.allenschool.edu to learn more.

Medical Assistant: What are your options?

Becoming a Medical Assistant is one of the quickest ways to enter the world of healthcare. If you are looking to get a good job fast in a growing field, becoming an MA is the way to go. But after you have completed your program and are working in the position, then what? What is the career advancement options for a Medical Assistant?

Medical Assistants can Choose from Several Specializations

Healthcare is a field with tons of specializations, and Medical Assistants are no exception. Finding an MA specialization is one of the best ways to make yourself more in-demand. It also means finding a field that truly interests you and that you enjoy working in. An MA can specialize in everything from internal medicine to transplant surgery and oncology. It would be impossible to name all their options, but every branch and level of medicine must have specialized experts carrying out daily administrative and clinical tasks. Your choices for a specialization are as vast as healthcare itself!

You will Have a Leg up on Further Medical Education

If you want to become a nurse, the education and experience you will get as a Medical Assistant will make a difference in your training. You will probably find clinical and coursework more manageable than other students who go in without experience. Much (though not all) of the material you will encounter will look familiar. As a veteran of the medical world, you will probably be much more at ease with the technical and professional aspects of the material, as well as building upon your existing knowledge base. While other students are learning the ropes of the world of healthcare, you will be climbing them. After all, you have been here before.

Medical Assistants get Valuable Real-World Experience

No matter what you choose to do after your first MA job, you will always have experience that makes you more dynamic and interesting as both an employee and a person. If you want to become a nurse, your MA experience will serve you well. If you want to enter another field, potential employers will almost certainly think highly of your MA experience. And, of course, there is always the option of being an MA for the long haul. After all, Medical Assistants are in demand and an integral part of our healthcare system.

Are you thinking about a new career as a medical assistant? In order to protect our community during the COVID-19 crisis, The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit  www.allenschool.edu to learn more.

New Year Resolutions for a Medical Assistant

The right resolutions can improve your mental and physical health and maybe, even your future career. Try these six resolutions to start your 2022 off right.

Take better care of yourself

Healthcare students from all fields (you know who you are!) tend to go a little harder than most. At clinicals or on your externship, you’re often on your feet assisting patients or moving equipment, and then hurrying back to class/study for the next exam. If you add family and personal responsibilities to the mix, there’s not much time left for you. That’s why eating well, exercising, and getting quality sleep should take a larger precedent in the new year. Make a resolution that will ensure good health is in the forefront, which in turn will make for a better you. Devoting a little more focus and time to your essential needs can result in less stress, more productivity, better outcomes in school, and a more balanced life.

Get in tune with your future

As you go deeper into your studies, you may lose sight of why you wanted to go to school in the first place. The New Year means a clean slate in many ways, but it’s also a time to realign yourself with your big-picture goals. Resolve to talk regularly with the people who inspired you to go to school. At the Allen School of Health Sciences, we have been helping students for 60 years; Encouraging, coaching and assisting students with their career and life goals. Revisit other reasons you wanted to enter into healthcare and write them down, stash them away in a safe place. Better yet, carry them with you on the go this way when if going gets tough in 2022, you’ll always be reminded of why you began school in the first place.

Open up your ears and listen

As healthcare students we want to share what we’ve learned with the world. We go through grueling hours of study and hands-on training, so when the time comes to show off a little, we spout our new knowledge to anyone who will listen. But often, by keeping our mouth shut and our ears open, we actually learn more.

This doesn’t only apply to the classroom; become an active participant in your friendships through active listening. Not only will you build stronger relationships, you’ll also build necessary skills to become a better caregiver in the future.

Laugh a little more each day

Humor has its place in the day-to-day lives of healthcare practitioners for a reason. Even though we’re doing what we love, we see some things most people will never witness at any point in their lives. Our jobs take a physical and emotional toll on us, and without finding something to laugh about daily, it’s easy to succumb to all the pressure. By adding a few extra chuckles to your routine, you can reap the benefits of lower blood pressure, less stress, and increased blood flow. And, let’s face it, laughing makes us feel better.

Stay positive

There will be days when all you want to do is stay in bed and watch your favorite movie instead of facing the challenging day ahead. 2021 was not an easy year to say the least but it’s important that even in the darkest of moments, you try and stay positive. We know, hearing “hang in there” is the last thing you want to hear when you’re having a bad day, but the alternative can have a negative impact on your health, your performance, and your surroundings. When you graduate and become a Medical Assistant, you’ll continue to face many challenges so if you make a resolution to create a habit of positivity, those hard times will be a little easier.

What are your resolutions for the New Year? Ready to put 2021 in the rearview mirror? Are you ready to put your new year’s resolutions into action? Having a new year’s resolution of starting a new career in healthcare?  In order to protect our community during the COVID-19 crisis, The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit  www.allenschool.edu to learn more.

-Allen School

Are You Nervous to Go Back to School in the New Year?

Create a ‘Why Statement’ to help fight the fear about going back to school. How do you feel about going back? Do you dream where it might take your career?  Do you fear that because you are a working parent you won’t have the time or energy to go back to school? Fear has this funny way of holding us back from things that could be exceptional for us. You can think of many reasons not to take on this challenge like the additional workload, time and energy, and fear of failure.

How can you put these fearful thoughts aside and truly judge if it’s time for you to go back to school? School should give you something you’re missing. Why do you want to go back to school?  What is missing in your life right now that school could provide? What will furthering your education bring you? A promotion, growing your competency about the work you do, or perhaps changing your career track?  When you can articulate your reason or your “Why statement” you can use it to fight back your fear. When you begin to doubt yourself, remember your “why statement” to leave your fearful thoughts behind.

Get Your Support System to Back You Up

There will be times when you need help with your home life responsibilities. To avoid feeling overwhelmed by the extra workload, think about who your support system is and how they can help you accomplish your goals. Identify what you need help with. Will you do homework at night, early mornings, or on the weekends at the library?

Next, get your support system on board. People in your support system could be ​your spouse, partner, parents, neighbors, kids, or friends. Share with them why you’re going back to school then share any areas you need help with. You’ll feel less fear knowing that your support system has your back.

Find Extra Time Blocks in Your Day

Do you feel like you won’t have enough time or energy to do homework? Then try this.  Throughout your day tomorrow make it a priority to look for small blocks of free time. Did you spend too much time on your phone during lunch? You could do work then.

Keep a lookout for these blocks of time where you could give up something to make room for school work. School won’t last forever and making some sacrifices will be temporary and worth it.

It’s hard to contain excitement and anxiety over what will happen once you get that degree or certificate. But all good things come to those who wait or work hard.

When fearful thoughts creep up when you think about going back to school, take a deep breath and put them aside. You have many options for making it work for you and you could reap some big benefits if you go for it. Following these tips is a way to “go the extra mile”. If you follow these guidelines, you can improve your approach to going back to school.

Are you ready to start working towards a new career? Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our classes starting in the new year and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu to learn more.

-Allen School

The New Year Brings a New Career in Medical Assisting

The New Year is traditionally a time for change, promises, goal setting and resolutions. Some of them personal, and some professional. Some realistic… and some made with the best of intentions.

Tired of doing the same old thing month after month at work? Looking to move into a role where you can thrive in doing something you love, or contribute back to society? If your New Year goal is to change careers, make the most of your New Year’s goal-setting by motivating yourself to put a plan in place.


If you really want to make this year count towards your career goals, you need to think carefully about what it is you want. Between all the social happenings of the festive season, take some time out just for you and think about your career calling.

If you need a little help getting the ball rolling, consider:

  • ● What did you want to be when you grew up? Maybe a doctor, lawyer, accountant, nurse, Medical Assistant or just working in the healthcare field in general.
  • ● What did you love to do as a child, or wished you had more time for now?
  • ● What kind of job would you do if money wasn’t an issue?
  • ● What careers in healthcare do you always find yourself reading and thinking about?

Dedicating time to really think about what you want to do is the crucial first step to a successful career change. For nearly 60 years the Allen School of Health Sciences have assisted and trained thousands of people in their new careers in healthcare.


Are you lucky enough to know what it is you want to do for the rest of your working life? Thinking and dreaming about it is important, but you’ve also got to be prepared to transfer that dream into a plan and make it a reality. It’s time to start researching how you’re going to get yourself into a position to land that much-coveted career.

Read everything you can about leaders in the healthcare industry and follow their example. What did they do to get to where they are? And what do you need to do to make your career change happen?


Why not make a New Year resolution to commit to upskill your way into your new career in healthcare?

Enroll in a relevant program that will teach you the tools of the trade. Ensure you will receive hands-on learning that will give you real world experience and insight. Look for a program that has an externship component. It’s a great way to develop relevant transferable skills, such as anatomy, phlebotomy or learning how to administer an EKG.

Perpetual Motion

One of the greatest stumbling blocks for people making any kind of New Year resolution is the loss of momentum and motivation as the year wears on. There is never a good time to change careers or go back to school. Life happens!! Make regular dates with yourself to assess your career changing progress and adjust your goals to stay on track. The one thing in life you can’t replace is time.

Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our classes starting in the new year and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu to learn more.

-Allen School

Your Future Begins Here! Medical Assistant Skills Attributes

Medical Assistants are held to a higher standard of professionalism than employees in other industries. The way the Medical Assistant approaches their job and interacts with patients is critical to the success of the physician’s practice, hospitals, outpatient clinics and other healthcare facilities. Patients expect professional behavior and put trust and confidence in those who are professional in demeanor. There are a specific set of skills and attributes that shape a Medical Assistant into a professional.

Medical Assistant Professional Skills

There are many skills that contribute to the professionalism of Medical Assistants. Medical assistants should work on being loyal, dependable, courteous, initiative driven, flexible, credible, confidential, and optimistic.

Loyalty – Medical Assistants should be devoted to the success of the medical practice and hold the belief that being a Medical Assistant there is in their best interest. Loyalty should be reciprocal and if a medical practice is offering equal pay for equal work, the Medical Assistant will feel like the practice is doing its best for them as well.  Medical assistants can go one step further and be committed to the medical practice if they support the employers’ strategy and objectives.

Dependability – a dependable Medical Assistant not only shows up for work on time but also produces consistent work. A Medical Assistant must follow through when the physician gives an order and also be counted on and given more responsibility.

Courtesy – The Medical Assistant should be friendly and kind to patients at the medical practice. Attention should be given to the patient as they arrive at the medical facility and you should offer a warm smile and friendly attitude to the arriving patient.

Initiative – the Medical Assistant should be self-motivated and ambitious. Medical Assistants that show initiative have a take charge attitude, should observe a need and make themselves available, rather than wait for a supervisor to direct them to an area that needs attention.

Flexibility – the Medical Assistant should have the willingness and ability to respond to changing situations and expectations. Flexible Medical Assistants will modify their approach to tasks based on the unique demands of each situation, especially in an emergency. In a medical facility the patient comes first, and every Medical Assistant should lend a hand wherever they are needed.

Credibility – trust is a vital component of the Medical Assistant and patient relationship, and their credibility should be strong. The information that is given to patients must be accurate as the patient may see Medical Assistants as an agent of the physician.

Confidentiality – Patients are entitled to privacy under the HIPAA act. Confidentiality extends to the home and other environments outside of the medical office. The Medical Assistant is prohibited from discussing confidential patient information to family and friends. Consequences will be enacted if patient privacy is breached.

Medical Assistant Professional Attributes

The Medical Assistant will need specific attributes to be a professional while working with colleagues and dealing with patients. These attributes include teamwork, time management and goal setting.

Teamwork – medical staff must work together for the benefit of the patient. The Medical Assistant should accept the tasks given to them by their supervisor unless they are illegal, unethical, or place patients in danger.

Time Management – the Medical Assistant should use their time efficiently and concentrate on the most important duties first. They should make a schedule, prioritizing tasks and allowing for emergencies along the way. The key to time management is prioritizing which is a form of triage that should be used by the Medical Assistant to sort tasks into the must, “should” and “could” categories. Of course, tending to emergencies comes first, but they also must anticipate what will do the best and in what order those tasks should be completed to benefit the most.

Setting Goals – if the Medical Assistant doesn’t set goals, they will never know when tasks have been achieved. Setting goals can also help give more motivation to achieve those goals.

Learning never ends as a Medical Assistant and that is what makes this career so rewarding.

Interested in learning more about developing the skills and attributes of a medical assistant? Don’t let your old career keep you down? Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for classes starting soon and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu to learn more.

-Allen School