Tips to Help You Navigate Going Back to School to Become a Medical Assistant

If you want to make a difference and help others, a career in healthcare could be the right path for you. Going back to school is never an easy decision, however, even if a healthcare career has always been your calling, there are a lot of factors to consider. Finding the right program will get you the help you need during your time in school, striking a balance between work, school, and your personal life. Here are a few tips to help you navigate through your decision to go back to school.

1. Find a program that works for you

It is important to find a school and program that can meet your individual needs as a student. Flexible schedules and online course offerings can make it easier for you to earn your certification while working or raising your family. Choosing a blended program can give you the best of both worlds. Interactive online experience provides both at-home learning and hands-on classroom training. If going to school with kids and a full-time job seems impossible, fear not because there are options! Choosing a blended program will help you balance your work and family life thereby allowing you to be successful in school.

2. Ask for help if you need it

Everyone needs a little help from time to time. Your instructors want to see you succeed, and they will be there for you whenever you need extra help or support. It’s important to put your best foot forward and talk about any challenges you are facing with faculty and staff. At the Allen School of Health Sciences, communication is key. We are here to support you every step of the way. Let us guide you to the correct resources for your situation. We are in this together and your success is our success.

3. Take advantage of other academic resources

There are a variety of resources to support you in your learning and career development. Be proactive about getting the support you need – whether it’s contacting the Career Services department, meeting with your academic director, or setting up make-up hours with your instructor, you will find all of the resources you need for success at the Allen School of Health Sciences.

4. Believe in yourself

Maybe you always knew you wanted to help others, and a career in healthcare seemed like the perfect fit. It will not always be an easy journey but do not give up. For nearly sixty years, the Allen School of Health Sciences has trained thousands of people for their new careers in healthcare. Why not you?

5. Do not lose sight of your goals

No matter what challenges you face along the way, keep your eye on the prize and continue working to achieve your goals.  Your dedication and hard work will all be worth it in the end. At the Allen School of Health Sciences, we are devoted to fostering the necessary positivity, empathy, professionalism, and integrity in future Medical Assistants.

The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.

Article updated April 5, 2024

Being Positive in School Can Make a Difference

It Can Make All The Difference If You Act Positively At School

Don’t let school get you down! Whether you’re frustrated with your performance or dreading your next exam, a positive attitude towards school can go a long way! Think about all the positive improvements an education can have on your life. Having a positive attitude increases your chances of better academic performance. The Allen School of Health Sciences knows how a positive attitude can brighten a student’s day and help them make the most out of their educational experience. We offer students these seven steps for maintaining a positive attitude towards school.

Step #1: Think positively

Positive thinking is a powerful tool! You can succeed at school if you put in the effort and attitude that your education needs to thrive. Do you have a habit of thinking negatively? Your first step is to replace any negative thoughts you may have with positive ones. You can think about the positive aspects of what you have learned from a negative situation. Start by turning negative phrases into positive ones. Use these examples to help you turn your attitude:

  • “I can’t” becomes “I can try”
  • “I can’t learn this” becomes “Can you explain that again?”
  • “I hate this class” becomes “This class is hard for me, but once I learn the material, I can appear more capable and knowledgeable.”
  • “This is too much homework” becomes “The more I do my homework, the more knowledge I can gain.”
  • “This teacher assigns too much homework” becomes “This teacher really wants us to learn how to succeed.”
  • “I’m not smart enough to learn this” becomes “I can try and practice until I succeed.”

Step #2:  Be proud of yourself

You can build a positive approach to school if you compliment yourself on your achievements no matter how small. Students learn new material every day; remember to compliment yourself on the small achievements throughout your training program. When you do well on a homework assignment, congratulate yourself on a job well done. When you see yourself try, improve, or succeed in your technical skills or test scores, treat yourself to something you enjoy. Staying positive towards your skills and effort can help build your self-esteem and enhance your academic career.

Step #3: Share your positivity with friends

You may have friends with whom you complain to about school. Sometimes our friends’ negative attitudes and frustrations bring down our own experiences. You may want to help them see the bright side of situations. Tell your friends that having a negative attitude towards school won’t help their situation. Show them how to use positive affirmations and comments to turn around their outlook on school. Let them know that staying positive towards school may help their education open doors to success. You can also move the topic away from negative ones. If your friends or classmates are having trouble, organize a study group. Try to make friends with people who can positively influence you and your environment.

Step #4: Take a Pause Before Reacting

It is helpful to maintain a positive and peaceful environment at school. Some people may complain constantly about tests or homework and others may get emotional during tense situations. Try not to jump to conclusions and stay level-headed. Catch yourself if you start complaining about a project or thinking that the rules were better the old way. Take a pause and a deep breath before you react negatively. Instead, re-focus your reaction and give yourself time to react positively to each situation. 

Step #5: Use the Golden Rule

Treat others as you would like to be treated. Being petty, aggressive, or mean to others only causes negative consequences at school. Don’t waste your time on toxic relationships. When you act kindly and treat others the way you want to be treated, you can make friends and surround yourself with positive energy. You will also need these traits in your professional career.

Step #6: Practice Gratitude 

Showing gratitude helps you stay grounded and appreciate what you have in life. Make a list of positive aspects in your life, even if they are small. They can be as simple as enjoying a TV show or playing with your kids. Numerous psychological studies suggest that gratitude can improve your attitude towards life and improve emotional and physical health. What are you grateful for in life?

Step #7: Interact with the World Around You

Are you constantly plugged into your phone? Many of us use our phones for various reasons throughout the day and sometimes it can distract us from the outside world. If you spend the entire day on your phone, you aren’t taking advantage of your education. Be present and prepared for school each day. Focus on learning, participating, and listening at school. You can become more passionate and engaged with your schoolwork when you concentrate. You may like your studies more!

Do you think you have what it takes to become a medical assistant?  If so, contact the Allen School today! We are currently enrolling for classes starting soon. We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family.  Visit to learn more about a rewarding career as a medical assistant.

-Allen School

Expectations of a Medical Assistant Externship

You can learn a lot in a classroom, but you can’t learn everything, especially if you are studying to be a Medical Assistant. It’s a job that requires extensive medical knowledge as well as skills and professional attributes that can only be gained through hands-on experience. At the Allen School of Health Sciences, as it is in most medical assistant programs, that comes in the form of an externship. At Allen, our externships are made up of 275 hours in a health care facility. We want to prepare our students for all aspects of the work, as such, we have developed an outline of what to expect from your Medical Assistant externship.

Working under Supervision

The greatest benefit of a Medical Assistant externship is the opportunity it provides to practice skills and duties while being supervised. In your classes, you’ll learn what and why Medical Assistants do what they do. The moment you apply, however, that knowledge in the real world with real patients, even the simplest tasks like taking blood pressure can be daunting. The good news is that you are not alone.

Your supervisor will work with you closely, especially at the beginning, to ensure you remember everything you’ve learned in class.  This will enable you to feel comfortable administering your duties and in addition to acting as a guide, your supervisor may also serve as your safety net to ensure you don’t miss a thing. This aspect of supervision can and should relieve a lot of pressure. It is common to feel nervous before you’ve gained your skills, practice, and habits, but a supervisor’s presence should assuage your fears.

You will also be able to observe them and others perform procedures that you will eventually do yourself. It’s one thing to read about medical assisting in a textbook and quite another to witness it in a working environment. The example your supervisor and others set will give you more opportunities to learn before you perform a task yourself.

Asking a Thousand Questions

Your Medical Assistant externship should be a time to unleash your curiosity. These 275 hours may be training hours, but they are also an opportunity to learn all aspects of a job from the professionals who know them firsthand. In class, you will learn about best practices and may have already asked why different medical procedures are done a certain way. In your externship, you can ask the less technical questions such as “How do you help a nervous patient calm down?” and “Why do we organize files this way?”

Asking questions that interest you will make all aspects of the work more personalized and will help the answers stick.

Learning the Role

A major part of the job is all about communication. The authority with which you carry yourself and the empathy you bring to patient interactions can’t be taught in a lecture. They are skills, critical to the position, that you can only learn in your Medical Assistant externship. As you practice and watch the professionals around you, you’ll understand the interpersonal aspects of the work and you will excel at them. When you begin your externship, you may feel like a student but ideally; by the time you leave, you can expect to feel like you fit the role of Medical Assistant.

Gaining Confidence

At the end of your externship, you can expect to feel confident in your abilities to be a Medical Assistant. Self-confidence is a huge part of any healthcare job.  This can be challenging for educators as it cannot be learned in a textbook or seminar. Gaining confidence in your ability to perform administrative and clinical duties requires practice, real life experience, and supportive supervision. It requires, in other words, an externship. You won’t just learn how to be a Medical Assistant: You will become one.

At the Allen School of Health Sciences, we are committed to preparing our Medical Assistant students for employment as soon as they graduate.  This is the reason why externships are such a critical component of our curriculum. If you are interested in our accelerated program, we are enrolling now for our upcoming classes.  As always, we would love to hear from you! Visit to learn more about an exciting career as a Medical Assistant.

-Allen School

Benefits of Becoming a Medical Assistant

Ever since the formal establishment of medical assisting in the 1950s, the profession has been a critical component of the thriving healthcare industry. Medical assisting is a great path for individuals who seek a career in healthcare. With the complexities of healthcare growing every day, doctors and nurses must rely on skilled, trustworthy Medical Assistants to keep offices running smoothly.

When studying medical assisting at the Allen School of Health Sciences, you will complete a quality, accelerated, hands-on program and be in the field making a difference in less than a year. That’s just one of the many benefits; you’ll also be a vital member of your healthcare team and make a huge investment, not only in your community but also in yourself.

You’ll Constantly be Refining Your Communication Skills

Along with administrative and clinical responsibilities, working with all kinds of people — both coworkers and patients — will be a huge part of your job. These duties require strong communication skills and the ability to work well as a member of the team. While you’ll learn how to do the functions of your job in your medical assisting program and externship, there is nothing better than on-the-job training, especially when it comes to the art of communication.

Listening to patients, answering questions, and taking direction from physicians takes time to perfect. Knowing what to say (and when to say it) doesn’t happen overnight. However, with some practice, refinement, and experience, you’ll learn how to effectively interact with different personalities, ages, and professionals in any situation that’s thrown at you. Through this process, you’ll become a strong medical assistant and an even stronger person.

Job Variety

As a Medical Assistant your days will be very busy. Every role will change depending on the office or practice you’re in, but wherever you work as a Medical Assistant, you will likely have job variety. You’ll check patients in, take their histories, check their vitals, and then turn around and answer phones, return messages, and fill out billing and coding forms. In essence, you’ll never be bored! Performing a variety of tasks helps fight off job stagnation and gives you the opportunity to learn soft skills, along with clinical specialization that probably attracted you to the job in the first place.

Work Hours Aren’t Crazy

It isn’t unusual for nurses and physicians to work long shifts or to be roused from a deep sleep by an emergency. As a Medical Assistant, one of the perks, especially if you work in a clinic, is that your schedule will mimic a more traditional work schedule. You might occasionally end up staying late, working on the weekends, or working a holiday or two, but you won’t see the scheduling demands of other healthcare professionals, and you can look forward to enjoying a normal work-life balance.

Room for Advancement

Because Medical Assistants provide a range of support to clinics and hospitals, there is plenty of room for advancement for those who excel and work hard to become experts in as many functions as possible. If you can master your job, become a top-notch communicator, and work well with those around you, you can be in a prime position to move up within your organization.

Medical assisting can also be a launching point for hospital administration or other healthcare careers, such as nursing, radiology, or specializations that require more training or education. The great thing about medical assisting is that you have many, many options after finishing your MA program and working in the field afterward. You’ll have a leg up on fresh faces entering the industry because you’ll already have a solid background in healthcare and the experience to back it up!

If you’re ready to pursue a successful career in the healthcare field and interested in learning more about our programs. Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for classes starting soon! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.

-Allen School

  Article updated February 17, 2024

Tips for Single Moms Going Back to School

Tips For Going Back To School As A Single Mom

Going back to pursue your education as an adult poses a set of challenges but going back to school when you’re a single mother poses a whole new set of challenges! However, daunting as it may seem, it’s certainly possible. With some extra planning and a bit of know-how, you can achieve the Medical Assistant education you need to get ahead and do it on your terms. Here’s how to make it work:

Do it on Your Time

The Allen School of Health Sciences’ accelerated program is an advantage when your free time is at a minimum. The Allen School has the benefits of a blended program of online and classroom instruction. You will experience an online interactive classroom experience plus a hands-on approach in the classroom.

Know That it Takes a Village

For single mothers, it goes without saying that a support network is integral — especially when considering the prospect of returning to school. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Rally your family, friends, and neighbors, whether it’s for carpooling, childcare or needing internet access. Additionally, don’t rule out your school as a source of support. The Allen School of Health Sciences’ dedicated Enrollment Advisors, faculty and staff are available to answer your questions and assist all students, especially single mothers, achieve their goals.

Make it a Family Activity

Kids are sponges when it comes to learning, and since they have homework to do, consider doing it at the same time. It will not only spark conversation but also set a positive example. What’s more, it’s an opportunity for you and the kids to support each other — and that’s a win-win.

Take Time to Recharge.

Sure, you’re a Supermom, but even you have limits. Unless you give yourself permission to regroup and regain your strength and mental stamina, it’s impossible to sustain the rigorous schedule required of juggling your life, studies, and career; besides, exhaustion makes it difficult to retain information. Although it may seem counterintuitive to take breaks and treat yourself when you’re busy taking care of everyone else, you need to — regularly and as a priority. Sometimes, that means taking an afternoon off watching movies, with a good book or simply getting an extra hour of sleep. You deserve a professional position that makes it easy for you to provide for your family.

If you’re ready to pursue a successful career in the healthcare field and interested in learning more about our programs, contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for classes starting soon! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.

-Allen School

Medical Assistant Growth in 2021

Medical Assistant Growth in 2021

The healthcare industry has always been one of the fastest growing in the world, demonstrating the ongoing need for trained professionals who are prepared to care for patients both healthy and sick. In the United States and around the world, 2021 is projected to be a year of unprecedented growth, as a variety of factors drive the sharply increasing need for a healthcare workforce.

The COVID-19 crisis, as well as several other issues, have created a perfect storm. Ultimately, it seems that the healthcare industry may be facing a serious shortage in 2021 – which is why the growth in workforce demand has increased at a rapid rate.

Medical Assistants are Needed Now More than Ever

The COVID-19 pandemic is just one of the numerous factors driving the growing demand for healthcare workers, with the industry as a whole expecting significant growth in the next several years. Although COVID-19 is a major force behind the need for Medical Assistants right now, there are several other elements that will continue to fuel demand in coming years, including:

● The aging population and an increase in chronic conditions in the United States, which will require a larger healthcare workforce than is currently available.

● A significant percentage of current healthcare workers are expected to retire, as the “Baby Boomer” generation reaches retirement age.

● Growing availability of new and advanced positions, leading professionals to seek opportunities outside their current positions.

For anyone considering a career as a Medical Assistant or another healthcare role, this means that employment prospects should be excellent in the years to come.

How COVID-19 Has Affected the Healthcare Workforce Demand

As the world experiences a widespread pandemic of historic scale and severity, the need for healthcare professionals have become more apparent than ever before. A newfound appreciation and respect for Medical Assistants and all healthcare workers have swept the nation (and the globe), and a growing number of people understand how important trained professionals are to the health and safety of our society as a whole.

More Healthcare Workers are Needed Now

A significant shortage in healthcare workers was one of the biggest challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in the beginning, as medical facilities around the country realized that their staff simply couldn’t keep up with the demand for care. As patients were admitted and diagnosed at a steadily increasing rate, there were serious concerns about whether the workforce was able to keep up. As a result, new healthcare professionals, including Medical Assistants, are discovering that jobs are plentiful. Many facilities are raising their hiring and employment rates, expanding their teams as quickly and effectively as possible to try to meet future needs.

Finally, additional measures are being taken to protect the health and safety of Medical Assistants, and other healthcare professionals. For many medical facilities, it has become very clear that without their healthcare team, quality and availability of patient care will drop – and so, protective protocols are being developed to help keep Medical Assistants, Nurses and other medical staff safe. For example, some facilities are offering their staff benefits such as private transportation to and from work, childcare, grocery deliveries, and sealed meals delivered to their place of employment.

Make a Difference as a Medical Assistant

Are you considering becoming a Medical Assistant (MA)? Not only is this an honorable decision that can allow you to make a positive difference in the lives of countless people, but it’s also one that can lead you to an extremely fulfilling career. As a Medical Assistant, your daily role will be one that centers around helping others, and you will have an important role in the health and safety of our society as a whole.

In order to protect our community during the COVID-19 crisis, The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact The Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Contact us today to learn more.

-Allen School

Medical Assistants: Improving Patient Care

The modern healthcare team is a busy group of men and women who bring their passion and expertise to patient care. Included among those dedicated professionals are Medical Assistants. In today’s world it’s more important than ever for healthcare professionals to provide a high level of patient care. Medical Assistants are important members of the healthcare team in and out of clinical settings and they help to improve overall patient care. Here’s how:

  • Medical Assistants serve as liaisons between patients and the rest of the healthcare team. They often have more direct patient interaction than other members of the healthcare team and can act as vital communicators between patients and their families, and physicians and other medical staff.
  • Properly trained Medical Assistants take on many tasks which were once performed by nurses, now freeing up their time which is better directed at patient care. Medical assistants listen to patient histories, take vital signs, and even perform routine tests and lab work.
  • Medical assistants who work in the front office streamline patient care and help physician offices run at peak efficiency. They schedule and send appointment reminders, collect insurance data and help with electronic medical records. This all allows their appointments to run smoothly, so patients can focus on their health and not issues with paperwork.
  • By translating medical terminology into language patients can understand, Medical Assistants help ensure that patients follow doctors’ orders so they’ll be more likely to face a speedy recovery. They instruct patients on treatment and care and follow up with them to answer questions and relay concerns to the rest of the healthcare team.

Medical assistants are a compassionate presence for patients who may feel stressed and afraid. They never forget that the best patient care starts with the patient! They are committed professionals who place the patient first! They help optimize the workflow of the modern healthcare team and provide great patient care.

If you have a passion for helping others and want your work to be something that really matters, maybe a career as a medical assistant is right for you. To learn more. Contact the Allen School today! The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit​

Benefits of Becoming a Medical Assistant During the COVID-19 Crisis

Medical Assistants (MA’s) are some of the hardest-working professionals in the healthcare field. They have both clinical and administrative duties, which means one minute they might be scheduling appointments and answering phones, and the next, they’re rushing to take a patient’s vital signs. Being a Medical Assistant means stepping up to fill gaps, solve problems, direct patients and keep clinics and medical units running smoothly.

This career isn’t for everyone, but there are some great benefits for those who find a career in Medical Assisting appealing. We identified some of the top advantages below.

The Path to Becoming a Medical Assistant is Relatively Short

You know you need a college or technical school education but you’re also itching to launch your career as soon as possible. While some healthcare-related degree programs take several years, earning a Medical Assisting credential is considerably shorter. The Allen School of Health Sciences Medical Assistant program can be completed in less than a year; In a blended format that combines traditional and online learning classes.

You Can Work in a Variety of Locations

Some healthcare jobs are limited to hospitals, but that’s not the case for MAs. As an MA you may find yourself working in a hospital, clinic, as part of general practice, or even in a surgical facility. Medical Assistants can also find employment at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and many other settings.

You’ll Get to Build Relationships with Patients

Since Medical Assistants direct patients through their appointments, bringing them where they need to go, taking their vitals, and asking screening questions, they have a chance to engage in conversation that can turn meaningful. A simple question like “How was your day?” can help patients relax and connect. Medical Assistants work face to face with people all day, making interpersonal skills very important in this career. If you have a passion for helping people, Medical Assisting is a great choice!

You’ll be part of a Team

Some careers can feel isolated—like you are doing the work all by yourself. This is definitely not the case if you become a Medical Assistant. MAs are important members of the healthcare team and frequently work alongside physicians, nurses, physician assistants, or nurse practitioners. This means not only will you be able to ask questions and consult with your colleagues, but they’ll likely rely on you as well!

You’ll Acquire Necessary Skills for Advancement

Medical Assistants need a handful of soft skills to complement their technical skills. Sympathy and good communication skills are near the top of the list. These transferable skills can be leveraged in many healthcare careers, so honing them as a Medical Assistant can help you advance down the road.

The technical skills of a Medical Assistant can lead to other opportunities as well. Learning how to draw blood or perform EKGs can translate to a variety of other healthcare professions. Clinics are constantly in need of people to take on leadership roles, whether it’s as a team lead or, with further education, as a Clinic Administrator.

You’ll Never be bored

Being a Medical Assistant means you probably won’t spend time sitting around waiting for your next task. That wide variety of skills we mentioned makes Medical Assistants very useful as “pinch hitters” when the clinic gets busy.

You Can be a Specialist or a Generalist

While an MA’s duties can span several responsibilities, they don’t always have to. Those who prefer dabbling in several different areas would fit in well in a smaller clinic. You’ll gain a broad knowledge of the medical field due to the number of tasks you’ll undertake in all parts of the facility. If you prefer focusing on a few specific tasks, you may opt to work in a larger clinic with a bigger staff. This setting will allow you to specialize in a particular department that interests you, honing the precise skills needed for that position.

You’ll Start Gaining Experience Before you Graduate

Every Medical Assistant program is different, but some require students to complete an externship or internship while earning their certificate. For example, students enrolled in the Allen School of Health Sciences Medical Assistant program complete a clinical externship before they graduate into the real thing. The clinical experience makes a great addition to your resume and job search as well since you can demonstrate to employers that you have hands-on experience.

Make a Difference as a Medical Assistant

Are you considering becoming a Medical Assistant (MA)? Not only is this an honorable decision that can allow you to make a positive difference in the lives of countless patients, but it’s also one that can lead you to an extremely fulfilling career. As a Medical Assistant, your daily role will be one that centers around helping others, and you will have an important role in the health and safety of our society as a whole.

In order to protect our community during the COVID-19 crisis, The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit​ to learn more.


Reasons Why Hand washing Should Matter to You

Reasons Why Hand washing Should Matter to You.

Hand washing with soap and water is one of the most important steps you can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to loved ones. Many diseases are spread by not cleaning your hands properly after touching contaminated objects or surfaces. And although not all germs are bad, illness can occur when harmful germs enter our bodies through the eyes, nose, and mouth. That’s why it is critical to wash hands at key times, such as after a flood or during a flu pandemic when germs can be passed from person to person and make others sick.

Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of germs on them, however during a disaster, clean running water may not be available. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can quickly reduce the number of germs on hands in some situations, but sanitizers do not eliminate all types of germs.

Here are three key reasons why you should always care about handwashing:

  • Handwashing can keep children healthy and in school. Handwashing education can reduce the number of young children who get sick and help prevent school absenteeism.
  • Handwashing can help prevent illness. Getting a yearly flu vaccine is the most important action you can take to protect yourself from flu. Besides getting a flu vaccine, CDC recommends everyday preventive actions including frequent handwashing with soap and water.
  • Handwashing is easy! Effective handwashing is a practical skill that you can easily learn, teach to others, and practice every day to prepare for an emergency. It takes around 20 seconds, and can be done in five simple steps:
    • Wet your hands with clean, running water, turn off the tap, and apply soap
    • Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap
    • Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice
    • Rinse your hands well under clean, running water
    • Dry your hands using a clean towel or air-dry them

In order to protect our community during the COVID-19 crisis, The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.

-Allen School

Traits of a Successful Medical Assistant

It is no secret that the healthcare industry is one of the biggest industries in America with ample job openings. What might not be as obvious is the fact that you can have a prosperous career in the field without becoming a doctor or nurse. One occupation student might want to consider is that of a Medical Assistant.

A Medical Assistant is someone who aids doctors, typically in offices and healthcare clinics, with administrative and clinical tasks. Medical Assistants will check blood pressure, direct patients through the office, and perform administrative tasks. Some other common responsibilities include maintaining patient records, scheduling appointments, sanitizing medical equipment, and helping physicians with examinations. Let us examine a few traits that successful Medical Assistants embody in their jobs.

Medical Assistants need Good Communication Skills

Communicating is a significant part of a Medical Assistant’s job. They communicate with doctors, patients, and coworkers to keep the office or clinic functioning effectively. Medical Assistants who work more on the administrative side may serve as intermediaries between the doctor and patients or the doctor and health insurance companies.

Medical Assistants are Team Player’s.

Medical Assistants are, in many ways, the glue that holds physicians’ offices and healthcare clinics together. It is important that Medical Assistants are team players and willing to do the work that is necessary to efficiently provide patients with the proper care. Feeding off the prior point about communication, part of being a team player is communicating with those with whom you work. Being a team player can increase synergy among you and your co-workers, in addition to the obvious advantage of completing the work required to run the office or clinic.

Medical Assistants have Strong Attentiveness to Details

Paying attention to detail is another quality that successful Medical Assistants exemplify in their work. This is not limited to cases in which Medical Assistants are permitted to administer drugs to patients and need to accurately measure the dosage. It is also crucial in the maintenance of patient records, scheduling and taking vitals to name a few other examples.

Accuracy and attention to detail are important for the wellbeing of the patients and healthcare professionals alike.

Medical Assistants have a lot of Compassion.

Compassion is another trait that successful Medical Assistants embody. They are often responsible for ensuring that patients are comfortable during their visit to the office or clinic. As mentioned earlier, Medical Assistants serve as a point of communication between patients and doctors. Offering compassion and understanding of a patient’s concerns can go a long way towards the patient’s overall satisfaction with the medical care. Medical Assistants can take comfort, pride, and satisfaction in knowing that they helped change a patient’s life for the better.

Medical Assistants always have a Willingness to Learn.

Medical Assistants are responsible for performing a multitude of different tasks throughout doctors’ offices and healthcare clinics. They are skilled in both clinical and administrative aspects of running an office or clinic. It is important for Medical Assistants to show the willingness to learn new skills as required by the doctors under whom they work. Changes in technology used in offices and clinics also necessitate Medical Assistants adapting to such updates.

Being a jack of many trades can provide Medical Assistants with a degree of variety in the everyday happenings of their jobs. In many cases there are things within an office or clinic that they can help with. Armed with an array of skills, Medical Assistants can work in many different realms of medicine, exploring different disciplines and discovering what they are passionate about. Medical Assistants have the opportunity to specialize in a certain type of medicine, teach students who also want to become an MA or even become the office manager. Many also go back to school to expand on what they learned as Medical Assistants and land an even better job.

Launch your Medical Assistant career at the Allen School of Health Sciences.

Perhaps you feel that the traits in this post describe you and you are now thinking of pursuing a school for Medical Assistants. For prospective Medical Assistants there is one clear choice for an accelerated training program: Allen School of Health Sciences. The Allen School of Health Sciences Medical Assistant program thoroughly prepares you to enter the healthcare field. The program can be completed in less than a year!

The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.