Qualities of a Medical Assistant

Most of us have had the help and support of a Medical Assistant while visiting a hospital, or a physician’s office. However, to become a successful MA, there are some basic qualities that a candidate should possess.

  1. Communication Skills

Among most important Medical Assistant qualities are communication skills, as these are the basic characteristics for this profession. An MA should listen to patients without interruption but at the same time, still ask appropriate questions to get to the source of their visit. Communication skills also involve clearly narrating the vital instructions given by the doctor to each patient.

  1. Compassionate

Besides being a good listener, it is very important that a Medical Assistant is compassionate toward their patients. An MA should try to understand the emotional state of their patients by hearing out their questions and concerns. Handling patients in a compassionate way will help them feel more comfortable and relaxed at the time of their health assessment.

  1.  Handling Stress

A physician’s office or a hospital is full of activity. The workplace can make a Medical Assistant feel quite stressed out. They will have a lot of administrative and clinical duties to perform each day and at times, all these work-related stresses can contribute to confusion and anxiety. On the other hand, patients visit a health care facility for appropriate care and treatment; they come with their own set of stress. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the MA to check their stress at the door. In other words, figure out a way to put aside stress you have built up throughout the day, while in the company of your patient. This is no easy task, as you are only human, but it is a good skill to work on each day to give the best care you can.

  1. Reliability

A Medical Assistant is expected to be a reliable person since the physician, the healthcare group associates, and the incoming patients depend on them to be reliable. Hence, an MA should be punctual, career-focused and value the conventional code of behavior.

  1. Honesty

Honesty is the best policy for this lifetime career. The personal information that a Medical Assistant collects must be maintained as confidential in a healthcare setting. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a strict confidentiality rule, which requires vigilance and care in maintaining the patient’s fitness information. However, it is also considered courteous to behave trustworthy to each patient while receiving their health or personal information (even during informal conversation). Each MA will be introduced to circumstances where they need to prove their ethical and moral characteristics on a daily basis. Hence, honesty is the chief quality to become a professional medical assistant.

  1. Willpower and Politeness

Sometimes the urge to react to a tiring physician or to a disgruntled patient who is in a lot of pain or has little patience is very tempting. However, having strong willpower towards your personal feelings in a health care environment while remaining polite is a unique Medical Assistant trait that is necessary to remain a professional. Instead of reacting, take a breath, and respond accordingly.

If you possess the above-mentioned traits, then go ahead and join in a professional medical assistant training program that will give you all the essential courses required to become a successful medical assistant. The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit  www.allenschool.edu to learn more.

A new year, another Medical Assisting class graduates! YOU can be next!

(photo taken pre-pandemic)

A new year, another Medical Assisting class graduates! YOU can be next!

A new year can be the perfect time for a new start. For many people, it’s an opportunity to think about a new job. If you’ve been thinking about a new career as a certified Medical Assistant, this may be the push you need to begin making that idea a reality

 Would this field be a good fit for you?

When you’re considering a new career, it’s important to determine if the role would be a good fit. For Certified Medical Assistants, the following qualities and attributes are important to succeed: empathy, integrity, and dependability, ability to manage stress, strong communication skills and compassion.

Why are those particular skills so crucial for this role? Medical Assistants may have administrative or clinical duties, or both, depending on the work setting. Duties may include greeting patients, updating medical records, preparing patients for their exam, drawing blood, and assisting with medication. For all these duties, as well as any others that may be assigned, the qualities and attributes listed above would help the individual provide patients with the best possible care. 

 Education and Certification

If this field sounds like a good fit for you, it’s time to begin finding a program that will give you the educational foundation you need to pursue it. Do your homework and find the program that best meets your needs in terms of scheduling, flexibility, learning style, cost and any other issues that maybe part of the decision. For nearly 60 years the Allen School of Health Sciences has trained thousands of people for their careers in healthcare.

Looking ahead

There’s good news as far as job security in this field. Employment of Medical Assistants is projected to grow 23% from 2018-2028, much faster than the average for all occupations. This is largely due to the aging of the baby boomer population, which has increased the need for preventive medical services. This is good news for people who are considering this field. 


There are opportunities for personal growth as well. After you work in an entry-level Medical Assistant position, moving into a medical specialty may offer better opportunities. The longer you work in a specialty practice that you enjoy, the more valuable your skills and knowledge will become to your employer. 

Will it be easy? Nope. Will it be worth it? Absolutely. At the Allen School of Health Sciences, we specialize in helping students reach their education and career goals. Are you ready to start the new year with a new career? Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our winter classes and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu to learn more.

-Allen School

Medical Assisting at the Allen School of Health Sciences, A Career to go Places!

Most people who want to work in the healthcare field likely aspire to be doctors or nurses. However, Medical Assisting is one of the fastest-growing occupations in the United States. The Medical Assistant career path offers many of the same benefits as other healthcare professions, in addition to perks of its own.

The American Association of Medical Assistants describes a Medical Assistant as someone who works alongside doctors, usually in a clinical or office setting. Though the description may seem similar to that of a nurse, there are some key differences to the nursing field.

Medical Assistants commonly handle tasks such as checking vital signs, showing patients to their rooms, and various administrative duties. A licensed practical nurse, on the other hand, provides basic care measures like catheterization and prescription administration. While Medical assistants often work in clinics and ambulatory care, licensed practical nurses more commonly work in settings like nursing homes and hospitals.

Starting Work Sooner

Medical Assistants can begin working in the healthcare field sooner than students who attend nursing programs at four-year universities. At the Allen School of Health Sciences, our accelerated program allows you to graduate in less than a year.

There is no additional waiting to complete residency because externships can be completed at the same time as the coursework. The Allen School of Health Sciences prepares students with an externship as part of their program. Having an externship as part of your Medical Assisting program can help bolster a Medical Assistant’s job prospects.

Medical Assistants graduate with the knowledge and experience needed to excel in the healthcare industry. They are trained in both clinical and administrative tasks that are critical to running an office or clinic.

With a vast array of skills at their disposal, Medical assistants can explore different areas of medicine and discover what they are passionate about. They have the opportunity to specialize in a certain type of medicine, teach students who also want to become an MA or even become the office manager.

Diverse On-the-Job Experiences

Medical Assistants are capable of performing many different tasks needed to keep the clinic or office open in addition to treating patients. Their versatility also ensures they will not be bored on the job because there is always something they can do.

Additionally, the patients who come in to be treated and what they are seeking to be treated for varies daily. Every day on the job is different than the one before.

Helping People

Medical Assistants help physicians run their offices, but they also provide patients with compassion and understanding while doing so. Like their fellow healthcare professionals, Medical Assistants take satisfaction in knowing they are helping patients and changing their lives for the better.

Will it be easy? Nope. Worth it? Absolutely? The Allen School of Health Sciences offers the essential resources medical assisting students need to excel in the classroom, in their externships, and in the workforce to help care for patients. In order to protect our community during the COVID-19 crisis, The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family.  Visit www.allenschool.edu to learn more.

New Year, New Career. Medical Assistant: Skills & Attributes

Medical Assistants are held to a higher standard of professionalism than employees in other industries. The way the Medical Assistant approaches their job and interacts with patients is critical to the success of the patient’s well-being, along with the success of each practice, hospital, clinic and any other healthcare facility. Patients expect professional behavior and put trust and confidence in those who are professional in demeanor with a good bedside manner. Being kind AND professional to patients should be a no-brainer but can definitely be a challenge from time to time. Along with offering a warm smile and friendly attitude to the arriving patient, there are many skills that contribute to the professionalism of a Medical Assistant including being loyal and dependable.

Loyalty is important because as a Medical Assistant, you should be devoted to the success of the practice because, in the end, that equals success to your patients. Loyalty should be reciprocal and if a medical practice is offering equal pay for equal work, the Medical Assistant will feel like the practice is doing its best for them as well. Dependability is equally as important to everyone involved. When a Medical Assistant not only shows up for work on time but also produces consistent work and follows through on tasks and requests, then the practice runs smooth, patients don’t feel rushed, and in turn you can be counted on and given more responsibility.

Taking Initiative is another skill that goes a long way. The Medical Assistant should be self-motivated, ambitious, and observe any need that the staff or their patients may have. Making themselves available, rather than waiting for a supervisor to direct them to an area that needs attention is a very desirable skill that employers are searching for. Along with that comes flexibility. The Medical Assistant should have the willingness and ability to respond to changing situations and expectations. Flexible Medical Assistants will modify their approach to tasks based on the unique demands of each situation, especially in an emergency. In a medical facility, the patient comes first, and every Medical Assistant should lend a hand wherever they are needed.

Two other important skills to possess are credibility and confidentiality. Trust is a vital component of the Medical Assistant-patient relationship, and the credibility of every MA should be strong. The information that is given to patients must be accurate as the patient may see you as an extension of the physician. After accuracy, Confidentiality becomes of equal importance. Patients are entitled to privacy under the HIPAA act. Confidentiality extends to the home and other environments outside of the medical office. The Medical Assistant is prohibited from discussing confidential patient information to anyone not authorized by the patient themselves. Serious consequences will be enacted if patient privacy is breached.

The Medical Assistant will need these four specific attributes along with the above skills, to be a professional while working with colleagues and dealing with patients. These attributes include teamwork, time management, prioritization, and goal setting.

Teamwork- In the medical field, teamwork is detrimental to the outcome of a patient’s visit. The medical staff must work together, and accept the tasks given to them by their supervisor (unless they are illegal, unethical, or place patients in danger).

Time Management – Medical assistants should use their time efficiently and concentrate on the most important duties first. They should make a schedule, prioritize tasks and allow for emergencies along the way. The key to time management is prioritizing.

Prioritizing – a form of triage should be used by the Medical Assistant to sort tasks into the must, should and could categories. Of course, attending to emergencies will always take precedence, but one must also anticipate what order each task should be completed to benefit the most.

Setting Goals – if the Medical Assistant doesn’t set goals, they will never know when the goals have been achieved! Setting goals can also help the MA accomplish tasks more efficiently, giving them more time to achieve other goals or even have some downtime in an otherwise stressful busy day.

Learning never ends as a Medical Assistant and that is what makes this career so rewarding. Interested in learning more about developing the skills and attributes of a medical assistant? Is this the year for a new career? In order to protect our community during the COVID-19 crisis, The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu to learn more.

-Allen School

Unwrap Our Holiday Tips to Become a Better Medical Assistant

For students in a Medical Assistant program, you may be busy learning about the clinical aspects of the job such as how to draw blood, administer an injection, or take a patient’s vital signs. These are clearly a very important part of your training but in addition, there are also “soft skills” that are important to your training. Learning to be a reliable employee is a skill that can use throughout your entire career. Try these tips for getting a strong start in your new career.

Be an early bird

Plan to arrive at work 10 to 15 minutes early every day. You will need this time to put your belongings away and get ready for your workday. This gives you time to review the list of patients who are scheduled and to check on the day’s supplies. It helps you avoid the feeling of having to “hit the ground running” the minute you step in the door. By arriving early, you can start off your workday feeling calm and organized.

Stay positive

Work is called “work” for a reason — it’s hard work! Every day there may be tasks that you don’t enjoy, changes that you weren’t expecting, or problems that arise. Rather than griping or complaining, however, try and take a positive approach. Remember that handling problems is simply part of the job. Try to focus on the parts of the job that you do enjoy rather than the negative aspects. With a positive attitude, you will find that you inspire the others around you.

Carry your own weight

As a Medical Assistant, you will be part of a healthcare team in a medical office or a hospital setting. Others on your team might include nurses, office staff, physicians, and other Medical Assistants. They are all counting on you to do your job. If you shirk your responsibilities, someone else will have to pick up your slack. Make sure you take your responsibilities seriously and put forth your best effort to fulfill your duties. As a team member, you should also be proactive. If you see a need that isn’t being fulfilled, see where you can help. This kind of approach helps make you a valuable member of your team.

Be respectful to anyone and everyone

Medical offices and hospitals are busy places. In the course of serving patients throughout the day, healthcare professionals can get stressed and hurried. Despite this, try to stay polite and respectful to everyone throughout the day. Showing respect to others will result in receiving their respect in return. This includes everyone you work with, from the newest employees to the head honchos. And most of all, it includes patients—even those who may test your patience. Being a respectful person is a career skill that should stay with you for your entire career.

Keep up With Your Education

In a field like medical assisting, you need to be sure that you keep up with your learning. New technologies and medications are being created, and you want to be sure to stay on the cutting edge. Be sure to attend continuing education classes. Join a professional association and read their newsletters and blog articles regularly. Having up-to-date knowledge of your career field is something that you can be proud of and something that others will respect.

Following these tips is a way to “go the extra mile” as a Medical Assistant. If you follow these guidelines, you can improve your approach to your work. What’s more, the better you perform on the job, the better you will feel about your career.

Ready to walk into the new year with a new career? In order to protect our community during the COVID-19 crisis, The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu​ to learn more.


Medical Assistants guide to working on the holidays

If you’re a Medical Assistant, certified Nursing Assistant, Nurse, or other healthcare professional, there’s a good chance you’ll have to work on a holiday at some point. If you do, it’s easy to feel like you’re missing out on a major family or social event. It can be hard, but it’s essential; you’re essential. When you have to work on a holiday, here are some tips on how to can get through it.

Remember that you’re essential

If you work in healthcare, you work in an industry that people need every day, every hour, no matter what day or time it is. The fact is, people need healthcare regardless of what the calendar says. Illness don’t take a holiday. Heart attacks don’t care if it’s Thanksgiving, cancer doesn’t know its Christmas, babies being born don’t care that its New Year’s Eve, and broken bones can’t wait just because it’s Halloween.

Healthcare deals with life, death, birth, healing, and things that are often bigger than us. Nurses and Medical Assistants deal with all of it. The families who need to be in the hospital on Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year’s Eve will remember it for the rest of their lives. They’ll talk about the Halloween when they had a broken arm or the Easter when their child was born. You’ll be there not just on a holiday, but on a holiday that was momentous for them. One they’ll always remember.

There are benefits to working holidays

You may not realize it but you also may have the opposite occur; your shift could be a little quieter than it normally would. Patients who have the option to push a surgery, will elect to stay at home with their families and reschedule said surgery. What’s more, if your workplace is one where it first asks staff to volunteer to work on holidays, then saying yes to a shift on a day off could be a good way to increase your standing with your co-workers. Other healthcare professionals on staff will be glad you’re working and allowing them to stay home, and supervisors will be glad just to have that time covered.

Working holidays also provides an additional benefit which is a chance for staff to bond while also making some extra cash! You’ll feel a sense of togetherness with the other people who are putting in time, and there’s also the chance to make some overtime. And when you do clock out, there’s always the chance to celebrate later. You might have missed the calendar day, but holidays are what we make them. If you have to celebrate with loved ones a day later, that’s just as real as doing it the day of.

Are you ready to start your Medical Assisting career no matter what the calendar says?

In order to protect our community during the COVID-19 crisis, The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu​ to learn more.

Medical Assisting- A Day in The Life

Medical Assisting is not just a job – it’s a highly rewarding profession with a diverse array of roles and responsibilities. A day in the life of a Medical Assistant is difficult to pinpoint because your day to day activities may differ depending on what type of practice you work for or department you work in. No matter where you work, however, there will always be a need for professionalism, attention to detail and caring.

Medical Assistants should demonstrate professionalism and tact when interacting with patients, as well as follow protocol for determining a patient’s immediate needs. If you work primarily at the front desk, you’ll be responsible for answering the office’s phone system and using medical questions to determine the severity of the caller’s problem. Other tasks include informing the physician about patient concerns, scheduling appointments and greeting patients as they enter the office.

Attention to detail is also extremely important as a Medical Assistant. In addition to your reception duties, you will need to obtain patients’ insurance information, collect insurance co-payments, verify patients’ addresses and phone numbers, update and maintain HIPAA authorizations and call insurance companies for pre-authorization and pre-certification approval for testing or surgeries. Mistakes can be costly – for both the practice and the patient, so it’s critical that you are thorough and meticulous in completing these tasks. Performing in-house laboratory procedures fall under a Medical Assistant’s job description as well. Some procedures could include drawing blood, urinalysis, throat cultures, pregnancy tests, drug screens, and EKGs. While these may become second nature at some point in your career, attention to detail will still always be important here as well, because an error could cause a misdiagnosis.

If you work in the back office, you’ll have a greater opportunity to interact with patients which is why the simple act of caring goes a long way. As a Medical Assistant you play such an important role in making a patient feel comfortable during their appointment. Sounds easy enough to “care” but when you’ve seen dozens of patients in a day, it’s easy to forget that each one comes with their own set of symptoms and anxieties, and they all deserve individual attention. Often, you can help reduce a patient’s anxiety about an upcoming procedure by relaying information from the physician in terms that the patient can understand. It’s important to have a good bedside manner and a calm demeanor when dealing directly with patients.

On a typical day as a Medical Assistant you may help measure patients’ vital signs by taking their blood pressure, pulse, respirations, and height & weight. You might also obtain the patient’s medical history in order to brief the physician. Another task could be setting up the exam room for a procedure and at times you may even assist the physician with minor surgical procedures such as inserting or removing sutures. The tasks are endless.

Regardless of their role, Medical Assistants serve an essential function on the healthcare team. From the front office to the lab, they contribute to the success of the physician, the practice and ensure that patients have a good experience during their visit.

In order to protect our community during the COVID-19 crisis, The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu​ to learn more.

Medical Assistant Students: Ways to Manage Your Stress

Medical Assistant Students: Ways to Manage Your Stress.

School can be challenging; even for the most relaxed students. For many, it’s the stress of going back to school for the first time in years. Student stress can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Loneliness, feeling homesick or experiencing relationship difficulties
  • Struggling to save money or handle debt
  • Not knowing how to balance work and study
  • Worry of exams
  • Writing essays or dissertations
  • Harmful use of, or withdrawal from, alcohol or drugs

However, there are things you can do to keep the worry at bay.

  • Exercise

This doesn’t have to be a grueling gym session – you simply need to get your heart racing, for example by going for a brisk walk or a bike ride. ‘Exercise can be hugely beneficial for the mind as well as the body,’ says Glyn Williams, senior wellbeing practitioner at the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol. ‘Regular exercise releases endorphins – feel-good hormones that can help to reduce tension and allow the mind to focus on something other than worries and concerns.’

If you’re struggling for inspiration, see what activities are available near you, or virtually, and get involved with clubs and societies. Since the pandemic started, there have been tons of gyms and classes who have transferred to virtual so you can take classes from anywhere!

  • Mindfulness

A relaxation technique originating in Buddhism, mindfulness is becoming an increasingly popular coping mechanism for those tackling stress or anxiety. Used by clinicians to improve patients’ physical and mental health, it can significantly lower stress levels. It is most often practiced through deep breathing or guided meditation.

One of the most accessible ways to practice this is through the use of free smartphone apps such as The Mindfulness App, Calm and Headspace. A number of books are also available on the subject.

  • Talking to Someone/Laugh

Isolation can have an extremely negative impact on your happiness. Accepting that you may need some help is often the first step to feeling better.

Speak to your friends and family – they know you best and care about you the most. What’s more, studies suggest that socializing with a friend just once a week can reduce your stress levels and improve your mood as much as therapy or counseling. Friends and family will also get you to laugh which, According to The Mayo Clinic, is a great stress relief! They say “a good laugh has great short-term effects. When you start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body. Laughter can stimulate many organs, activate and relieve your stress response and soothe tension” (To learn more visit https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/stress-relief/art-20044456).

  • Time Management

People often get stressed when they feel that they’re running out of time to complete something. However, simple time management techniques can help you to feel relaxed and focused.

Try creating a written work schedule, breaking your tasks down into manageable chunks and planning accordingly. Divide your work into urgent and non-urgent tasks, and important and non-important tasks.

  • Getting Enough Sleep

Maintaining a sleep routine is of paramount importance to mental health and managing stress. Taking time to relax before you go to sleep can help the quality of your sleep. Try going to sleep at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. Six to eight hours is ideal.

Stress can often interrupt your sleeping pattern so try to do everything you can to relax yourself before going to bed. Take a bath to wind down, watch your favorite TV show or sit quietly and read. Avoid screen time as much as possible before bed, so switch off laptops, phones and tablets at least an hour before going to sleep.

The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu​ to learn more. -Allen School

Medical Assistant Interview Tips: Appearance

Medical Assistant Interview Tips: Appearance.

You don’t get a second chance at a first impression, and at job interviews, first impressions are vitally important. In just an hour, employers will get an idea of who you are, what your work ethic is, and whether you’ll fit their team. It all comes down to how you carry yourself, and your appearance.

One of the most important aspects of job interviews is looking the part. Dressing in a manner that makes you look like the competent, professional person you are, and someone your potential employer would be proud to have in their workforce. Remember to dress for the job you want.

Here are some tips on how:


First off, it’s important to be clean and fresh overall. Make sure there are no visible stains or tears on your clothing, and that you’ve showered before the interview. Make sure your hair is well-brushed, off of your face and in place. For an interview at a health facility, one of the best strategies is to go for business or business casual. For men, this can mean a full three-piece suit, or at the very least, a crisp button-up and tie. For women, this can mean a pant or skirt suit, or a dress with a conservative neck and hemline. Your hem should be no shorter than knee-length. Go for neutral colors like black, grey or navy. Avoid flashy colors or patterns. For jewelry, go for studs or small hoops with a small, non-distracting gem, or a tasteful chain and small pendant. Nails should be clean and short.

What to Avoid

Stay away from heavy colognes or perfumes. You want to smell clean but avoid smelling like a department store! For ladies, a bit of makeup can make you appear fresh and well-groomed, however, stay away from the outrageous lip and eye colors that are more suited for a night out. Neutral shades like peach and tan will give you the perk you need. If you have removable facial jewelry, it might be best to take it out for the interview process. Make sure to cover any outlandish tattoos, if possible. Avoid jeans, sneakers, flip-flops, overly high heels and t-shirts at all costs, for these are all overly casual and will not give your interviewer a good impression.

Interviewing properly is the first step to a promising career in the healthcare field, and the first step to a successful interview is looking the part. When you look your best, you’ll feel your best, and be able to answer all questions with confidence and ease; you’ll be able to prove that you would be a valuable member of any facility you interview with!

In order to protect our community during the COVID-19 crisis, The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment for our classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu​ to learn more.

-Allen School

Medical Assistant Interviewing Tips

Are you preparing for a job interview for a Medical Assistant position? Familiarizing yourself with these common interview questions will help you have answers ready and feel more comfortable. When attending the Allen School of health Sciences, our Career Services team will assist you using these questions to give you a practice interview.

Tell me a little about yourself.

This is a basic interview question that can be tough to answer due to its open-ended nature. Instead of sharing hobbies or personality traits, keep your answer focused on your professional experience and education. Example:

I recently completed my Medical Assistant program at the Allen School of Health Sciences, where I learned to work with patients while taking their vital signs, and assisted doctors in physical exams and procedures. I especially enjoy communicating with patients and helping to make their experience easy and comfortable.

How much experience do you have as a Medical Assistant?

If you have prior experience as a Medical Assistant, tell them where you’ve worked, and how long you worked there. If you are new to the Medical Assistant field, tell them about your experience with the Allen School and your 275 clinical hours in your internship; Which is part of the Allen School of Health Sciences medical assistant program. Example:

I recently completed a 275-hour internship at City Medical where I obtained valuable hands-on experience in the responsibilities of a Medical Assistant. Now that I have graduated and completed my internship, I am looking forward to finding a full-time position and continuing my professional growth.

What are some of your strengths?

When answering this question, it’s important not to brag. Simply discuss the areas that you feel you are strongest in. Example:

My phlebotomy skills are one of my biggest strengths. I feel confident when drawing blood. I am also good as communicating with patients and making them feel comfortable.

What are some of your weaknesses?

When answering this question, do not put yourself down or say you are bad at something. Simply mention areas where you are looking to improve. Example:

I am currently more comfortable with clinical tasks than administrative responsibilities, but I am good at communicating, so I am confident that I can adapt to that role quickly.

Tell me about your computer skills.

When answering this question, be sure to mention your medical billing and coding training, as well as your electronic health records training at the Allen School, as both are very important when employers are looking to hire candidates Example:

I am trained in Electronic Health Records software, specifically the Example program. I have trained in medical billing and coding, and have learned how to process claims. I am also experienced with all Microsoft Office programs.”

Are you experienced in front office administrative responsibilities? Are you comfortable on the phone?

It is common for Medical Assistant to do a combination of clinical tasks and administrative work. Be ready to talk about the office tasks you have been trained to do. This is another good opportunity to bring up your EHR and medical billing and coding training. Example:

“We learned many front office duties in my training program at the Allen School of Health Sciences with an emphasis on customer service and professionalism. I have been trained on medical billing and coding and Electronic Health Records, and I am comfortable talking to patients both on the phone and in person.”

Have you been trained in phlebotomy? Are you comfortable drawing blood?

Phlebotomy is an important part of a Medical Assistant’s job, so employers will want to make sure you are trained and ready to take on that responsibility, even if you have not had any experience in the field yet. Example:

“I am comfortable with drawing blood and all phlebotomy procedures, and did well in my training at the Allen School of Health Sciences. I have had a lot of practice drawing blood from fellow students, family, and friends as a core component of my training, and continued receiving experience throughout my internship.”

Are you experienced in taking patient vital signs and medical histories?

These are important responsibilities for a Medical Assistant, so be sure to detail the procedures you learned in your training program. Example:

“I have been trained in taking weight, temperature, blood pressure, and pulse. We practiced in the lab at school, and I had the opportunity to take these measurements on patients during my internship.”

Why do you want to work here?

It’s important to research a company before you interview with them. If this question comes up, have a specific answer about what you can bring to the company. Avoid talking about personal motivations such as the good pay or easy commute. Example:

“Example Hospital’s pediatrics department would be a good fit for me because I enjoy working with children. Working with six different doctors would give me a great range of experience.”

Why are you the best candidate for this position?

When answering this question, you do not want to come off conceited. Simply reiterate your training and experience, and that you feel you would make a valuable member of the team. Example:

“I feel that my training, internship experience, and communication skills make me a strong candidate for this position. I am confident in all of the responsibilities in the job descriptions, and my personal skills will allow me to make patients comfortable during their visit.”

Think you might have what it takes, but afraid to ask? Take part in one of our virtual career planning sessions and discover the many healthcare pathways available to you. Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our classes starting soon and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu to learn more.

-Allen School