Study habits in Healthcare

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          STUDY HABITS OF A MEDICAL ASSISTANT STUDENT : Learning good study habits in school assists students well into their professional careers and beyond. By understanding how to manage time, information, and materials, students gain the skills they need to be organized, efficient learners who have a toolkit of strategies for completing their homework on a nightly basis. This leads to them being better equipped to tackle assessments in the classroom and can reduce test anxiety while increasing confidence and competence. Here are a few key study habits.
  • Master time management – Outside of school, students are often busy with extracurricular activities, jobs, and family responsibilities in addition to completing homework and studying. Students spend an average of 30 hours per week in class, but it is critical that they use their time outside of school just as wisely. Learning how to use time in an effective manner and avoid distractions are skills that take practice, but are great assets to being a successful student when mastered.
  • Use a planner – Students are encouraged to use a planner to record their nightly homework, long-term projects, and upcoming tests and quizzes. Planners, calendars, and dry erase boards assist students in tracking assignments and thus lead to improved time management.
  • Organize materials – Having an organized backpack, locker, and study space at home assist students in forming successful study habits. Students may benefit from color-coded folders, notebooks, or bins at home dedicated to completed homework. Becoming organized can save valuable time.
  • Practice good note taking – When students work diligently in the classroom, they are better able to know what to study and how to study at home. Effective listening strategies, practical note taking skills, and following directions closely all aid students in managing critical information. If students are visual learners, they may benefit from writing their notes in different colored pens or on colored index cards. Also, it may be helpful to rewrite notes taken in class every night as a form of review.
  • Review notes daily – Instead of cramming the night before a test, students should get into the habit of reviewing their notes for each class nightly. This study habit is especially helpful with classes that require students to show competencies in their required health care program, as it allows students to study terms in manageable chunks. This reinforces students’ learning and builds toward mastery of the subject.
  • Create study guides and flash cards – By going through class notes, handouts, and textbooks and writing down the pertinent information in the form of a study guide, students will be better prepared for tests. They can then use these study guides to quiz themselves and to gauge how well they know the information. Reading and re-writing the most important definitions, concepts, and themes helps imprint this information in students’ brains. Similarly, writing flashcards and reviewing them either on their own or with a peer or parent is an excellent study strategy.
  • Study with a partner – Enlisting the help of a friend or partner to study not only makes reviewing more fun, but it enhances what students have learned while studying on their own. It can be especially beneficial for a student to act as the teacher and to teach their friends and family what they learned in class that day.
  • Take breaks – Taking scheduled, short breaks while studying not only helps prevent fatigue, but it better allows the brain to retain information a student has been studying. It may be helpful to set a timer so that breaks don’t extend beyond five to ten minutes. When returning from a break, students should review the information they previously studied before moving onto something new.
  Honing these study skills can prevent students from becoming discouraged and overwhelmed. It is never too late to learn these skills, as they often become second nature when students are persistent and practice them daily. Developing good study habits not only improves schoolwork, but it equips students for the rigors of college work and beyond. Ready to start working towards a career you can love? Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our spring classes and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.   -Allen School      

Balancing work and personal life as a single mom

                                                                                                                                         Tips on balancing work and personal life as a single mom. As a Single mom, you always need to balance your work life and personal life. As a single mom, not only are you responsible for maintaining employment and balancing your budget even when things are tight, but you’re also tasked with the monumental job of parenting. It’s often tough for two parents to manage, and it’s even harder to be a solo act. How to balance it all? Read on for tips on how to be successful as a single mother. Create a Support Network for Yourself You need time to yourself, and as you probably know, it’s essential to spend time with other adults. Partnered parents typically have an easy time cultivating friendships with other couples who have kids in the same age range; it’s often harder for singles. Don’t be shy about mixing and mingling with other moms, even if your children don’t share interests. Let Go of Baggage It can be tough to stay positive, but you and your child will benefit when you do. Reminders of your old life can be painful, and they can prevent you from focusing on the great things that are happening now  Your Health a Priority Stay active and eat well, even if it’s easier to eat pizza on the couch. Kids can join in, enjoying neighborhood walks and bike rides, and you can even teach older children basic kitchen skills and have fun prepping healthy meals together. Take time to yourself every so often, too, relaxing or enjoying girls’ days out. If you feel as if the concept of self-care seems extravagant, it may help to remind yourself that good physical, mental, and emotional health are vital to your success as a parent. Be a Money Mentor As a single mom, it’s up to you to teach your child how to manage money. Teaching even simple concepts such as tracking spending and saving can help ensure that your children develop good financial habits that will serve them for life.  Enjoy Electronics-Free Time Together Your smartphone connects you to your network – and your friends, acquaintances, and coworkers really are important. But too much time spent focusing on technology can have a negative impact on your child’s self-esteem. Make “together time” a priority. After you’ve handled essential tasks, take time to be fully present with your child. Not only will you enjoy the in-person connection, you’ll also be a great model of healthy online behavior. Take Your Child on Outings As a single mom, you’re more than a parent – you’re also a teacher, guide, mentor, and more. Trips – even short ones to local venues – help you create a stronger bond with your child and expose him or her to new experiences. Most communities offer at least a free educational opportunity. Take advantage of them!  Expose Your Child to Good Male Role Models: Male mentors such as grandfathers, uncles, scout leaders, coaches, and others are essential for boys and girls alike. Be extremely selective when choosing potential candidates, ensuring that they share your values. Male role models should be trustworthy and willing to spend time with your child.  Create a Routine and Stick to It With the exception of holidays and vacations, it’s important to ensure that your child sticks to a predictable routine. Try to create consistency with scheduling wake-up time, bedtime, and mealtimes, and set aside special family time and play time, too. Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly routines create stability. Be Consistent with Discipline Most kids get into trouble. It’s a normal part of childhood! At the same time, it’s important to note that children need to understand what’s expected, and they need to know what to anticipate in terms of consequences when those expectations aren’t met or when set boundaries are pushed. Avoid empty threats, keep your temper under control, and don’t be a pushover. Discipline should foster learning, not create distance between you and your child.  Date When and How it is Good for you! Dating can be an adventure for you and a good opportunity to show your kids the healthy side of relationships. Many single moms can feel apprehensive about dating again, especially when considering their kids. However, there is a way to strike balance with dating that allows for a happier you, and ultimately a happier mom. If you’ve ever considered a career in medical assisting, the Medical Assistant program at could train you with the skills you’ll need. Check out all our health care programs. Are you currently working toward finishing school? Are you thinking about a new career? If so, contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our spring classes and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.   -ALLEN SCHOOL      

Essential Personal Qualities for Medical Assistants

Essential Personal Qualities for Medical Assistants

Most of us have had the help and support of a Medical Assistant while visiting a hospital, or a physician’s office. However, in order to become a successful medical assistant, there are some basic qualities that a candidate should possess

 Communication Skills

Among the most important medical assistant qualities are communication skills, as these are the basic characteristics of this profession. He/she should listen to the patients without interrupting them while they explain their concerns. But at the same time, he/she should still ask appropriate questions to the patients and get suitable answers from them. These are some diplomatic ways to obtain essential information from the patients to help the physician treat the patients efficiently. Communication skills also involve narrating the vital instructions given by the doctor to the patients. Also, a medical assistant should answer the questions of the patients effectively and unmistakably.


Besides being a good listener, a medical assistant must be compassionate to the patients. A medical assistant should try to understand the worries, happiness, and other emotional states of the patients by discussing them with them. Dealing with the patients compassionately will help them to feel more comfortable and relaxed at the time of their health assessment.

Handling stress

A physician’s office or a hospital is full of activity. The workplace can make a medical assistant feel quite stressed out. A medical assistant will have a lot of administrative and clinical duties to perform every day. At times, all of these work-related stresses can contribute to confusion and anxiety. On the other hand, patients visit a healthcare facility for appropriate care and treatment. It is the responsibility of the medical assistant to help them in a better way. So, a medical assistant should have the capability to overcome his daily stress level. He/she should be a tolerant and strong person to handle any stressful situations that he comes across in his job.


A medical assistant is expected to be a reliable person since the physician, the healthcare group associates and the incoming patients depend on the medical assistant to be reliable. Hence, a medical assistant should be punctual, and career-focused and should value the conventional code of behavior.


Among medical assistant traits, ‘honesty’ is the best policy for this lifetime career. The personal information that a medical assistant collects has to be maintained as confidential in a healthcare setting. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)’s confidentiality rule needs vigilance and care in maintaining the patient’s fitness information. However, it is also considered as a courteousness to behave trustworthy to the patients while receiving their health or personal information (even during informal conversation). Each and every medical assistant will be introduced to circumstances where they need to prove their ethical and moral characteristics on a daily basis. Hence, honesty is the chief quality of becoming a professional.

Willpower and Politeness

Sometimes, there is a possibility to act in response to a tiring physician who is bursting with questions or to a disturbed patient who is in a lot of pain and aches. However, having strong willpower towards your personal feelings and dealings in a healthcare environment while still remaining polite is the unique medical assistant trait that is necessary for you as a good professional. If you possess the above-mentioned traits, then go ahead and join a professional medical assistant training program that will give you all the essential courses required to become a successful medical assistant. Are you thinking about a new career as a medical assistant? If so, contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our spring classes and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more. Article updated December 2024      

Rewards you will find in a Medical Assistant Career

REWARDS YOU WILL FIND IN A MEDICAL ASSISTANT CAREER Medical assistants are vital members of healthcare teams who positively impact patients and their families and many others. Have you ever considered a medical assistant career? Here are a few rewards you could discover: Helping others: If you’d like a career where what you do really makes a difference in someone’s life, medical assisting might be right for you. By processing insurance paperwork, you not only make certain your patients get the benefits they deserve, you reduce their stress. When you take medical histories and vital signs, you help to make sure patients receive proper medical care. And the comfort and reassurance you offer is often priceless to an anxious patient undergoing treatment for illness or injury. But you don’t just help patients as a medical assistant. Other members of the medical team will truly rely on the work you do so they can do their jobs well. Physicians, nurses, and technicians will all depend on you to do a great job so they can provide excellent service and keep the healthcare facility running at peak efficiency. Positive job satisfaction: Maybe because their life’s work is all about helping others, medical assistants like what they do. It’s hard, but rewarding work they love. Will you? Good work environment: As a medical assistant, you’d probably work full time in a physician’s office or healthcare facility. You could also expect to see much faster than average job growth through 2024 for the profession according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (; the Medical Assistant field is one of the fastest growing fields in the Health Care Industry and because you’re working in healthcare, you can usually expect good pay and benefits. Opportunities for growth: As you continue your career as a medical assistant, you may choose to attain additional certifications that will help you grow in your career. You may even decide to specialize or pursue other healthcare careers. With your unique access, you’ll have an inside view to what it’s like to perform a wide variety of medical jobs. You may decide to dedicate yourself to becoming the best medical assistant you can be or you may decide to get additional training and move on to other roles in the healthcare industry. If you’ve ever considered a career in medical assisting, the medical assistant program at could train you with the skills you’ll need. Check out all our health care programs. Are you currently working toward finishing school? Are you thinking about a new career? If so, contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our spring classes and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.           -ALLEN SCHOOL

How to Get Into a Medical Assistant Program After High School

How to Get Into a Medical Assistant Program After High School

  If you’re looking for a rewarding career in healthcare that won’t take years to accomplish, you might consider becoming a medical assistant. This is a career you can enter with less than two years of education, so if you are able to imagine yourself assisting doctors and nurses at a clinic or hospital, this might be the right career path for you. Learn how to get into a medical assistant program after high school! Obtain Your High School Diploma or GED. The first step is to have your high school diploma or GED. Schools with health care programs will require you to have completed high school. Employers will also expect that you have this as a minimum for educational requirements. If you need to get your GED, there are practice tests available online to help you prepare for the real thing. Once you have your diploma or GED, the world of medical assistant programs opens up to you! Choosing the Correct Medical Assistant Program. The best way to enter the field is to choose one of the available medical assistant programs offered in your area. You have a lot of options when it comes to your education. We have found, most students choose to do accelerated classroom-based programs with flexible scheduling and internships. Classroom based programs with internships are helpful for those who learn best through face-to-face interactions. This also gives you the chance to ask the instructor questions and discuss the material with other students. On internship you will be working in the clinical environment with the benefit of getting “real world” hands on experience. Consider Becoming Certified. Becoming a Certified Medical Assistant will look great on a resume and increase your chances of finding employment. Once you’ve completed a medical assistant program, the next step is sign up to take the test through the American Association of Medical Assistants. The test is offered several times throughout the year. You will also need to complete an application to be considered for your certification. Choose Your New Path Today! Now that you know how to get into a medical assistant program after high school, your next step is choosing the right one for you. Ready to start working towards a career you can love? Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our spring classes and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.-Allen School      

How do you choose a career school in Healthcare?

HOW DO YOU CHOOSE A CAREER SCHOOL IN HEALTHCARE? If you’re scouting for a career school in healthcare, it’s best to research healthcare schools you are interested in attending. A career school in healthcare isn’t for the wandering type. It’s a path to your future goals and you should use care in choosing one. If your plans for the future are vague and you want to take a few classes before deciding on a course of study, career schools in healthcare aren’t the place to do it. START BY KNOWING WHAT YOU WANT TO DO. You probably won’t go to the extreme of randomly choosing a career school, but if you’re unsure about how to make a good choice, start by knowing what you want to do. You don’t need to know the intricate details of your goals, but you should have a broad idea of what you want, such as a career in health care. Once you make that decision, most career colleges can help you refine your choices. LOOK AT GRADUATES FROM VARIOUS CAREER SCHOOLS IN HEALTHCARE TO SEE YOUR FUTURE. Professional training is the main purpose of a career college and its graduates are its best measure of success. The best place to find out if a career college in healthcare is right for you is at the back door. Who hires the graduates? How do their jobs relate to the career education they received? Career colleges should provide that data to prospective students. They should also provide assistance while you are in school as well as when you graduate. VISIT THE CAMPUS AND SCHEDULE A CAREER PLANNING SESSION. Once you’ve gone to the back door to check out graduate success, make your way to the front door and visit the career college you’re considering. Will you fit in as an older student in mid-career or a high school student just starting out? The only way to find out is to go there! Fellow students aren’t the only aspect of a campus you should check out. The equipment bears close inspection to see if it’s up-to-date. Are there enough computers or other appropriate equipment to go around? The program you’re considering should have class schedules that work for you as well as a time frame for completion that suits you. Your bottom line is to make sure the school will accommodate your needs. Make sure that you are comfortable with all of the program’s details. You should verify if the school has certain certifications that relate to your career in healthcare. Certification helps ensure quality of your education. A CHECKLIST FOR VISITING A CAREER SCHOOL CAMPUS. When you head out the door to check out campuses and make your final choice, take this checklist of dos with you:
  • DO they have an accelerated program which can have you graduate in a shorter period of time?
  • DO find out what the institution has to offer in student services, such as career placement and assistance.
  • DO pay close attention to the environment, noting things like how you’re greeted when you walk in the door.
  • DO look at who are the faculty members that will be teaching your classes. Knowing who is included will give you an idea of the kind of employer you could be working for.
  • DO enroll with a high level of commitment.
  • DO ask to speak to the campus director or director of admissions.
Choosing a career college in healthcare doesn’t have to be a grind. With the information you gather and many good schools to choose from, you can get on the right track to having and receiving a great career education and meeting the goals in the healthcare field you’ve set for yourself. Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our spring classes and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.   -Allen School