Starting a medical program in the summer can be an exciting and challenging experience, so here are a few tips to help get you started:

  1. Research The Program.  Before you begin, make sure you have a clear understanding of the program requirements, curriculum, and any prerequisites.  This will help you prepare and know what to expect. At the Allen School of Health Sciences, we have dedicated advisors to assist you in learning about our medical programs and answer all of your questions.
  2. Know Your Basics.  Brush up on your foundational knowledge in subjects such as phlebotomy, chemistry, and anatomy.  This will help you feel more confident and prepared for the coursework.
  3. Get Organized.  Create a study schedule and plan your time effectively.  Medical programs can be demanding, so staying organized will help you stay on top of your coursework and assignments.
  4. Seek Support.  Connect with fellow students who are also starting the program.  Having a support system can make a significant difference in managing the workload and sharing resources.
  5. Stay Motivated.  Remember why you chose to pursue a medical program and keep that motivation in mind when things get challenging. Stay focused on your goals and celebrate your achievements along the way.
  6. Take Care Of Yourself.  Self-care is crucial during a demanding program.  Make sure to prioritize your physical and mental well-being by getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and taking breaks when needed.
  7. Utilize Resources.  Take advantage of any resources provided by the program such as study guides, tutoring services, or online materials. At the Allen School of Health Sciences, our career service team is here to assist students while they are in school and after they graduate from our programs. These resources can help you excel in your studies.
  8. Build Professional Relationships.  Network with professors, mentors, and professionals in the medical field.  Building these connections can open doors to valuable opportunities, such as internships or research opportunities.
  9. Stay Curious And Engaged.  Keep an open mind and be eager to learn; Ask questions, participate in discussions, and take advantage of any hand-on learning experiences offered by the program.
  10. Enjoy The Journey.  Starting a medical program is a significant milestone in your educational and professional journey.  Embrace the challenges and enjoy the process of learning and growing in your chosen field.

Remember that starting a medical program is a rewarding experience that will require dedication and hard work. It’s important to stay focused, seek support when needed, and most importantly to believe in yourself.  If you’re ready to pursue a successful career in the healthcare field and are interested in learning more about the Allen School of Health Sciences, contact us today!

We are enrolling now for early acceptance in our summer classes. We are excited for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more. Good luck on your journey!

Medical Assistants: The Heroes Behind the Scenes

Medical Assistants are the true backbone of modern healthcare. An MA will perform a wide range of duties from taking patient histories, to scheduling appointments and entering data into computers. They handle the day-to-day operations that keep medical practice running smoothly and efficiently. But who is this figure dressed in scrubs? Why are Medical Assistants in such high Demand? And what exactly do they do? Let’s take a closer look!

What Is a Medical Assistant

A Medical Assistant is someone who works in a variety of settings including hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices, nursing homes, and even law firms or other businesses related to healthcare. An MA helps with clerical tasks such as filing insurance claims and answering phones. On the other hand they also perform clinical work like drawing blood, performing EKGs, or assisting with injections.

What Does a Medical Assistant Do?

Medical Assistants are trained to perform administrative and clinical tasks related to patient care under the supervision of a doctor or registered nurse. They work in hospitals, clinics, physician’s offices, and other healthcare facilities. At the Allen School of Health Sciences, we are committed to ensuring that our students get the best education possible, that’s why we offer a Medical Assistant program that is designed to give you the skills you need to succeed in your career. The duties of an MA vary depending on the type of institution, but can include:

  • Taking patient histories and recording vital signs
  • Performing basic laboratory tests and assisting with surgeries
  • Administering injections, blood draws, and intravenous fluids
  • Explaining medical procedures to patients
  • Assist with medical treatments by preparing equipment such as syringes or bandages as needed.

Why Medical Assistants Are in High Demand

The following are some of the reasons why Medical Assistants are in high demand today:

  1. The aging population means more health problems for seniors and more work for Medical Assistants to help them address those problems.
  2. Modern technology has made it easier for people to stay in touch with their doctors and keep track of their health needs at home, which means they need more support from a Medical Assistant than ever before.
  3. More people are getting insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act, which means an increased demand for medical care across the country and an increased need for trained personnel like Medical Assistants who can help make sure patients get proper treatment promptly.
  4. More people are being diagnosed with chronic diseases, and there is an increasing need for Medical Assistants to help care for these patients.
  5. They can help provide care that is cost-effective and efficient, which is something that is always in high demand in the medical field.

The Allen School of Health Sciences is enrolling now for early acceptance for classes starting soon. Contact us today to learn more about our school and programs.

Can You Do an Internship While Attending the Allen School of Health Sciences New York Campuses?

We’ve all seen those healthcare job ads that require experience for a Medical Assistant job, but how can they expect you to have experience? Internships! They are the answer. Internships are often steppingstones to a first job, providing valuable experience, training, and confidence.

Who Internships Benefit Most

The main goal of any internship is to provide real-world, on-the-job experience. Contrary to popular belief, you can do an internship as part of your certificate program to become a Medical Assistant. At the Allen School of Health Sciences, our internship is 275 hours in a clinical environment. You will gain invaluable experience working with doctors, office managers, nurses, and other allied health professionals.

Why Choose A School With An Internship As Part Of Their Curriculum? 

Whether you’re a high school student, college student or a seasoned professional looking to change careers, an internship as part of your healthcare program can help you level up your career in various ways.

Gain Experience 

An internship throws you into the working world while you’re still under the supervision of a more senior professional. You can get hands-on, real-world work experience while still receiving guidance.

An internship can teach you the soft skills that you’ll need to thrive later on; on your first job in the healthcare field. Plus, they’re a terrific addition to your resume! It shows you have experience (and the dedication to stick with a job). Internships are a fantastic way to work in the medical field; they expose you to various work environments, which can help you decide which specialty and job as a Medical Assistant might be the right fit for you.

Develop Professional Skills. 

Your Allen School education will teach you all kinds of valuable facts and skills from critical thinking to drawing blood. You will learn how to conduct an EKG, and understand the administrative side of a Medical Assistant role. Because you won’t learn everything in a classroom setting, the Allen School of Health Sciences has a 275-hour internship component as part of the curriculum. In a real-world environment, you can further develop your skills as a Medical Assistant and gain more experience.

Networking Opportunities 

An internship is a terrific way to get to know people beyond your immediate academic circles. You can network with more established professionals and even find a mentor or role model.

Get Your Foot In The Door.

A Medical Assistant internship experience may give you a competitive edge in the job market. Many healthcare companies use internships to fuel their talent pipeline, preferring to hire former interns instead of sourcing fresh talent externally. Why? Companies in the healthcare field train their interns in their processes and culture so they know the entry threshold and learning curve will be much lower for an intern than for a new hire.  The ability to train potential full-time employees is one major advantage for companies in the healthcare field to offer internships.

Allen School of Health Sciences – Career Services

The Allen School Career Services team helps students prepare for the working world. Our career services team will introduce enrolled students to local medical offices, assist students with cover letters and professional resumes, go over interview skills including attire and talking points, provide internship opportunities and continue the partnership after graduation. To learn more about the Allen School of Health Sciences and our medical assistant curriculum which includes an internship, contact us today. We are now enrolling for early acceptance for our classes starting soon.

As Our Medical Assistant Class gets ready to Graduate, YOU Can be next!

Summer can be the perfect time for a new start. For many, it’s an opportunity to think about a new job. If you’ve been thinking about a new career as a Medical Assistant, this may be the push you need to begin making that idea a reality.

Would This Field Be a Good Fit for You?

When you’re considering a new career, it’s important to determine if the role would be a good fit. For Medical Assistants, the following qualities and attributes are important to succeed: empathy, integrity, dependability, ability to manage stress, strong communication skills and compassion. 

Why are those skills so critical for this role? 

Medical Assistants may have administrative or clinical duties, or both, depending on the work setting. Duties may include greeting patients, updating medical records, preparing patients for exams, drawing blood, and assisting with medication. For all of these duties, as well as any others that may be assigned, the qualities and attributes listed above would help the individual provide patients with the best possible care.

Education and Certification

If the field sounds like a good fit for you, it’s time to begin finding a program that will give you the educational foundation you need to pursue it. Do your homework and find the program that best meets your needs in terms of scheduling, flexibility, learning style, cost, and any other issues that may be part of the decision. For over 60 years the Allen School of Health Sciences has trained thousands of people for their careers in healthcare. We have an accelerated program of online and hands-on interaction in a clinical setting. You can graduate in less than a year!

Looking Ahead

There are opportunities for personal growth. After you work in an entry-level Medical Assistant position, moving into a medical specialty may offer better opportunities. The longer you work in a specialty practice that you enjoy, the more valuable your skills and knowledge will become to your employer.

At the Allen School of Health Sciences, we specialize in helping students reach their educational and career goals. Are you ready to start the summer with a new career? Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for classes starting soon and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family! Visit to learn more.

-Allen School

Study Tips of a Medical Assistant Student

Learning good study habits will serve well in school, as well as in a professional career and beyond. By understanding how to manage time, information, and materials, students will gain the skills they need to be organized and efficient and gain a toolkit of strategies for completing their homework each day. Having these skills will help tackle assessments in the classroom and can reduce test anxiety while increasing confidence and competence. Here are a few key study habits.

  • Mastering time management – Outside of school, in addition to completing homework and studying, students are often busy with extracurricular activities, jobs, and family responsibilities. They spend an average of 25 hours or less per week in class, but it is critical that time outside of school is spent just as wisely. Learning how to use time in an effective manner that avoids distractions, are skills that take practice and are great assets to being a successful student.
  • Use a planner – Students are encouraged to use a planner to record their homework, long-term projects, and upcoming tests and quizzes. Planners, calendars, and dry erase boards assist students in tracking assignments and thus lead to improved time management.
  • Organize materials – Having an organized backpack, locker, and study space at home will help students to form successful study habits. They may benefit from color-coded folders, notebooks, or bins at home dedicated to completed homework; becoming organized can save valuable time.
  • Practice good note taking – When students work diligently in the classroom, they are more prepared on what to study and how to study. Effective listening strategies, practical note taking skills, and following directions closely all aid students in managing critical information. If students are visual learners, they may benefit from writing their notes in different colored pens or on colored index cards. Also, it may be helpful to rewrite notes taken in class every night as a form of review.
  • Review notes daily – Instead of cramming the night before a test, students should get into the habit of reviewing their notes for each class nightly. This study habit is especially helpful with classes that require students to show competencies in their required health care program, as it allows students to study terms in manageable chunks. This reinforces students’ learning and builds toward mastery of the subject.
  • Create study guides and flash cards – By going through class notes, handouts, and textbooks and writing down the pertinent information in the form of a study guide, students will be better prepared for tests. They can then use these study guides to quiz themselves and to gauge how well they know the information. Reading and re-writing the most important definitions, concepts, and themes helps imprint this information in students’ brains. Similarly, writing flashcards and reviewing them either on their own or with a peer or parent is an excellent study strategy.
  • Study with a partner – Enlisting the help of a friend or partner to study not only makes reviewing more fun, but it enhances what students have learned while studying on their own. It can be especially beneficial for a student to act as the teacher and to teach their friends and family what they learned in class that day.
  • Take breaks – Taking scheduled, short breaks while studying not only helps prevent fatigue, but it better allows the brain to retain information a student has been studying. It may be helpful to set a timer so that breaks don’t extend beyond five to ten minutes. When returning from a break, students should review the information they previously studied before moving onto something new.

Honing these study skills can prevent students from becoming discouraged and overwhelmed. It is never too late to learn these skills, as they often become second nature when students are persistent and practice them daily. Developing good study habits not only improves schoolwork, but it equips students for the rigors of college work and beyond.

Ready to start working towards a career you can love? Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for classes starting soon. We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.

-Allen School

Thinking About a Career in Healthcare? Look at Medical Assistant Skills & Attributes

Medical Assistants are held to a higher standard of professionalism than employees in other industries. The way a Medical Assistant approaches their job and interacts with patients is critical to the success of the physician’s practice, hospitals, outpatient clinics and other healthcare facilities. Patients expect professional behavior and put trust and confidence in those who are professional in demeanor. There are a specific set of skills and attributes that shape a Medical Assistant into a professional. A Medical Assistant should work on being loyal, dependable, courteous, initiative driven, flexible, credible, confidential, and optimistic.

Loyalty – Medical Assistants should be devoted to the success of the medical practice and hold the belief that being a Medical Assistant is in their best interest. Loyalty should be reciprocal and if a medical practice is offering equal pay for equal work, an MA will feel like their employer is doing its best for them as well.  Medical Assistants can go one step further and be committed to the medical practice if they support the employers’ strategy and objectives.

Dependability – A dependable Medical Assistant not only shows up for work on time but also produces consistent work. They must follow through when the physician gives an order. A dependable Medical Assistant will also be counted on and given more responsibility.

Courtesy – A Medical Assistant should be friendly and kind to patients. Attention should be given to them as they arrive for their appointments. A Medical Assistant should offer a warm smile and friendly attitude to the arriving patient.

Initiative – A Medical Assistant should be self-motivated and ambitious. MAs that show initiative have a take charge attitude. They should observe a need and make themselves available, rather than wait for a supervisor to direct them to an area that needs attention.

Flexibility – A Medical Assistant should have the willingness and ability to respond to changing situations and expectations. Flexible Medical Assistants will modify their approach to tasks based on the unique demands of each situation, especially in an emergency. In a medical facility the patient comes first, and every MA should lend a hand wherever they are needed.

Credibility – Trust is a vital component of a Medical Assistant and patient relationship. The credibility of an MA should be strong so the information that is given to patients is accurate. The patient may see Medical Assistants as an agent of the physician.

Confidentiality – Patients are entitled to privacy under the HIPAA act. Confidentiality extends to the home and other environments outside of the medical office. A Medical Assistant is prohibited from discussing confidential patient information to family and friends. Consequences will be enacted if the medical assistant breaches patient privacy.

Medical Assistant Professional Attributes

An MA will need specific attributes to be a professional while working with colleagues and dealing with patients. These attributes include teamwork, time management, prioritization and goal setting.

Teamwork – Medical staff must work together for the benefit of the patient. A Medical Assistant should accept the tasks given to them by their supervisor unless they are illegal, unethical, or place patients in danger.

Time Management – An MA should use their time efficiently and concentrate on the most important duties first. They should make a schedule, prioritizing tasks and allowing for emergencies along the way. The key to time management is prioritizing.

Prioritizing – A form of triage should be used by a Medical Assistant to sort tasks into the must, should and could categories. Of course, an MA needs to attend to emergencies, but they also must anticipate what will do the most good and in what order those tasks should be completed to benefit the most.

Setting Goals – If a Medical Assistant doesn’t set goals, tasks may fall through the cracks. Setting goals can also help accomplish what is needed each day, giving the MA more motivation to achieve those goals.

Learning never ends as a Medical Assistant and that is what makes this career so rewarding.

Interested in learning more about developing the skills and attributes of a Medical Assistant? Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our classes starting soon and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.

-Allen School

 Lessons for Our Allen School Medical Assistant Graduates

Getting your first job in health care is a great step towards developing your career and it’s something to be proud of. The transition from school to work, however, can be challenging. While our internships can give you a good idea of what it will be like to work in the healthcare field, there is nothing quite like your first job. Here are some things that new Allen School graduates may learn during their first year as a healthcare professional:

·       Being helpful is more important than getting everything right

You won’t know everything right off the bat, so you’ll have to ask lots of questions and understand that initially you may get some things wrong. The best thing you can do in that situation is learn from your mistakes going forward. Try and learn from every experience so that you can avoid making the same mistake twice.

·       It’s great to volunteer on projects

Don’t think that just because you’re a new member of the team that you can’t get involved or volunteer for a specific project. It’s a great opportunity to learn and develop. If they decide that your experience isn’t quite right for a specific project, you will at least be acknowledged as someone who is motivated to get involved.

·       It’s worth giving more than people expect

The best way to be trusted with more tasks is to show that you are competent and a hard worker who cares about the company they work for. Going the extra mile will show those who work with you that you are a member of the team and that you’re dedicated. This may mean putting in an extra few hours at the office, but it will show that you are willing to go above and beyond to help your team.

·       Attention to detail is very important

If there is one skill that you’ll need in every job that you do, it’s attention to detail. From putting together patient records to writing emails, people will expect you to notice mistakes. It’s always worth double or even triple checking. It’s an easy skill to learn and can save so much time.

·       You’ll have to work at relationships

When you are offered a job, it’s not only because of your skills and experience, but also because you are seen as a good fit for the team. You’re certain to have a lot of colleagues that you get on really well with, but there may be others who you will find more challenging to work with. Work is about managing these relationships and working together.

·       It’s tough but it’s worth it

It’s a big change from school, but most graduates enjoy their first year of work, despite the challenges that they face. It’s all about finding the position that offers you a chance to develop and allows you to learn a range of skills.

If you or someone you know is interested in a new career in healthcare. Don’t wait for an opportunity, create it with a new career as a Medical Assistant. Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for classes starting soon and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.

-Allen School

A Few Ways Allen School Medical Assisting Students Can Prepare for Graduation

If you’re a student who is about to graduate from the Allen School of Health Sciences or another medical assistant or healthcare program, you must be so excited! We’re thrilled to share this moment with you. Even though you’ve been waiting for this moment for years, there are some things you should do before you walk virtually or physically across the stage and put your last classes behind you.

Here are some ways you can prepare for your upcoming graduation:

Make sure you’re good to go.

If you haven’t already, connect with your academic department to be sure that you are in fact graduating. You’ve probably already received confirmation, but it’s always good to check. You should also make sure your student account is current. An unpaid balance might deter you from receiving your physical diploma post-graduation. Treat your graduation like you were physically walking across that stage. Ask about your regalia. Start planning what you’re going to wear the day of graduation. Graduation is the completion of your journey and the start of a new one. So, CELEBRATE!!

Work hard until the end.

With your graduation day in sight, it can be easy to lose focus and want to rush the last couple of weeks of class. But it’s important to keep up your hard work and finish strong. You might have a couple clinicals left or finishing an internship, Remember, your final grades will depend on how well you finish. You can do it!

 Send thank you e-cards or handwritten notes.

 Without the encouragement and support of those along the way, you might not have made it. Write thank you notes to anyone who supported you, including your significant other, family members, friends, and even your instructors.

Ask for letters of recommendation.

You wouldn’t be earning a medical assistant certificate if you didn’t want a successful outcome. Letters of recommendation from your instructors and professional contacts can help ensure you land an excellent job after you receive your diploma. Future employers will be impressed by well-written, honest, and positive recommendations! The Allen School of Health Sciences career services department is here to help.

Acknowledge your hard work and celebrate.

Earning your certificate in medical assisting isn’t easy. You put in a lot of time and energy into it, so be proud! Look back at everything you’ve done to accomplish this and get excited for the future ahead.

 To our Allen School of Health Sciences graduates, we will see you on June 16th! We are so proud of our graduating class. If you would like to be an Allen School graduate, we are enrolling now for classes starting soon. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Your graduation awaits!! Visit to learn more.

Expectations of a Medical Assistant Internship

You can learn a lot in the classroom—but you can’t learn everything, especially if you’re studying to be a Medical Assistant. It’s a job that requires a lot of medical knowledge, as well as skills and professional attributes that can only be gained through hands-on experience. At the Allen School of Health Sciences, which comes in the form of an internship: 275 hours in a health care facility. We want to prepare our students for all aspects of the work, and to help you prepare, we’ve written an outline of what to expect from your Medical Assistant internship.

Working under Supervision

The greatest benefit of a Medical Assistant internship is the opportunity it provides to practice skills and duties while being supervised. In your classes, you’ll learn what and why Medical Assistants do what they do, but the moment you take that knowledge into the real world with real patients, even the simplest things like taking blood pressure can be daunting. The good news is: You’re not alone.

Your supervisor will work with you closely, especially at the beginning, to ensure you remember everything you’ve learned in class—and that you feel comfortable administering your duties. In addition, your supervisor may also serve as your safety net to ensure you don’t miss anything. That aspect of supervision can and should relieve a lot of pressure. It’s common to feel nervous before you’ve gained your skill, practice, and habits, but a supervisor’s presence should assuage most of those fears.

You’ll also be able to watch your supervisor and others perform procedures you’ll eventually do yourself. It’s one thing to read about medical assisting in a textbook and do hands on learning in our classroom’s clinical setting and quite another to witness it in a working environment. The example of your supervisor and others will give you more opportunities to learn before you do a task yourself.

Asking a Thousand Questions.

Your Medical Assistant internship should be a time to unleash your curiosity. These 275 hours are training, but they’re also an opportunity to learn all aspects of a job from the people who are doing it. In class, you’ll learn about best practices and may have already asked why different medical procedures are done a certain way. In your internship, you can ask the less technical questions like “How do you help nervous patients calm down?” and “Why do we put away the files like this?”

Asking questions that interest you will make all aspects of the work more personal—and will help you with getting the skills necessary to be a medical assistant.

Learning the Role

A big part of the job is all about communication. The authority with which you carry yourself, and the empathy you bring to patient interactions can’t be taught in a lecture. ,These are critical skills that you can only learn in your medical assistant internship. As you practice and watch the professionals around you, you’ll understand the interpersonal aspects of the work, and you’ll become good at them. When you begin your internship, you’re going to feel like a student. By the time you leave, you can expect to feel like you fit the role.

Gaining Confidence

As a result, you can expect to feel confident in your abilities to be a medical assistant at the end of your internship. Self-confidence is a huge part of any healthcare job, which can be challenging for educators since it can’t be learned in a textbook or seminar. Gaining confidence in your ability to perform administrative and clinical duties requires practice, life experience, and supportive supervision. It requires, in other words, an internship, where you won’t just learn how to be a medical assistant: You’ll become one.

At the Allen School of Health Sciences, we’re committed to preparing our medical assistant students for work as soon as they graduate, which is why internships are such a critical portion of our program. If you’re interested in our accelerated program where you can graduate in less than a year the Allen School of Health Sciences is enrolling now for classes starting soon. Contact us today!

Medical Assistant Interviewing Tips:

Are you preparing for a job interview for a Medical Assistant position? Familiarizing yourself with these common interview questions will help you feel more comfortable and prepared. While attending the Allen School of Health Sciences, our career services team will assist you using these questions to give you a practice interview.

  1. Tell Me a Little About Yourself.

This is a basic interview question that can be tough to answer due to its open-ended nature. Instead of sharing hobbies or personality traits, keep your answer focused on your professional experience and education.

Example: “I recently completed my Medical Assistant program at the Allen School of Health Sciences where I learned to work with patients. I took vital signs and assisted doctors in physical exams and other procedures. I especially enjoy communicating with patients and helping to make their experience easy and comfortable.”

  1. How Much Experience Do You Have as a Medical Assistant?

If you have prior experience as a Medical Assistant then tell them where you have worked, and how long you worked there. If you are new to the field then tell them about your experience with the Allen School and the 275 clinical hours you obtained at your internship.

Example: “I recently completed a 275-hour internship at City Medical where I gained valuable hands-on experience in the responsibilities of a Medical Assistant. Now that I have graduated and completed my internship, I am looking forward to finding a full-time position and continuing my professional growth.”

  1. What Are Some of Your Strengths?

When answering this question, it’s important not to brag; Simply discuss the areas that you feel you are strongest in.

Example: “My phlebotomy skills are one of my biggest strengths- I feel confident when drawing blood. I am also good at communicating with patients and making them feel comfortable.”

  1. What Are Some of Your weaknesses?

When answering this question do not put yourself down or say you are bad at something. Instead, simply mention areas where you are looking to improve.

Example: “I am currently more comfortable with clinical tasks than administrative responsibilities, but I am good at communicating, so I am confident that I can adapt to that role quickly.”

  1. Are You Experienced in Front Office Administrative Responsibilities? Are You Comfortable on The Phone?

It is common for Medical Assistants to do a combination of clinical tasks and administrative work. Be ready to talk about the office tasks you have been trained to do.

Example: “We learned many front office duties in my training program at the Allen School of Health Sciences. I have been trained on medical billing and coding and Electronic Health Records. I am also comfortable talking to patients both on the phone and in person.”

  1. Have You Been Trained in Phlebotomy? Are You Comfortable Drawing Blood?

Phlebotomy is an important part of a Medical Assistant’s job, so employers will want to make sure you are trained and ready to take on that responsibility, even if you have not had any experience in the field yet.

Example: “I am comfortable drawing blood and all phlebotomy procedures; I did well in my training at the Allen School of Health Sciences. I have had a lot of practice drawing blood from fellow students, family, and friends as a core component of my training, and continued receiving experience throughout my internship.”

  1. Are You Experienced in Taking Patient Vital Signs and Medical Histories?

These are important responsibilities for a Medical Assistant, so be sure to detail the procedures you learned in your training program.

Example: “I have been trained in taking weight, height, temperature, and blood pressure. We practiced in the lab at school, and I had the opportunity to take these measurements on patients during my internship.”

  1. Why Do You Want to Work Here?

It’s important to research a company before you interview with them. If this question comes up, have a specific answer about what you can bring to the company. Avoid talking about personal motivations such as the good pay or easy commute.

Example: “Your Hospital’s pediatrics department would be a good fit for me because I enjoy working with children and working with six different doctors would give me a great range of experience.”

  1. Why Are You the Best Candidate for This Position?

When answering this question, you do not want to come off conceited. Simply reiterate your training and experience, and that you feel you would make a valuable member of the team.

Example: “I feel that my training, internship experience, and communication skills make me a strong candidate for this position. I am confident in all the responsibilities in the job descriptions, and my personal skills will allow me to make patients comfortable during their visit.”

Your Journey Begins Today!

The Allen School of Health Sciences is enrolling now for early acceptance for our summer classes. Take part in one of our virtual career planning sessions and visit our campus to discover the many healthcare pathways available to you. Contact the Allen School today! Become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.

-Allen School