OK, so you can also use it to land your dream
nurse assistant job,
medical billing and coding specialist job, even your dream chocolate cream pie taster job. It’s just that good a tool for prospecting for employment. I know this to be true because I have landed more than one good job using it and I have also grown my professional network far beyond what I would have been able to without it.
Not familiar with LinkedIn? LinkedIn is like Facebook for business people. It is in fact the largest social network for business in the world with nearly a quarter BILLION users worldwide. There, users can connect with others in their industry, find out about companies and the people who work for them. Companies can post job openings and users can build detailed online profiles which are searchable and highly visible to hiring managers. Think “all the connectivity of social media but focused on business”. Best of all, its FREE. Of course you can buy extra service and features with a paid subscription but its entirely not necessary.
The Business2Community blog has
a good primer out on how you can leverage LinkedIn to land your dream job offer. If you’re done with your
medical assistant training and looking for your first job, you should check it out!