Medical Billing Classes Online – Coming Soon to North Pole, Fiji, More

Google’s crazy new project will bring Medical Billing Classes Online to the World

Taking medical billing classes online is a great way to study for a solid, new career at your convenience and from wherever you happen to be (with Internet connection).  And that – Internet connection – is the critical piece of technology that makes online medical billing classes possible for so many. But did you know that nearly 5 billion inhabitants of Earth (out of a population of 7 billion) do not have any Internet access?  Well, love them or don’t, Google is coming to the rescue with a project to bring Internet access literally EVERYWHERE in the world so crazy, they even called it Project Loon.  Which rhymes with “balloon”.   And that’s exactly the plan.  Essentially, Google will be launching a network of suborbital balloons to transmit sweet, sweet Internet signal to every corner of the planet. Read the incredible story here in an article from Medical billing and coding classes online are just one of the countless opportunities this project will open up to an additional 5 billion fellow humans.

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