7 Life Tips from Sage Shoeshiner Can Help in Medical Billing Study

  1. Don’t be afraid to go after what you want.
  2. You can learn a lot from a person’s shoes.
  3. You can’t be good at EVERYTHING. Just accept that.
  4. Work hard.
  5. Give a damn. 
  6. Learn from your past, and move on.
  7. Strive to be the best person you can be, but stay true to who you are.
This is the list of seven life lessons offered by one of New York City’s most engaging shoeshine professionals.  From his humble station in life, this man, Don Ward, produced this list of wisdom that can be easily applied to the struggles inherent in studying medical billing classes online.  In fact, these lessons are so universal, they apply equally well to those seeking nursing assistant education, medical assistant training courses or really, any job.  See Don lay out this wisdom in his own words and then consider how you can internalize these lessons in pursuit of your new career in medical billing and coding.

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