
It’s always gratifying to blog about advances in the exciting medical field.  Unlike so many other fields you could have chosen to work in, medicine offers regular innovations that have dramatically positive consequences for humanity.  Take the case of the woman whose face was ripped off by an angry chimpanzee but this week unveiled the […] Read More

Drug Resistant Bacteria and Food Production

This blog frequently covers MRSA and other drug resistant pathogens that have been increasingly threatening populations globally.  Today, we learned of the rise of a drug resistant strain of Salmonella as the news of the recall of millions of pounds of ground turkey made the rounds in the media.  We have pointed to this cause […] Read More

You’re In Demand!

It’s always nice to hear information that validates your efforts.  This is one of those bits of data that you’re sure to find heartening.  In an article for Yahoo! Education, Chris Kyle makes a list of career skills that are always in demand.  You can read his excellent article here, but the short version goes […] Read More

Best “Student Fuel”

Java, Joe, Coffee, Brew, Bean Juice, Mojo, Mud, Perky, Cuppa.  Whatever you call it, coffee is the students’ best friend.  Whether to wake up for early studies or to stay up late burning the midnight oil studying for the big exam, coffee is an indispensable item.  But just like darn near everything else, its price […] Read More

Great Site for Resourceful People

You’re an Allen School Online student (or maybe you’re considering becoming one).  The idea of online study appeals to you in some measure because it is in your nature to be a problem solver; someone who is good at finding creative solutions to life’s vexing problems.   Online study is but one example of finding a […] Read More

Negotiating Salary In Tough Economic Times

You’re a certified medical billing and coding professional in a field that is predicted to continue to grow.  Yet unemployment is still near historic highs and there are more applicants than jobs available, even in high growth fields.  So, it is not a good time to ask for a higher starting salary (or a raise […] Read More

The Modern Resumè What’s “In” and What’s “Out”

The ongoing unemployment problem in the US has effected many changes in  the way Human Resources departments deal with hiring.  With 6 applicants for every single available job, the dynamics of how an applicant gets noticed have changed.  In fact, much of what was once the conventional wisdom with regard to resumè writing has been […] Read More

Keep Computers Cool Online Students

You’d be pretty hard up if your computer died cutting you off from the ability to study online.  Well, with 100,000,000 Americans – a full third of the US population – experiencing the broiling effects of a huge heat wave, you should take some steps to protect your link to the online classroom.  Just like […] Read More

Best Hospitals of 2011-12

US News and World Report has released its list of the top hospitals for 2011-12.  This is interesting as it shows where some of the most sought after jobs might be for Allen School Online graduates.  The rankings include hospitals in 15 states so there’s lots of choices if you’re seeking to move to a […] Read More