Backup! The Data You Save May Be Your Own

As online students, you cannot fall back on the old “the dog ate my homework” excuse if you fail to turn your assignments in on time.  After all, your dog may have a hard time swallowing your laptop or digesting the hard drive in your desktop.  However, the modern day equivalent of this old chestnut […] Read More

Spring Rebirth?

The Federal Reserve announced that the US economy improved in every region this Spring.  Despite the continued rise in fuel prices, the growth is a welcome event.  For those still seeking employment, the hiring numbers, while still grim, are showing modest improvements as well.  According to the Fed report, ” Consumer spending picked up modestly […] Read More

Top 10 Spingtime Superfoods

One of the best parts about Springtime is anticipating the return of greater varieties of fresh produce in the Northeast.  All winter long, we survive on produce either in cold storage since Fall or fruits and veggies weeks old and flown in from more southern latitudes. Here’s a great list of the top 10 superfoods […] Read More

A Better Web Browsing Experience

I am not in the practice of making product endorsements, but this information is just too useful to those of us who spend a lot of time on the web.  For online students, it is of particular importance.  I would like to share with the readers of this blog, my experience with a web browser […] Read More

New Jobless Claims Falling

Lucky for you you’ve decided to work in a field that promises uninterrupted growth.  And the nature of medical billing and coding is such that it seems unlikely that the work could ever be outsourced to a foreign country.  Despite that good news, the economic picture still has an impact on overall hiring and it […] Read More

Don’t be a Member of the Procrasti-Nation

We all succumb at one time or another to the pitfalls of procrastination.  Whether it is putting off studies, yard work, dieting or something else requiring effort, none of us is immune to the powerful desire to simply say, “I’ll do it tomorrow”.  In a post written by Sadhguru, founder of the non-religious Isha Foundation, […] Read More

Supercharge Your Brain

What do busy students and medical billers have in common?  Answer: they both need to remember great quantities of important information.  Yet with so much going on, it can be difficult to keep it all on the top of mind.  Want some tips on easy steps you can take to hone your memory and supercharge […] Read More

This is Spring?

Like most others here in the northeast, and specifically in the NY Metro area, I was tantalized by the unseasonably warm weather we had last week and over the weekend when temperatures flirted with 70 degrees.  I got out of the house and cleaned up the yard some.  I know I was not alone in […] Read More

The Evolution of Medical Science

The medical industry evolves quickly and new advancements seem to occur almost weekly.  It is always instructive to look back 50 or a hundred years for real perspective on how far along the industry has come.  The work you will do upon enterring this field as a medical biller/coder will surely look very different 50 […] Read More

Top Ten Job Interview Fashion Blunders

Carole Martin writes for an excellent article about how to “dress for success” at the job interview.  Click here to read the entire piece.  But the top 10 list of common sartorial mistakes are shown below. Wild Nail Polish: This tip is for women or men. Extremely long or uncut nails are a real […] Read More