Rising Food Costs Will Affect Public Health

Up for the seventh month in a row, the closely watched Food and Agriculture Oganisation Food Price Index on Thursday touched its highest since records began in 1990, and topped the peak of 224.1 in June 2008, during the food crisis of 2007/08.  Several factors contribute to this rise in costs.  We now use food […] Read More

Medical Billing/Coding – Cutting Edge Job

Need more convincing that a career in medical billing and coding is a wise pursuit?  Kiplinger’s released a list of 10 jobs that didn’t exist ten years ago.  These are jobs that have been enabled to a large degree by information technologies and the Internet.  These are positions that are just now coming to the […] Read More

How to Promote Yourself

With so much competition for jobs these days, a good resume and cover letter alone aren’t enough to seal the deal with a hiring authority.  You may have studied to become a medical billing and coding professional, but what you really need to be a salesperson.  Your product?  Yourself!   Here’s a link to some excellent advice […] Read More

Motivation and Success

A favorite song of mine has a lyric that says, “You ain’t gonna learn what you don’t wanna know”.  Isn’t that the truth?  Nothing is as essential to success as motivation.  Case in point, check out this engineer who suffered from a congenital heart defect.  He knew his heart would one day fail.  So he […] Read More

All Nighters Make Your Pants Tighter

As an online student, chances are you have lots going on besides studying.  This is why you likely chose online education in the first place.  But between work, family, friends and studies, it can be hard to get everything done.  As a result, we often find ourselves having to pull an all-nighter to get caught up.  Now, […] Read More

Wired’s How-to Wiki – An Excellent Resource

Need to know how to supercharge your resume?  Use Skype?  Learn how to speed read?  Get paid more for your work?  Open a bottle with a cigarette lighter?  You should know about an excellent resource I recently found.  Propellor-head that I am, I love reading Wired Magazine every day online.   It always has lots of […] Read More

Tips For Making a Good Impression at Your New Job

Staffing company, Robert Half International published this excellent article on how to start a new job off on the right foot.   The five suggestions are: Get a read on the company. Pay attention to the unwritten rules, too. Practice proper diplomacy. Pace yourself. Finally, cut yourself some slack. Click the link above to read the […] Read More

Tone It Down! Folks Are Getting Killed Out There!

As a blogger and a regular contributor to the online dialogue in this country, I would call on our leaders to tone down the violent, angry, hateful rhetoric they have engaged in over the last few years.  As the famous saying goes, “Politics ain’t beanbag” and as President Harry Truman once quipped, “If you want […] Read More

2010 Tax Deductions for Students

Its officially the beginning of tax season and with that in mind the Allen School Blog will be including some posts on ways that students can maximize their returns.  In the post, we link to a a short piece explaining how students between the ages of 19 and 24 can take advantage of the Hope […] Read More

Growth in Jobs & Economy: Illusion or Reality?

By academic measures, the US economy has been technically out of recession (defined as two or more quarters of consecutive GDP decline) since the end of 2009.  Tell that to all the folks who remain unemployed through 2010 and now into 2011.  However, there are several recent signs pointing to the more tangible kind of […] Read More