Tomorrow Is Election Day – Get Out and Vote

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the last few months, you’ve seen the unbelievable amount of money spent on campaign advertising.  This year a record $4billion is being spent on campaign ads.  I know of a million ways (at least) that the $4billion could have been spent better.  But alas, this is the system […] Read More

It’s Not What You Know, It’s How Well You Interact

You know the old saying, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” that is the key to success.  Well, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have recently published findings in Science magazine that confirm this old adage.  In school we always wanted the “brainy” kid to be our lab partner right?  In the job […] Read More

In Haiti: Its Not Lack of Science, It’s Poverty

On top of the utter destruction wrought upon the island nation of Haiti by this year’s earthquake, a cruel new misfortune is adding to the misery. Hundreds of thousands of displaced Haitians, people whose homes were destroyed in quake, are living in squalid conditions in temporary tent camps. Without adequate access to clean water or […] Read More

Some Factual Information About Job Growth

With the upcoming election, politicians are yammering on and on about the jobs picture in this country and how it should affect your choice on whom to vote for. Needless to say, when listening to politicians, you’re likely to hear more lies than truths. However, the facts are out there if one wishes to seek […] Read More

MD Offers Tips on Minimizing Anxiety

We’re all very busy.  In this tough economic environment, normal stresses of life can become amplified by the extra efforts we all must make to protect our jobs, families and households.  Many of you are employed full time, parents and heads of households in addition to being online students.  It wouldn’t be surprising to learn that […] Read More

Pfizer Gets Bigger Yet

As entrants into the medical field, I figured it may be of value to you to keep abreast of happenings in the pharmaceuticals field.  Pfizer, one of the world’s largest drugmakers recently absorbed rival producer, Wyeth in a corporate acquisition.  Not content to stop there, and in an effort to bolster the “painkillers” portion of […] Read More

Armless Pianist Wins “China’s Got Talent”

A few months back, I posted an inspirational bit about Liu Wei, the Chinese double amputee who was an accomplished piano player.  In the video I posted, Wei shared his conviction and personal thoughts on living within the constraints life saddles us with and still finding ways to persevere.  Perhaps not surprisingly, this tale of […] Read More

Mmmmmmm…. Mechanically Separated Meat

I publish stories here from time to time about different food products, recipes and dietary information because I think as professionals enterring the healthcare field, it behooves you to be aware of such things.  Also, it never fails to amaze me how poorly the general public pays attention to such issues.  In this installment of “Ewwww, […] Read More

7 Ways Your Resume Dates You

As some of our student readers are enterring this career field mid-life, leaving other fields behind, the article linked below offers some excellent advice.  No one has to tell folks in this transitional space that the nature of the job market has been radically changed.  Between the rapid evolution of technology and the economic upheaval […] Read More

Medical Support Jobs Up 20%

Ready for some positive job news?  Especially for people studying what you’re studying?  Popular online jobs portal compiles an employment index.  They report that in the last 13 months, job postings in the medical support fields are up 20%.  That’s right!  Now, the overall employment outlook remains difficult so don’t go out on a spree just […] Read More