Benefits of Becoming a Medical Assistant

Ever since the formal establishment of medical assisting in the 1950s, the profession has been a critical component of the thriving healthcare industry. Medical assisting is a great path for individuals who seek a career in healthcare. With the complexities of healthcare growing every day, doctors and nurses must rely on skilled, trustworthy Medical Assistants […] Read More

Tips for Single Moms Going Back to School

Tips For Going Back To School As A Single Mom Going back to pursue your education as an adult poses a set of challenges but going back to school when you’re a single mother poses a whole new set of challenges! However, daunting as it may seem, it’s certainly possible. With some extra planning and […] Read More

Taking the Leap into a Healthcare Career Path

A career in healthcare offers many benefits beyond achieving the job of your dreams. Many different roles in a healthcare setting allow you to help others, caring for their physical and emotional needs, and making a difference in people’s lives. From newborns to senior citizens, you can choose a specialty and begin helping people to […] Read More

Millennials a Natural Match for Medical Assistant Training Courses

medical assistant training courses and millennials In an article published in Fortune magazine, David Cruickshank, global chairman of consulting firm Deloitte was quoted as saying, “While pay is important, it’s clear that millennials won’t stay with companies for money alone”.   By all accounts, the millennial generation worker – born between 1982 and 2004 – is characterized by a pronounced focus on […] Read More

5 Add-Ons for Online Medical Billing Students Using New Windows 10

For those studying online medical billing with the Allen School, the recent release of Windows 10, the newest operating system out of Redmond, WA represents the opportunity to have the latest and greatest suite of tools for highly effective online study.   We’ve been covering the run up to the release of Windows 10 since having […] Read More

Medical Assistant Training is Key to a Great Career

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) recently reported that medical jobs are on the rise.  However, not all the new, “replacement” jobs are returning in the career areas from which they were originally lost.  In fact, there are 10 middle class careers that are on the brink of disappearing forever.  Either through obsolescence, outsourcing, or […] Read More

Medical Assistant Growth in 2021

Medical Assistant Growth in 2021 The healthcare industry has always been one of the fastest growing in the world, demonstrating the ongoing need for trained professionals who are prepared to care for patients both healthy and sick. In the United States and around the world, 2021 is projected to be a year of unprecedented growth, […] Read More

Keeping Certified Nursing Assistants Busy – One Coronary at a Time

Next in our long list of “Frankenfoods” that contribute to the ongoing epidemic of obesity and related co-morbidities such as hypertension, high blood pressure, heart disease and others is brought to you by KFC.  Yes, KFC is doing its part better than most grease merchants this year.  Their Double Down sandwich (which we’ve reported on […] Read More

Medical Assistants: Improving Patient Care

The modern healthcare team is a busy group of men and women who bring their passion and expertise to patient care. Included among those dedicated professionals are Medical Assistants. In today’s world it’s more important than ever for healthcare professionals to provide a high level of patient care. Medical Assistants are important members of the healthcare […] Read More

9 Reasons to Change Careers and Become a Certified Nurse Assistant

new career as a certified nurse assistant Entrepreneur magazine recently published an article listing 9 reasons to change your career.  We’ve put a little spin on it to help persuade those who may be considering changing their careers and pursuing a new life as a certified nurse assistant. You didn’t chose your current career.  Maybe your family had a job for you […] Read More