Unwrap Our Holiday Tips to Become a Better Medical Assistant

Unwrap Our Holiday Tips to Become a Better Medical Assistant For students in a Medical Assistant program, you may be busy learning about the clinical aspects of the job such as how to draw blood, administer an injection, or take a patient’s vital signs. These are clearly a very important part of your training but in addition, there are also “soft skills” that are important […] Read More

Medical Assistants guide to working on the holidays

If you’re a Medical Assistant, certified Nursing Assistant, Nurse, or other healthcare professional, there’s a good chance you’ll have to work on a holiday at some point. If you do, it’s easy to feel like you’re missing out on a major family or social event. It can be hard, but it’s essential; you’re essential. When […] Read More

Medical Assisting- A Day in The Life

Medical Assisting is not just a job – it’s a highly rewarding profession with a diverse array of roles and responsibilities. A day in the life of a Medical Assistant is difficult to pinpoint because your day to day activities may differ depending on what type of practice you work for or department you work […] Read More

Hidden Healthcare Landscapes Beneath a Medical Assistant’s Day-to-Day

Learning to become a medical assistant includes a lot of information about basic anatomy, physiology and a host of other important facts.  What is covered in the medical assistant training course is certainly in-depth, but not perhaps as in-depth as the slide show linked here which shows what the amazing human body and its respective […] Read More

Better Looking Documents for Earning Medical Office Assistant Certification

Whether you’re a medical coding online student or you’re taking classes at the ground campuses to earn your medical office assistant certification, this information will be of value to you.  In fact, no matter what certification you earn studying at the Allen School, you’re bound to be preparing a resume for the job hunt and […] Read More

Medical Assistant Students: Ways to Manage Your Stress

Medical Assistant Students: Ways to Manage Your Stress. School can be challenging; even for the most relaxed students. For many, it’s the stress of going back to school for the first time in years. Student stress can be caused by a number of factors, including: Loneliness, feeling homesick or experiencing relationship difficulties Struggling to save […] Read More

Keep Studying Medical Billing Students – Medical Billing Classes Online

If you’re studying medical billing classes online with the Allen School, you’re fortunate in that it is much easier for you to avoid inclement weather.  Be it heavy summer thunderstorm downpours or freezing winter winds and snow, the online student can watch the forecast on TeeVee in the morning and simply opt to stay inside […] Read More

What CNAs, Billing and Coding Pros and Medical Office Assistants Have in Common

The one thing that employed certified nursing assistants, medical billing and coding pros and medical office assistants have in common is an effective résumé.  Even with the strength of the hiring market for medical industry professionals, there is still a very competitive environment for those seeking work.  Getting the interview is not easy in any […] Read More

Medical Assistant Interview Tips: Appearance

Medical Assistant Interview Tips: Appearance. You don’t get a second chance at a first impression, and at job interviews, first impressions are vitally important. In just an hour, employers will get an idea of who you are, what your work ethic is, and whether you’ll fit their team. It all comes down to how you […] Read More