4 Great Apps for Medical Assistant Students

4 Great Apps for Medical Assistant Students Smartphones are an essential part of everyday life for many people. Smartphone technology has gotten so advanced that your iPhone or Android can act as a library, a music player, a map, an email server, or even a personal assistant. However, did you know that your phone can also help you in your career as […] Read More

Active Listening Skills Every Healthcare Professional Needs

Listening skills Blog In your time here at the Allen School you will learn many new things from clinical skills to professional best practices that will all help you begin your career as a healthcare professional. However one of the most important skills you can develop as you start working towards your goal of becoming a Medical or […] Read More

August is Immunization Awareness Month

Immunization Awareness Blog August is Immunization Awareness month. Today we take a look at the top ten facts about vaccines from the World Health Organization (WHO). As a future healthcare provider it is important that you are aware of these facts so you are able to help your patients understand the importance of immunizing themselves and their children […] Read More

Teeth – Managers of Good Health!!

Teeth Blog I know you are asking what does this mean? The first stop in digestion is the mouth; the teeth do the grinding and chewing of food so that saliva can begin the breaking down of food for use by the body. The muscles of mastication (chewing) are very strong which puts lots of force behind […] Read More

Change Your Life in 9 Months with Medical Assistant Training

Medical assistant training in Arizona and New York If you’re ready for a change in your career and looking to enter the medical field, but you’re not sure where to start, consider medical assisting! The medical assisting field is one of the fastest growing in the nation, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicting it will grow 29% in the next ten years. […] Read More

Reasons for Retraining as a Medical Assistant

Retraining For A Nursing Assistant Career If you’re looking for a career that’s in high demand, where you can make a direct impact in your community, look no further than nursing assistants. Nursing assistants act as a liaison between patients and nurses, assisting patients with daily needs and activities like cleaning, mealtime, and dressing, and aiding nurses in keeping track of […] Read More

Internship Dos and Don’ts

One of the most exciting parts of your education here at the Allen School will be finishing your classroom work and then getting to put all of your hard earned new knowledge and skills into practice in your internship site. Not only will you get to build your resume, but you may even get offered […] Read More

Some Tips for Looking Great in Scrubs

While we think the “Allen School Blue” is the best set of scrubs available we totally understand that you will be excited to rock some fun and colorful scrubs once you finish school and start your new healthcare career. You may be surprised how many options there are for scrubs the first time you hit […] Read More

5 Reasons Adult Learners Excel at Medical Training

5 Reasons Adult Learners Excel at Medical Training The decision to continue one’s education is not one to be taken lightly, and for many adults, it can take years or even decades to make the decision to go back to school finally. While many adult students may feel some doubt as to whether you really can teach an old dog new tricks, adult […] Read More