Dine Out for Autism 2018

Dine out for Autism 2018 As many of you know April is Autism awareness Month a cause we proudly celebrate through our Institution for Hope campaign here at the Allen School. There are many ways our students and staff help support this great cause but one of the best (and tastiest) ways to support Autism awareness this month is through […] Read More

Top 5 Questions to Ask as You Look For Schools

Choosing the school you attend to further your education could possibly be one of the most important decisions you ever make in your life. It’s important to consider not only your classes, but the quality of the education being offered as well as any support services you may need to truly be successful in your […] Read More

Top 10 Reasons to Become A Medical Assistant

Healthcare careers are always a great choice when considering your future. Not only do you get the chance to help others every day when you go to work, but you also get to provide yourself and your family with a stable and ever growing future. Today we’ve compiled a list of the top reasons to […] Read More

March Institution for Hope Multiple Sclerosis

The Allen School’s Institution for hope cause in March is Multiple Sclerosis. According to the MS Society this disease affects approximately 2.3 million people worldwide and at this time has no known cure. MS affects the central nervous system including the brain, spinal card, and optic nerves. Here are 5 facts about MS.   Cause […] Read More

How to Study to Music

Many people find it difficult to study or focus when there’s not some sort of music playing or noise in the background. It can be very tempting to just turn on the television or radio and begin to study, but not just any noise or music is truly helpful when it comes to learning. Here […] Read More

How to Prepare For a Medical Assistant Career

How to Prepare For Your Future Nursing Assistant Career A career as a nursing assistant is a rewarding one, but it takes some preparation to become a qualified, knowledgeable NA. To help you prepare for your future career as a medical assistant, we’ve put together a few tips that will not only help you through your education but your career as well. Learn as […] Read More

Start Your Education Right!

Blog preparing for school Wonderful job! You’ve decided it’s finally time to get your education and start on the path to a great new career. You’ve completed the enrollment process and school starts in just a few weeks. Now you need to plan so you can be a successful student once your courses actually start. Set-Up Your Study Space: […] Read More

How to Handle Job Interview Nerves

So after nine months of school and internship it’s finally time to go out there and get your dream job. You’ve spent hours combing through job openings, you’ve polished your resume to perfection, and you’ve applied for some great jobs. Then that moment comes and you get a call to come in for an interview. […] Read More

February is Heart Month

February is heart health month and the Allen School is proud to support this important cause through our Institution for hope Campaign. Today we’d like to share with you 5 heart healthy foods that are not only delicious, but will help keep your heart happy and healthy for years to come. Salmon – This tasty […] Read More