3 Cheers For Career Services

Resume tips for recent healthcare grads In honor of National Career Development Month, we want to take a moment and give a shout out to our incredible Career Services staff here at the Allen School. From orientation to graduation these folks are here to help YOU succeed every step of the way. Just one more way the Allen School goes the […] Read More

Common Medical Movie Mistakes

Common medical mistakes in movies With great knowledge comes great responsibility, and with your great knowledge you are gaining every day at the Allen School, you may find yourself cringing next time you turn on the TV and watch the latest medical drama that used to seem so awesome. In fact, you may be wondering if there’s actually anyone consulting […] Read More

New Year Resolutions – Make 2018 GREAT

2018 resolution blog The New Year is nearly upon on us and it’s time to start thinking about those resolutions. Now is the time to start planning to make 2018 a truly amazing year. You can start working towards your goals as soon as January and have a bright new future before the end of the year. You […] Read More

Give Your Time This Holiday Season

Allen School Holiday It’s the season of giving and now is a perfect time to look for some volunteer opportunities to help build your resume.  By volunteering not only are you going to make a difference in someone’s life but you are going to find benefits that may help you jumpstart your own healthcare career. Below are just […] Read More

Holiday Music and Your Health

Holiday Music and your Health Blog The holiday swing is well and truly underway. Decorations are up and you may even have your shopping done. One thing is for certain though no matter where you go you are surely hearing Holiday music everywhere. It’s on the radio, on TV, in every store, and every business you visit. For some people this […] Read More

Pediatric Awareness Month

Pediatric Awareness Month December is here and the Allen School of Health Sciences is once again proud to partner with local pediatric care providers to make the holidays bright for children in need. All campuses are collecting donations of toys, arts and craft supplies, books and more. All of these items will be donated to local organizations that […] Read More

What’s On YOUR Holiday Wish List?

Holiday Wish List The holidays are here and it’s time to think about your holiday Wish List. Here are our top 5 gifts you need to give to yourself this holiday season! # 5 – Time: Earn your certificate now and have the potential to graduate prior to many other students, so you can beat the competition to […] Read More

How to Handle the Holidays on a Budget

Holiday Budget Blog Balancing life, family, school and work can be challenging any time of the year, but the holidays can be especially challenging as you try to figure out how to get everyone their holiday gifts. It can be tempting to take on extra hours at work, or even get a second or third job. With a […] Read More

Start a Healthy Holiday Tradition

Holiday Healthy Tradition As the Holiday season approaches people tend to give into the temptation to let their health fall to the wayside while they enjoy large family meals and hiding inside from the colder winter weather that’s quickly headed our way. This year take the time to create some healthy holiday traditions that are fun and will […] Read More

Balancing School and the Busy Holiday Season

Holiday Gift   Thanksgiving has come and gone and the holiday season will soon be in full swing. Between family get-together’s, shopping for that perfect gift and putting up decorations you may find your homework and study time slipping away. Don’t let your school work fall behind during this busy time.   Check Your School Schedule – The […] Read More