National Immunization Awareness Month

August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) which focuses on the importance of vaccinations for every age group. NIAM was created to educate individuals of what vaccines are needed to remain current for every age. They also stress the importance of vaccines as a preventative measure for serious and sometimes deadly diseases. National Public Health […] Read More

Importance of Internship

Medical Assistants celebrate outside of our Phoenix AZ campus Allen School of Health Sciences believes strongly in incorporating mandatory internships for both the Medical Assistant and Nursing Assistant programs. Ultimately, students gain hands on experience in a medical facility once they have successfully completed all of their coursework hours. Our Medical Assistant and Nursing Assistant students look forward to internship the most because they […] Read More

Summer Travel: Safety First

Summer is upon us and traveling increases within these warm months. When traveling internationally the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is a great source to consider for all things health, so you and your loved ones are Proactive, Prepared and Protected. Allen School of Health Sciences would like to share the following information with […] Read More

Social Media: Mindful Posting

Social Media is not viewed only by your friends and family, but also potential employers. Be aware of what you are posting to social media outlets. Both pictures and comments could be potentially viewed by recruiters. There are a few ways to keep a positive presence on social media while still remaining true to your […] Read More

Cover Letter Refresh

When applying for a job do you dread seeing the words, “please attach cover letter?” You are not alone; cover letters do not win the ‘most liked’ award when it comes to job hunting. A well written cover letter could be standing between you and landing an interview. Keep the following tips in the forefront […] Read More

High Blood Pressure

The latest debate on defining the “high” in high blood pressure started a few months ago when the Annals of Internal Medicine released recommendations by the American College of Physicians and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Much to everyone’s surprise the guidelines were higher than ever for patients ages 60 and older. Medical Assistants […] Read More

Institution for Hope: Skin Cancer Awareness

Allen School of Health Sciences July Institution for Hope cause is Skin Cancer Awareness. According to “skin cancer is the most common of all cancers, each year in the U.S. over 5.4 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are treated in more than 3.3 million people.” We will be sharing tips on how to […] Read More

Yoga Benefits for Chronic Back Pain

Stand Out from the Crowd Allen School of Health Sciences Medical Assistant and Nursing Assistant students do you or someone you know suffer from lower back pain? Recently, there was a trial conducted that proved yoga can help relieve chronic lower back pain just as effectively as physical therapy. People who practiced yoga or physical therapy during a 12 week […] Read More

Physical Inactivity Effects

Staying Healthy According to WebMD physical inactivity can boost chances of being diagnosed with certain cancers. Are you sitting on the sofa and letting life pass you by? A new study suggests that being a couch potato can increase the risk of being diagnosed with kidney and bladder cancer. Individuals that had lifetime recreational inactivity saw an […] Read More

Sunny Summer: Wear Sunscreen

Allen School of Health Sciences wants our students to be reminded of the importance of wearing sunscreen during these warm and sunny months. We have been told our whole lives to wear sunscreen  n the market, so such as: hat, sunglasses, tance of applying for you and your family and use it.; however, a lot […] Read More