Why Start Classes in the Summer?

It is finally June, so the winter blues are behind us! Now is the perfect time to attend school while the weather is pleasant and warm. Allen School of Health Sciences has four simple reasons why you should attend school during the summer season. Weather – Living in a cold climate like New York City […] Read More

Patient Customer Service

Healthcare professionals are commonly focused solely on taking care of patient’s healthcare needs. However, at the Allen School of Health Sciences we want our Medical Assistant and Nurse Assistant students to be well rounded and provide patients with the ultimate customer experience. Patients should be treated as customers. Excellent customer service can contribute to patients […] Read More

Our Graduates are Everywhere!

Allen School of Health Sciences Graduates are everywhere. We were established over 56 years ago and maintain a host of relationships with healthcare facilities. Recently, we started an “I Got Hired” campaign that focuses solely on our Medical Assistant and Nurse Assistant students that were hired from internship or with the assistance of Career Services. […] Read More

Employer Testimonials

The Allen School of Health Sciences is always proud to get positive feedback from our students and internship sites. Our awesome Career Services Department recently received a couple great testimonials from two of our Medical Assistant internship sites. We would love to share with you their kind words. Dr. Friedman & Dr. Meller: We’ve been […] Read More

Millennials and Healthcare

Heartbeat EKG Love Healthcare Millennials are sometimes critiqued for the things they do differently than generations that came before them. They have even taken it upon themselves to approach healthcare uniquely. Healthcare professionals, here are a few items to take into consideration with Millennial patients: Homework – The tech savvy millennials research their health concerns on the internet before […] Read More

Warning! Look out for Ticks!

Tick warning blog Deadly Tick Virus Summertime is tick season.  Ticks are familiar to most, especially dog owners. A common disease that ticks are known for carrying is Lyme disease. Unfortunately, there is a fatal virus that is getting a lot of attention throughout the nation. Powassan (POW) virus is transferred to humans through a tick bite as […] Read More

It’s Graduation Time!!

Phoenix class of 2017 Congratulations Graduates Congratulations Allen School of Health Sciences Graduates! Completing your program and graduating will be one of the greatest accomplishments in your life. Revel in this moment as you have completed a huge milestone and can now proudly address yourself as a healthcare professional. This time of year is always filled with excitement as […] Read More

Exercise and Heart Health

February is Heart Month Blog Do you exercise? The benefits of exercising are substantial. There are many reasons why people exercise whether it is to satisfy their body image goals or more so for preventative purposes. Whichever it is, there is good news for fitness enthusiast. Recently, a new study indicated that physically active individuals have a heightened chance of […] Read More

“I Got Hired” Campaign

Will I land a job post-graduation? This is a familiar question among potential and current students. This concern has grown within the last few years. It has truly been challenging for students graduating from higher education programs nationally to find employment. Allen School of Health Science is well aware of this concern and we work […] Read More

Why is Education Important to YOU?

Five Reasons WHY Education is Important If becoming a healthcare professional is in the forefront of your mind then completing your education must be a priority. Consider these five reasons why education is important as you consider your future: 1. Dreams into Reality – Do you want to elevate yourself and go beyond your current […] Read More