What is YOUR Career Resolution?

2017 Career Planning Resolution December is here and 2016 is almost over. A brand new year will be here soon and with it comes a whole list of resolutions that seem great in theory, but are rarely followed through on. Instead of spending money on a gym membership again this year, make 2017 the year you focus on your […] Read More

Tips to Calm Pre-Interview Nerves

Job interview Blog Pic So after nine months of school and internship, it’s finally time to go out there and get your dream job. You’ve spent hours combing through job openings, you’ve polished your resume to perfection, and you’ve applied for some great jobs. Then that moment comes and you get a call to come in for an interview. […] Read More

Staying Healthy in Colder Weather

Staying healthy in colder weather December is here and temperatures are dropping, many places are already seeing rain, sleet, and even snow. It’s the season that often brings on colds and other illnesses that can keep you from work, school, and just feeling 100%. So what can you do to stay happy and healthy as the skies start to turn […] Read More

Should you Earn a Certificate or a Degree?

Degree or Certificate It can be challenging to decide what path to take when planning your educational future. It is important to consider the time you will be investing in your education, what type of credentials you would like to earn, how soon you would like to begin working and many other factors. Your professional goals can help […] Read More

Some Suggestions for YOUR Holiday WishList

Wishlist for School What’s On YOUR Wish List?   The holidays are here and it’s time to think about your holiday Wish List. Here are our top 5 gifts you need to give to yourself this holiday season! # 5 – Time: Earn your certificate now and have the potential to graduate prior to many other students, so […] Read More

How to Balance School During the Holidays

The holiday season is just around the corner and it can be easy to let school slip to the back burner if you are not careful. Between family get-togethers, shopping for that perfect gift, and putting up decorations, you may find your homework and study time slipping away. Let’s take a look at some tips […] Read More

Why is Volunteering Important to YOUR New Career?

Volunteer allen school logo Volunteering may be the key to your successful job search. Resume Building – Volunteer positions can play a vital role in building your resume as you begin your new career. Not only will it help build your experience in the field, it will also show potential employers that you are dedicated to being truly successful […] Read More

Medical Billing and Coding Tips

medical billing and coding tips Working as a medical insurance biller and coder can be a rewarding career path, though some may find it challenging. Success requires meticulous attention to important details and keeping up with industry-standard acronyms and policies. Even seasoned professionals can make mistakes from time to time. But, despite the occasional difficulties, billing and coding can be […] Read More

How To Stand Out as a Medical Assistant

Stand out as a medical assistant 5 Ways You Can Stand Apart From the Medical Assistant Crowd Everyone knows that an employer is looking for the very best candidates for their open positions. You have already taken the first step to becoming that candidate by choosing to take classes with the Allen School of Health Sciences, but what else can you […] Read More

What Does A Medical Insurance Biller and Coder Do?

What does a Medical Biller and Coder Do? A Day In The Life of a Medical Insurance Billing and Coding Specialist If you have decided to pursue a career as a Medical Insurance Billing and Coding Specialist you will have many opportunities available to you. You may decide to work in a small practice with a small group of providers. You could also […] Read More