November is American Diabetes Month

Diabetes month blog post Did you know that 1 in 11 Americans today has diabetes? Despite its prevalence, diabetes is an invisible disease. It affects men and women, people young and old, and people of all races, shapes and sizes. Often there are no outward signs from the 29 million Americans who fight this chronic illness every day. That’s […] Read More

Social Media and Your Career

Social Media and your career It is  rare to find anyone out there today who is not active on some sort of social media. We post, share, tweet, and comment on everything from what was for dinner last night to major events going on in the world. It can be easy to forget sometimes that what gets posted on the […] Read More

Balancing School and Family

Balancing School and Family Don’t be overwhelmed by the thought of going to school if you have small children. The thought of adding school to your already busy life schedule can be overwhelming, but with a bit of organization and planning you can go back to school and still enjoy time with your children.   Make a Schedule – […] Read More

A Day in the Life of a Medical Assistant

Medical Assistant Day in Life Of Have you Ever Wondered What a Medical Assistant Does on a Daily Basis?   As our readers know, the life of a Medical Assistant (MA) is full of many different tasks which vary depending on the type of medical practice. Let’s take a look at how a Medical Assistant may spend his or her day! An […] Read More

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Institution For HOPE: Breast Cancer Awareness The month of October has become very pink over the past several years as more and more people, businesses and institutions begin to support a very important cause: Breast Cancer Awareness. This devastating disease affects millions of women and men every year and it takes everyone’s support to raise […] Read More

Seasons Change, But Your Health Needs Stay the Same

Staying Healthy Tips for Staying Healthy as the Seasons Change Fall is officially here and for many that means colder weather and less time outdoors and being active. It is often easier to watch television or surf the internet than it is to hit the gym or take a walk in the park, but it’s important to […] Read More

Internship is YOUR Time to Stand Out From the Crowd!

Stand Out from the Crowd Making the Most of Internship When it comes to Medical and Nursing Assistant training, the classroom work is only part of the equation to being successful. After several weeks of working hard in the classroom the real proof comes as you head out into the field and begin your Internship. This is your chance to […] Read More

Getting The Right Start To Your Education

Foot Prints Tips to Starting Your Education on the Right Foot   Wonderful job! You’ve decided it’s finally time to get your education and start on the path to a great new career. You’ve completed the enrollment process and school starts in just a few weeks. Now you need to plan so you can be a successful […] Read More

Are YOU Ready to Start School?

Top 5 Reasons to Start School NOW!     # 5 – Timing is Everything Earn your certificate now and graduate prior to many other students so you can beat the competition to potential job openings. Many schools don’t have an accelerated programs and they take 1-2 years to complete, this will delay your ability […] Read More

Not All Schools Are Equal

Top 5 Questions to Ask as You Look For Schools Are the instructors qualified? Is the institution accredited? What kind of Support Services will I receive while I’m in school? What types of Career Services are offered? Do you offer any opportunities to build my resume outside of course work?   Are the Instructors Qualified? […] Read More