What Microsoft’s Purchase of Linkedin Means for Medical Office Assistants

You may have heard that Microsoft recently announced its acquisition of a popular business social network, LinkedIn for the princely sum of $26.2 billion.  Why should this matter to you as a medical office assistant training student with Allen School of Health Sciences? First, if you’re planning to study (or complete your studies) with the […] Read More

Allen School Blog Wishes All a Happy 4th of July

Fireworks To all the medical billing and coding online students, To all the nursing assistant certification seekers, To all the diligent medical office assistants out there, From all of us at the Allen School Blog, Have a happy, safe and healthy Fourth of July. Happy Birthday America! Read More

3 Good Questions in Medical Office Assistant Jobs Interviews

Healthcare Job Interview Going out into the field to land medical office assistant jobs can be a bit nerve wracking.  Actually, that’s true when interviewing for almost any job.  But, if you’re a person prone to proper planning – and it seems you are as evidenced by the fact that you studied at the Allen School before going […] Read More

Medical Billing Online Students, Update Windows or PAY!

Windows-10 upgrade for Medical Billing Online For the past year or so, this blog has been periodically reporting on the new Windows 10 operating system and the saga of users being nagged to death to take the free update.  If you have been procrastinating and trying to avoid updating the computer you use to study medical billing online classes, there’s good […] Read More

Allen School Blog Stands with Orlando

Orlando Shooting Support Symbol Tragically, this blog marks the grim news of the 50 killed and 53 injured in this country’s latest instance of gun violence.  We here at the Allen School Blog stand in solidarity with the LGBT community of Orlando, Florida and all members of that city grappling with the unspeakable hatred and evil that has been […] Read More

Congrats to Allen School Grads

Allen School Graduation The current crop of Allen School students graduated over this past weekend.  Let’s all wish these newly certified nursing assistants, medical office assistants and billing and coding agents the best of luck as they make their way toward the future.  Here’s a link to the Allen School Facebook page with some pics from the graduation […] Read More

Never Forget!

cemetary To all those who’ve served.  To all those who’ve fought and died to protect freedom and the American way of life.  For all those families who paid the ultimate price for our collective good.  Today, we remember all that you’ve done.  We pause to reflect on your courage, sense of patriotism, selflessness, dedication, conviction and […] Read More

Lies Employers Tell Medical Assistant Jobs Seekers

nursing assistant job opportunity lies You’ve recently completed your certification in nursing assisting and you’re turning your attention now to landing nursing assistant jobs in your area.  Here at the Allen School Blog, we’ve done a lot of writing about what to include in your job hunting resume and what NOT to put into it.  After all, embellishing your resume […] Read More

Medical Billing Online Students, Protect Your Network!

medical billing online classes wireless network mapping If you’re taking advantage of all the amazing benefits associated with studying medical billing online with the Allen School, you need to read this!  Of all the amazing benefits of Medical Billing Online study, perhaps the most attractive is the freedom to study from the comfort and convenience of your own home.  And if you’re […] Read More