15 Habits for Medical Assistant Training Students to Avoid

bad habits for nursing assistant training students to avoid If you’re a younger person in your 20s or 30s working on gaining a certification through nursing assistant training, you may engaging in some youthful behaviors that, while useful now, will become burdensome as you grow older.  When we’re young and in our education and career building years, we tend to feel a bit invincible.  […] Read More

Job Scoping: The Future of Medical Assistants

With an estimated job growth of 23 percent to 2024, the medical assistant field is a growing and thriving one. Medical assistants are an important part of a healthcare team and work in physician practices, hospitals and additional healthcare facilities. At the Allen School of Health Sciences, many students each year choose to pursue their […] Read More

20 Job Hunt Hacks for Medical Office Assistant Candidates

job search hacks for medical office assistants You’ve completed your course of study and earned a certification as a medical office assistant.  Now, you’re preparing yourself to hit the job hunt trail and you want to make sure you’ve gotten all your ducks in a row so as to put your best foot forward.  Perhaps it is your first time in the […] Read More

Medical Coding Online Students – Beware “Locky” Ransomware

online medical coding program students, avoid ransomware We always try to report on emerging threats to heavy users of computers and internet technology so that our medical coding online program students are well-informed and can avoid damaging and costly viruses and other online threats.  Since people taking medical coding online programs are, by definition, “netizens”, we are writing today to warn of […] Read More

Medical Billing Job Interview – One Thing to Always Bring

Medical Billing Job Interview: Bring Copies of your Resume Yes, you should always bring your best manners, your sense of professionalism, and even a series of thoughtful questions to ask the hiring manager to any interview for a medical billing job. However, according to career guru, Amanda Augustine, there’s one physical item you should never forget to bring with you.  Whether it is for […] Read More

Nurse Assistants, Pass On the Good News About Chocolate

nurse assistant training courses Part of the job for those who have completed nurse assistant training courses and gone on to land a job serving actual patients involves passing along medically relevant news.  With Valentine’s Day just yesterday and Easter on the horizon, we thought there could be no better time for the following information about the health benefits […] Read More

Easy Grubbin’ Recipes For Medical Billing Online Students

easy pizza recipe for medical billing classes online students One of the many benefits of studying medical billing online classes is dietary.  That is, without the daily commute, you’re far less likely to be pressed for time during a daily commute.  That means less opportunity to make a pit stop for unhealthy meals on the go.  As such, the Allen School Blog is kicking […] Read More

Peyton Manning’s Super Bowl Win and Medical Assistant Training

Medical Assistant Training What does medical assistant training have in common with Peyton Manning’s Super Bowl win last night?  Glad you asked! There was a lot of pregame debate over whether the young, explosive Carolina Panthers quarterback, Cam Newton would steam roll over the Denver Broncos and their aging quarterback Peyton Manning.  At age 39, Manning is one […] Read More

Online Medical Billing Classes – Advantages Compared to Treasure Hunting

Online medical billing classes are a treasure in their own right Indiana Jones wannabes would be inspired to read this interesting post on Gawker.com wherein a modern day treasure hunt was revealed.  According to Gawker, “A few years ago, Forrest Fenn, an art collector and antiques dealer in New Mexico, hid a treasure chest filled with $3 million in gold nuggets, ancient jade carvings, and other […] Read More

Choosing the Online Program Path for the New Year

As the nation’s population ages, the demand for health care workers is expected to increase dramatically in the coming years. One exciting way for you to get into the growing health care industry is by training to become a medical billing and coding specialist. Of course, training for a new career is a big commitment […] Read More