Medical Assistant Certification is Easy Compared to…

Nursing assistant certification is easier then rocketry There’s a reason people talk about easy things as “not being rocket science”.  Nothing worth achieving in life is ever easy.  That’s one of the ironies of life.  Training to achieve medical assistant certification is no different.  It takes courage, hard work and determination to set yourself on a new career course toward greater financial […] Read More

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day to All

Martin Luther King All students of the Allen School, Medical Coding Online Students, Nurse Assistant Course Students and Medical Office Assistant Trainees of all color, creed, ethnicity and gender owe an immense debt of gratitude to the courage and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  I can think of no better way to celebrate than to watch […] Read More

Gasoline Cost per Gallon – Medical Billing Online Students Shrug

low gas prices don't faze medical billing online students USA Today reports this morning that warmer than average winter temps coupled with weakening demand for oil in China among other influences are pushing the cost of gasoline at the pumps down toward record lows.  In fact, the article linked here suggests the price for a gallon of regular unleaded may reach the $1.00 mark, […] Read More

5 Morning Hacks for Sleepy Medical Assistant Training Students

Medical assistant training classes Getting up before the sunrise, rudely jarred into consciousness by the klaxon of your hideous alarm clock can be a difficult way to start your day.  If you’re an early riser, than its no problem.  But if you’re a busy parent, husband, wife, worker or any other human who has many obligations and yet, still […] Read More

How Nurse Assistant Training is like Jedi Training

Nurse Assistant Training - A Force for Good With all the hullabaloo about the upcoming release of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we thought it would be fun to draw some parallels between the tenets of Jedi Knight training and those of Certified Nurse Assistant training.  After all, both Jedi Knights and Certified Nurse Assistants are heroes in this galaxy and galaxies […] Read More

Top 10 Techie Gifts for the Medical Billing Online Student

Cool techie gifts for online medical billing students Yes, we know that our medical billing online students are by their very nature, tech-savvy people.  After all, in order to study medical billing online, one needs to harbor an innate love of computing and telephony.  Yes, the medical billing online lifestyle is one made possible by modern advancements like wireless computing, the growing ubiquity […] Read More

Wear Orange, Red, Brown and Your Job Prospects go Down

Personality traits based on favorite color So says career coach, Janet Scarborough Civitelli in an article posted at a, money and career themed website. There is a decent amount of science behind how human beings react to different shades and colors during negotiations.  Of course, the findings of color preferences tend to be highly subjective, but when applying for your […] Read More