Happy Labor Day Nursing Assistants Everywhere

There is honor in all work no matter how high minded or menial.  It is an inherently selfless act that produces the value every worker requires to feed his or her family and to provide value to the greater community at large.  Perhaps no labor is more selfless than that of those in the medical […] Read More

Windows 10 Tips for Online Medical Coding Program Students

If you’re one of the online medical coding program students who has been following our coverage of the Windows 10 roll out here on the Allen School Blog, we hope you’ve had an easy go of it upgrading your operating system to the new Windows 10.  It is truly a great operating system and will […] Read More

Eat a Good Breakfast Before Medical Assistant Training

Tony the Tiger, the Honey Nut Bee, Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner, Produce Pete, Count Chocula, Ronald McDonald, Dr. Oz.  These are all people (some real, some fictional) who grace our TeeVee boxes every day to tell us about the benefits of a balanced breakfast.  And while many of them are shilling for sugar-coated breakfast cereals with […] Read More

Deadly Heroin Additive Worsening Northeast’s Existing Epidemic

Hospitals, doctors, nurses and nursing assistants across the US, but particularly in the Northeast have been grappling with a surging epidemic of heroin overdoses in recent months. Health officials report that heroin overdose deaths in the United States nearly quadrupled between 2002 and 2013, driven by heroin’s more affordable cost than prescription opiate painkillers. According […] Read More

Best Résumé for New Allen School Grads

For those who decided to study medical office assistant training, certified nursing assistant training or medical billing online with the Allen School straight out of high school, landing that first job can be more difficult than landing subsequent jobs.  Just like any other career field, hiring agents typically want people with experience.  Yet, if no […] Read More

Legionnaire’s Disease Kills 4, Infects 67 more in NYC

Health officials investigating the increasing numbers of Legionnaire’s disease in the South Bronx have found more than 5 cooling towers at buildings in the affected area that test positive for the pathogen that causes the disease.  Experts in the NYC metro area are saying that the public should expect the numbers of the infected to […] Read More

Study Medical Billing and Coding Online (from the beach)

One of the best things about studying medical billing and coding online with the Allen School is the unbelievable freedom that comes with it. You can pretty much take your studies with you wherever you go, as long as you have a reliable laptop and a good wireless signal.  That means, if your family is […] Read More

Medical Assistants: New Warning on NSAIDs

Studying to become a medical assistant means staying abreast of trends in medicine.  We here at the Allen School blog try to bring medically-relevant news stories to the attention of our readership.  Whether you’re studying medical assistant training or nursing assistant training, these stories may come in handy as you move into the real workday […] Read More

Etiquette for Post Job Interview Follow-Up

So you’ve submitted a well-crafted application for that medical assistant job you applied for after completing nursing assistant certification with the Allen School.   Several days pass and you have heard nothing.  Did your application make it to the intended recipient?  Did it fall off the edge of the earth into a giant cosmic paper shredder?  […] Read More

Independence is a Beautiful Thing for Nursing Assistants

With the nation’s Independence Day festivities behind us, I thought today would be a great day to examine the ways a nursing assistant certification from Allen School enables a greater level of independence among those who complete their studies and embark on a new career as a certified nursing assistant. Geographical Independence With certified nursing […] Read More