Tax Deductions for Nursing Assistant Training School Expenses

Yes indeed, that dreaded time is rapidly approaching us all again.  Tax time.  That time of year when – in a furious run up to April 15 – we all freak out trying to find receipts, make accurate calculations, gather our tax documents and get it all ready to report to the IRS. If you […] Read More

The Bug Infecting Medical Coding Online Students

Yes, cold and flu season is still lingering with the unseasonably cold weather here in the Northeast.  So it may be true that students studying medical coding online with Allen School could be fighting off aches, coughs, sneezes and all the misery that these wintertime ailments bring.  But that’s not the kind of bug we’re […] Read More

Repetitive Stress & Dragon Slaying Injuries Can Cost You a Nursing Assistant Job

Say what bloggerman?!?  Let me explain!  Liz Ryan, CEO of Human Workplace, a human resources industry think tank recently published an interesting post on LinkedIn.  (Editor’s note: If you’re not using LinkedIn for your career development, you’re missing out!)  Liz explained the two most costly mistakes most people make when searching for a job.  As […] Read More

Online Medical Billing Classes Unimpressed by New Record

Did you know that you don’t have to live in the NY Metro area in order to take online medical billing classes with the Allen School?  Yep, its true!  You could live in Albuquerque, Alabama, Alhambra or even Alaska and earn your certification as a medical billing and coding professional with Allen School Online from […] Read More

More Evidence of Job Security for Nursing Assistants

The original “Evidence of Job Security” post was so well received, we decided to make a regular feature of it.  Here are some more people proving that nursing assistants will continue to be in very high demand for the foreseeable future.  So if you’ve been considering taking nursing assistant training but wondered about the prospects […] Read More

Yahoo’s Milestone is one for Online Medical Billing Classes Too

Those readers who are taking online medical billing classes as they begin their adult career lives grew up in the internet age and have little to no memory of the dark ages before the information superhighway.  For those readers who are taking online medical billing classes as part of a mid-life career change, prepare to […] Read More

The Medical Assistant Job You Lose May Be Your Own

Nowhere is it more important to manage one’s temper and overall demeanor than in the role of medical assistant.  Medical assistants as well as most other healthcare career positions require a well-cultivated bedside manner.  After all, medical assistants and their colleagues routinely deal with people at their most vulnerable.  This would be difficult enough if […] Read More

Best Time for Medical Assistants to File Tax Returns?

So, you’ve leveraged your medical assistant school experience and landed a good-paying job.  Now that the first year of your employment in the medical assistant role is over, you’re facing tax season and you  may be hearing some conflicting advice with respect to when best to file your return. On one hand, as this article […] Read More

Medical Billing Classes Online Better with Latest OS

Regular readers of this blog know we have been covering the happenings at Microsoft with respect to their popular Windows operating system (or OS) because this is a critical tool for those who study medical billing classes online with Allen School. Today, we’re sharing some good news if you’ve been unhappy with the latest Windows […] Read More

Double Down Dog – Doubling the Reasons to take a Nursing Assistant Course

The Allen School Blog loves to poke fun at the abysmal eating habits of the American public.  We’ve covered such culinary travesties leading to heart disease, obesity, diabetes, etc such as the Heart Attack Grill’s Triple Bypass Burger, Taco Bell’s Waffle Taco, and KFC’s redonculous Double Down.  You remember the Double Down, no?  A bacon […] Read More