5 Best Things to Say During Medical Assistant Job Interviews

Typically, I encounter posts written at job seekers’ sites talking about how best to answer certain common job interview questions.  Things like, “Where do you see yourself in five years” or “What do you consider your greatest strengths and weaknesses” are typical and have been discussed ad nauseum. Today, however, I came across a piece […] Read More

Hey Online Medical Billing Students – Protect Your Home Network

Studying from home with Allen School Online is a greatly convenient way to earn an exciting new career.  However, like anything else, this activity comes with some risks.  Maintaining a robust computer network at home – something that is common among online medical billing students – requires knowledge of some basic network security practices to […] Read More

Medical Billing Study – Modern Facet of Ancient Practices

The Internet puts the entire history of human knowledge at our fingertips.  It makes medical billing study (along with many other courses of study) available in students’ living rooms or at their kitchen tables.  The Internet is at the forefront of medical science in many ways.  And while it is fascinating to explore the medical […] Read More

Become a Millionaire Medical Assistant

OK, let me state at the outset, I am not saying that if you earn a certification as a medical assistant that you will automatically become a millionaire.  Achieving that level of financial excellence requires a lifetime of hard work and discipline.  However, reading an article in Inc. magazine over the weekend on 20 Easy […] Read More

Medical Billing Classes Online ANYWHERE!

One of the best parts about studying medical billing classes online (besides getting a great new skill in a job rich career environment) is the freedom to study wherever you’re comfortable.  Most of the time, that’s usually in your own home.  But with the ever growing ubiquity of WiFi signals in public places, it is […] Read More

You Can Become a Certified Nursing Assistant (she did!)

You may be feeling like changing careers is difficult to do.  Especially if you’re making the change after having trained for and worked for some time in another field.  You may feel like it is an insurmountable challenge to attain a certified nursing assistant degree.  Perhaps you’re unfamiliar with computers.  Or maybe you’re not confident […] Read More

Realistic Answers to Unrealistic Job Interview Questions

You’re about to complete your healthcare training school course of study and getting ready to reenter the workforce as a newly minted medical billing and coding pro or certified nursing assistant.  In spite of your new education, you’ll still be confronted with difficult questions from the hiring managers you’ll encounter along the way.  It can […] Read More

Medical Assistant NOT on List of 18 Most Stressful Jobs

Jada Graves writes for US News and World Report an article listing the top 18 most stressful jobs as listed by the US Department of Labor Statistics.  These are gigs defined as, “well-paying, society-building occupations for which workers potentially risk their emotional and physical health when clocking in each day”.  As you’d expect, these are […] Read More

The Intersection of Tech and Healthcare (Besides Online Medical Billing Classes)

Yes, it is true, studying online medical billing classes with the Allen School is an intersection between technology and healthcare.  However, it is not a particularly unique example of this intersection.  There are far more exotic instances of the melding of technology and medicine such as Internet enabled, remote control surgery for example. This story […] Read More

New Public Health Threat – Be Aware Nursing Assistant

It seems like we’re writing posts like this one with increasing frequency.  I am referring to posts wherein we bring an emerging public health threat to the attention of our students taking nursing assistant courses. This time we’re reporting on the emergence of a respiratory virus known as Enterovirus D68.  This illness has hospitalized patients […] Read More