Another Breakthrough in Medical Science

As a certified nursing assistant, you probably won’t be performing any brain surgery.  That said, it is still interesting to note whenever a breakthrough is achieved in the medical field.  As a member (or soon to be member) of this exciting career field, it should be a point of pride for you whenever such innovations […] Read More

A Framework and a Dream – Succeed in your Medical Billing Education

There may be a thousand reasons not to do something.  But there’s only one reason why you should: because you’ve decided to do it!   Listen to those who tell you that becoming a medical billing specialist is too difficult or too costly and you’ll never know just how rewarding – personally and financially – it […] Read More

Affordable Medical Assistant Courses in NY and AZ

The Allen School Blog always keeps an eye out for stories of people doing amazing things in healthcare with very few resources.  Like the story we published about a Nigerian clinic operator who built an operable centrifuge out of a bicycle, or the doctoral student who developed a surgical suction device that could be manufactured […] Read More

Lies Damage Your Job Prospects After Healthcare Training School

Like many students at the Allen School, perhaps you’ve decided to study medical assistant training or certified nursing assistant courses as part of a plan to switch career fields.  Yet, when you go out to seek your first new job in this exciting field, you’ll still need to include positions at your past employment on […] Read More

This is Why We Go to Healthcare Training School

There are many good reasons to get a nursing assistant education or to take medical assisting training: a stable career path, better compensation, strong employment numbers for the field.   Yet, there is no better reason to become a certified nursing assistant or a medical office assistant than for all the good you will be able […] Read More

How to Retain More When Studying for Nurses Aide Certification

Do you find yourself reading your course work, getting to the bottom of the page, and realizing you don’t recall anything you’ve just finished reading?  Perhaps you’re tired.  Or perhaps you’re not focused at the moment.  But did you know that there are actual techniques you can use to maximize the time you spend reading […] Read More

Online Medical Billing Courses NOT Bad for Eyes

There are precious few arguments against taking medical billing classes online.  One of the only halfway plausible arguments I have ever heard involved concern over the “damage” that can happen to one’s eyes if too much time is spent staring at a computer screen.  Mama always used to say “don’t sit too close or too […] Read More

Job Interviewers’ Pants are On Fire!

Despite the fact that there is strong, sustained demand for people with medical billing and coding certification, the fact is, finding a new job is time consuming and complicated.  You can expect to send out dozens of resumes and partake of numerous interviews.  Yet, the majority of your efforts will be met with rejection.  Ultimately, […] Read More