Fast Food Industry Keeps Certified Nurse Assistant Schools Busy

The KFC Double Down, the McGriddle, the Quadruple Bypass Burger and now the Waffle Taco!  Long time readers of the Allen School Blog know I have a predilection for reporting on the worst excesses of the American Fast Food industry, which seems to have no self control when it comes to developing foods that may […] Read More

Need a New Machine for Medical Billing Classes Online?

If you’ve been reading this blog over the years, you know I rarely (if ever) give any product or service endorsements (except to recommend particularly useful websites or particularly over-the-top fast food creations).  But I feel like the experience I recently had buying a new laptop computer was worth sharing.  Especially for those of you […] Read More

Write a Masterpiece of a Resume

The Rockport Institute is dedicated to helping people determine the very best career path for themselves.  If you’ve been studying at Allen School to become a medical office assistant, a certified nurse assistant or a medical billing specialist, then you’ve already determined the very best career choice for yourself.  However, after you’ve got your Allen […] Read More

Body Language Tips for Medical Assistant Job Hunters

Getting the job you want is a multi-faceted process and one which requires sufficient planning in order to succeed.  Studying to earn your certification from the Allen School as a medical assistant is but the first milestone.  With the solid education under your belt, you must begin the journey through hunting for positions, writing resumes, […] Read More

Cancer Reaches Global Pandemic Proportions (More Medical Assistants Needed)

Medical assistant schools should expect to continue to be in high demand if it’s true what the World Health Organization (WHO) is reporting.  According to a report from CNN, the WHO has been sounding the alarm that cancer is approaching global pandemic proportions with almost 1 in every 8 deaths worldwide attributable to the disease.  […] Read More

Tax Suggestions for Nursing Assistants and Medical Assistants

Did you know that you can potentially lower your tax liability if you know what deductions you can claim on your tax return?  As a careerist in the fields of certified nursing assistant or medical office assistant, there are a number of things you can write off if you’re filing an itemized tax return.  Knowing […] Read More

So What Did You Earn at Your Last Nursing Assistant Job?

Whether they’re simply trying to determine if your salary expectations are in line with what the position offers, or if they’re trying to determine how much less you’re willing to work for, it is commonly believed that whomever answers the “salary” question first loses money. If, as an Allen School graduate, you’re moving up through […] Read More

Study Medical Billing Courses Online

Yes, we all know taking medical billing classes online is a great way to insert career training into an already busy lifestyle.  Even if you’re working a job (that you’re desperately trying to leave in favor of a rewarding career by earning a medical billing certification) you can easily study in your downtime, from the […] Read More

Medical Assistants Have No Regrets

Have you ever wanted something badly?  Wanted it so badly it consumed your thoughts and dreams for weeks upon months?  And then, once you somehow were able to grasp the object of your desire, learned that in reality, you couldn’t stand the thing you thought you wanted?  Maybe it was a boyfriend or girlfriend you […] Read More