Find a Medical Assistant Job During the Holidays

The conventional wisdom is that the month of December is a bad time to be looking for work as many hiring authorities take time off for the holidays.   If you’re looking for a job after having recently completed your medical assistant education with Allen School, you should know that this thinking is – put bluntly […] Read More

A Threat to Your Computer’s Health, Online Medical Billing Students

According to research data from Net Applications, nearly 33% of the world’s computers still run Windows XP operating system.  That means, statistically, one in three students taking online courses for medical billing and coding are using a machine running the twelve year old software.  Why is this a problem?  Well, it is because Microsoft has […] Read More

Medical Assistant Training is a Reliable Path to Earnings

In the past couple of days, there have been some very interesting stories about how people got creative with strategies for earning money.  Consider this story of a college student who made a banner with a QR code leading to his Bitcoin wallet and held it up in front of the TV cameras covering a […] Read More

Giving Thanks for Health Care Schools

Taking the opportunity this Thanksgiving to reflect on all the many ways in which we’re blessed as Americans, this blogger would like to focus specific gratitude to you, Allen School students. Following a career in the service of others and the delivery of compassionate care is a selfless life path.  Health care schools like Allen […] Read More

Argument # 54 in Favor of Online Medical Billing School

Summer’s tropical breezes are becoming a distant memory.  The comfortable Autumn days of 60 degree weather are now giving way to Winter’s icy grip.  Single digit wind chill factors and frozen precipitation are making their return to the Northeast as well as across the nation’s mid-section.  For students of all stripes, getting to and from […] Read More

5 Resume Mistakes for a Medical Billing Specialist to Avoid

Yes, we’ve published this type of post before.  But this latest article from the job board folks over at has included some “don’ts” that are designed to address the most up-to-date best practices for resume writing. If you’re close to completing your online courses for medical billing and coding, you’re probably thinking ahead about […] Read More

What Medical Assistants Need to Know about the 2013 Flu Shot

A big part of the job when you’re a medical assistant or a nursing assistant is knowing about the latest and most up to date information relevant to public health and safety.  With the onset of flu season fast upon us, patients will be coming forth with the same questions they do every year about […] Read More

Keeping Certified Nurse Assistants Employed

Long time readers of the Allen School Blog know that I can never resist sharing stories about particularly, egregiously, un-apologetically unhealthy foods.  Especially the fast food variety of heavily processed foodstuffs like this one, and these. Now don’t assume I am a saint or some kind of wheat germ swilling health food freak.  I enjoy […] Read More

Medical Billing Specialist – A Job NOT Headed for Extinction

Its always heartening to learn that the job field you’re in (or working towards entering) is a stable and secure one.  Seems like daily you can read articles in the news about jobs being outsourced to lower cost labor markets or being rendered obsolete by robotics/automation.  That’s why I make it a regular feature of […] Read More

Watch Live: Wired’s Data|Life Conference

Whether you’re studying medical assistant training, certified nurse assistant courses or medical billing programs at Allen School, you’re about to enter into an exciting industry.  The healthcare industry is experiencing some of the most innovation and technological advancements of any industry today.  There’s no better time to be involved in this thrilling field.  Want to […] Read More