Do You Have Any Questions About the Medical Billing Job Offered?

So you’ve completed your certification in medical billing with the Allen School.  You’ve drafted and perfected the perfect résumé and sent it to positions you’d be interested in landing.  You’ve earned an interview with a great potential employer and you’ve made a great showing with the hiring manager, answering all the questions with well-conceived replies.  […] Read More

Medical Assistant Heal Thy… Instructor?

There’s nothing quite like hands-on instruction when it comes to learning things.  Whether it be medical assisting training or learning to fly a commercial airliner, going through the physical motions of performing key tasks is always a more visceral instruction than simply reading about theory from a book. This is why Allen School instructors take […] Read More

Following Up on Medical Assistant Job Interviews

Just like any good medical professional, it is important to cultivate a good bedside manner.  Having one is going to come in handy when you’re working on landing a new job after completing medical assistant school.  After a good interview, it can be very discouraging waiting to hear back from the hiring manager.  Days, weeks, […] Read More

When Life Gives You Trash, Make Art

You’ve surely heard the old saying, “if life gives you lemons, make lemonade”.  Perhaps you haven’t heard the new saying, “if life gives you trash, make art”.  That’s probably because I just made it up.  I made it up after watching this inspiring video about how a group of artists is helping draw attention to […] Read More

Be Aware of Pseudo-Science Medical Assistants

In the Internet age, laypersons – that is people who have not completed medical assistant education or any other medical training – have unprecedented access to an overwhelming volume of information about their own health.  Credible sites like and others, while home to lots of actual, proven scientific/medical knowledge, can still lead the untrained […] Read More

Every Day is a Good Day to be a Medical Assistant Candidate (Monday is Best Though)

Studying to get your certified medical assistant degree is but the first step in one’s career transformation plan.  Once you’ve completed your studies, purchased a snazzy new, professional outfit of clothes, and drafted an impeccable resume, you’ll be ready to embark on the process of seeking a position as a certified nursing assistant.  Landing a […] Read More

Ways to Optimize your Medical Assistant Education

Getting a medical assistant education requires a good deal of study and effort.  Like most courses of study, the certified medical assistant course from Allen School can quickly get away from a student if he or she isn’t well organized and prepared to take the steps necessary to stay that way.  Here are ten study […] Read More

Unplug for Numerous Reasons Online Medical Billing Students

By the very nature of online study, those taking medical billing classes online spend more time than most tethered to electronic devices.  As someone who also makes a living sitting in front of computer screens and other electronics, I can say with authority, that there is a definite benefit – mentally, physically, and emotionally – […] Read More

Certified Nurse Assistants, Promote the Flu Shot

The Fall is upon us and soon enough it will be Winter time.  That means freezing temps (here in the Northeast), being confined to close quarters indoors, and the more easy spread of influenza.  Every year, as the flu season approaches, nursing assistants, doctors and all manner of healthcare professionals urge patients to prepare by […] Read More

Be an Optimistic Medical Billing Specialist

We all know that laughter is the best medicine.  But did you know that optimistic people are prone better overall health than their grumpy counterparts?  Yep.  It’s true!  While studying medical billing and coding online already makes for a happier disposition (eliminating commutes and enabling study from the comfort of your favorite location), there are […] Read More