Medical Assistants Are Salesmen (Or They Should Be)

Going to medical assistant school prepares one for a career in the healthcare field.  Studying to become a medical assistant at the Allen School offers even greater preparation than other medical assistant schools.  But, what medical assistant trainees should also be studying is sales.  Yes, you read that right, I said “sales”.  If you’re to […] Read More

Medical Assistant, Certified Nurse Assistant jobs Pay Better

Yahoo! Finance has an article up today entitled, “First Person: Making it in a Family of ‘Hamburger Flippers”.  In it, the author gives a first person account of how difficult it is to make a living today working at low-paying and/or part time jobs.  Sadly, the US economy today is producing high effort/low wage jobs […] Read More

Be Nice to the Pizza Guy Medical Billing Specialists

Studying from home (or your selected remote location) is certainly a boon for those interested in a pursuing a medical billing & coding career.  The flexibility of online courses for medical billing and coding means you can have the flexible hours required to work a job to support your studies.  Like many, you’re probably taking […] Read More

10 Ways to be a Happier Medical Billing Specialist

Whether studying medical billing classes online or working already in a medical billing and coding career, you’re likely to fall prey to the myriad dangers of a busy life.  Really, any of us can be afflicted by the kinds of activities that sap us of joy and affirmation, making us depressed, angry or ambivalent.  But […] Read More

Nurse Assistants, Know What to Say

When patients come to the office or the hospital, they’re all seeking the same thing – cures and words of comfort or kind encouragement.  Knowing what to say in any given health-related situation is an important part of being a certified nurse assistant.  And to a large degree when taking nurse assistant training, you’ll be […] Read More

Medical Assistant, Know Your Enemy

Ancient Chinese tactician, Sun Tzu, wrote in The Art of War, his famous treatise on warfare, “Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted.”  For the modern medical warriors, […] Read More

Medical Field GREW During Worst Recession Since the Depression

If there was ever any doubt that going to medical assistant school, nursing assistant school or online medical billing school leads to very stable employment, this chart dispels it.  The Labor Departments recent Establishment Survey looked at how employment in all sectors has fared during the Great Recession that began in 2007.  While there are […] Read More

Forbes’s Tough Love for Medical Billing and Coding Job Seekers

OK, well it wasn’t written expressly for medical billing and coding professionals.  It could just as easily apply to those job seekers holding a certified nurse assistant degree, a medical assistant certification or really, everyone seeking employment today. In this frank article entitled, “Stop Screwing Up Your Job Search in These Ten Ways”, Forbes magazine […] Read More

Medical Assistants Give the Best Advice

I don’t know about you, but I have received some of the best advice on health and related issues from the medical assistants working in the offices of my doctors.  After all, it is the medical assistant (or sometimes the certified nurse assistant) who comes into the examination room before the doctor to collect information […] Read More

Stay Topical Medical Assistants

Being a medical assistant – like being a certified nurse assistant, nurse, or doctor – means being informed not simply on the material covered in medical assistant training, certified nursing assistant courses or med school.  It also means staying vigilant when it comes to trends and events that can impact on public health.  In some […] Read More