Why Certified Nurse Assistants have Job Security: Reason # 2477

When looking for a stable, solid career to pursue, one could do a lot worse than certified nurse assistant.  Taking certified nurse assistant training via Allen School is a sure-fire way to nearly ensure that you’ll be graduating into a field where there will always be plenty of employment to go around.  Why do I […] Read More

Rising Tide Lifts All Boats for Employment in These Cities

24/7 Wall Street published an article listing the top six cities for wage increases over the last year.  The top six cities where wages are soaring are: 6. Odessa, Texas 5. Provo-Orem, Utah 4. Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin 3. Midland, Texas 2. Vero Beach, Florida 1. San Francisco/San Mateo, California The article credits certain industries […] Read More

Medical Billing Online: Today’s Innovation is Tomorrow’s Antique

The ability to study medical billing and coding online with the Allen School Online is a pretty amazing achievement of technological advancement.  True, the internet has wrought significant change to nearly every industry and impacted the way we all live our lives.  Its not just online schools for medical billing representing this quantum leap.  Today, […] Read More

LinkedIn: a Fantastic Career-Promoting Tool for Certified Nurse Assistants

Finding the right position after you’ve completed certified nursing assistant classes at the Allen School is the goal yes?  After all, you’ve put in considerable effort into learning all the important facts and details you’ll need to be an effective certified nurse assistant and an asset to a doctor’s office or hospital.  And while our […] Read More

Lighten Up With Laughter Medical Assistants

Hey medical assistants and those still enrolled in medical assistant classes!  I know things can get hairy sometimes.  Some days you wish you could have just stayed in bed.  Particularly when its day 10 of heat and humidity in the grip of a heatwave.  Whether you’re already working in the field as a medical assistant […] Read More

Nursing Assistants Working Overtime During National Heatwave

From KTLA-TV in Los Angeles to Philly.com in the City of Brotherly Love and just about everywhere else in between (including NYC), the heat continues to be unbearable.  Those in the Northeast are also stricken with high humidity.  This is why media reports from every corner of the nation tell of healthcare providers – especially […] Read More

Certified Nurse Assistants, Know Your Enemy

The enemy of all those called to serve in the medical industry is disease.  The pathogens, viruses and bacteria that cause a multitude of discomforts for humanity are an ever present danger, lurking about, waiting to inflict suffering on unsuspecting patients.  Working on your nurse assistant certificate requires a lot of study and attention to […] Read More

Finding Allen’s Healthcare Training School Campus Just Got Easier

Unless you’ve opted to study medical billing and coding online with Allen School, you’ve got to make the trip every day to the ground campus for healthcare training school.   Since medical assistant training is best done in person and not online, that means most Allen School students navigate the NYC public transit system of buses […] Read More

Eat Breakfast Perform Better at Medical Assistant School

Its something we’ve all heard over and over for many years: “Make sure you eat a good, healthy breakfast if you want to perform at your best.”  Regardless of what you do – whether you’re an airline pilot, a surgeon or a student of medical assistant training (or perhaps even a medical assistant already working […] Read More