Medical Assisting Means Knowing About Public Health Concerns

As a future medical assistant, you’re on the road to joining a career field that has the dual benefits of producing a good living for you as well as helping ease the pain and suffering of your fellow man/woman.  Part of being effective, aside from choosing a good medical assistant school is keeping abreast of […] Read More

Medical Billing Classes Online – Coming Soon to North Pole, Fiji, More

Taking medical billing classes online is a great way to study for a solid, new career at your convenience and from wherever you happen to be (with Internet connection).  And that – Internet connection – is the critical piece of technology that makes online medical billing classes possible for so many. But did you know […] Read More

Improper Questions During Interview for Medical Assistant NYC Job?

So you’ve completed healthcare training school and you’re ready to embark on your career as a medical assistant.  You’re sending out well-crafted resumes and your medical assistant training at the Allen School has prepared you well, so you’re getting calls back and interviews scheduled.  That’s fantastic!  But are you prepared to tactfully handle inappropriate or […] Read More

Medical Billing Classes Online are Easier with a Faster Computer

So you’re taking (or considering taking) online classes for medical billing and coding.  Online courses for medical billing and coding are an excellent opportunity for busy people to train for an exciting new career while maintaining multiple, other commitments which would be hard to accommodate in a traditional, on-site, classroom study environment.  This is precisely […] Read More

Security Update for Online Medical Billing Classes

One of the most liberating options for those interested in medical billing and coding school is taking medical billing classes online, from the comfort of, well, wherever you happen to be most comfortable.  Whether that is at your own kitchen table, or a cozy back booth at your favorite local java dispensary (coffee shop).  Training […] Read More

Healthy Behaviors Promote Better Memory for the Medical Assistant

Like any course of study, medical assistant school requires strong memory performance if the student is to master the manifold processes and practices required to attain a career as a medical assistant.  Further, medical assistants, by nature of the industry they serve, must be champions of health and healthy behaviors.  After all, a big part […] Read More

Certified Nurse Assistants, Be Ready for the Future of Medicine

There are so many truly disruptive technologies at work in the modern medical arena.  There are also many innovations from other technical areas that are having an impact on the way medicine will be practiced in this young 21st century.  If you’re currently enrolled in nursing assistant school or, really, any kind of healthcare training […] Read More

Medical Assistants See Some Crazy Things

So you’re studying at Allen School’s medical training program in NYC.  You’re learning all about the various afflictions, ailments and illnesses you’re sure to confront as a medical assistant.  Beyond the simple ear infections, flu, or occasional broken bones, there are many, more creative injuries that people either fall prey to, or in some cases, […] Read More

Happy Memorial Day – Thank a Veteran

If you’re grateful for the freedom you enjoy as an American, take a moment today to thank all who have served and those who laid down their lives in defense and protection of the American way of life.  Thank you from all of us at the Allen School Blog. Read More

Secrets to Landing a Job After Graduating from Healthcare Training School

Whether you’re about to complete the medical assistant program at the NYC ground campus or the medical billing and coding online program, you’re sure to be energized about the benefits you’ll reap for having invested the time and energy in this field of study.  Namely, you’ll be jazzed about taking those new medical billing specialist […] Read More