Medical Billing, Office Assistant, Lead to Top Earning Jobs

I never seem to get tired of reporting on the following kind of story.  Moreover, I am guessing as people either studying (or thinking about studying) medical billing and coding or medical office assistant training, you’re probably not getting tired of reading them. The folks over at Yahoo! Education have compiled a list of six […] Read More

Spring Allergies and the Foods that Impact Them

As any working certified nursing assistant or medical office assistant will tell you, business in the doctor’s office picks up significantly during allergy season each year.  This year will be no different.  In fact, according to scientists, the late Spring and the effects of climate change will combine to make this year particularly rough on […] Read More

Online Medical Billing and Coding Students, Virus Alert!

Online students of medical billing and coding spend a considerable deal of time, yep, you guessed it, online!  No news there.  But it was announced today that a new virus threat lurks out there for all denizens of the online world.  Since studying medical billing and coding (or really anything else) online means your educational […] Read More

Where the Medical Office Assistant Jobs Are

Noted business publishers Kiplinger’s recently published a neat little slide show of the top 10 US states adding the most jobs in 2013.  And although I joke a bit in the title, it’s not just medical office assistant jobs.  For that matter it’s not just certified nursing assistant jobs, or just medical billing and coding […] Read More

8 Red Flags to Avoid on Your CNA CV

No, it’s not alphabet soup.  If you’re a CNA (certified nursing assistant) who’s recently completed CNA training with the Allen School, you’re probably at the point of distributing your CV (curriculum vitae or resume`) to potential employers.  Looking for a new job is challenging enough.  So do yourself a favor and avoid some of the […] Read More

To Land the Hard Job, Convey Soft Skills

Hey there people getting ready to complete certified nursing assistant training at the Allen School.  Soon, you’ll be heading out to put all that excellent CNA training to the test.  But first you’ll need to land a job.  And although compared to many other career fields, CNA jobs are easier to find, the interviewing process […] Read More

It Only Hurts When I do This

You remember the old joke about the man who goes to see his doctor and says ‘Doc, it hurts when I do this”, and the doctor says “Then don’t do that!”?  As a Certified Nursing Assistant, you’re bound to encounter some very strange and sometimes even comical maladies over the course of a long and […] Read More

The First No-contact Mobile Diagnostic Tool

The nerds over at Popular Science (and I use that term endearingly) have been reporting on the so-called, “Tricorder X-Prize” which is a contest to see who can come up with the first no-touch medical diagnostic tool similar to the one used by the nerds on the famed sci-fi TV and movie franchise Star Trek.   […] Read More

Saving a Buck or Two for Billing and Coding Online Students

Hey there Allen School Online students of medical billing and coding.  I have some information of particular value to you.  In fact, it is probably useful for those in our CNA training program and medical office assistant training programs as well since, these days, everyone has internet, phone and TV in their home.  But particularly […] Read More