Be Grateful O Medical Office Assistants & CNAs

Yes, it is getting better out there, but slowly.  Unemployment is slowly ticking downward, but it remains high and there are some fields where full employment levels may never fully recover.  This is why you should be grateful if you’re enrolled at the Allen School to study their certified nursing assistant training program or their […] Read More

News from the World of Medical Billing and Coding

In honor of National Consumer Protection Month (yes, that’s a real thing March 3-8), Gerry Detweiler at penned an interesting article that is pertinent to anyone studying medical billing and coding or considering a medical billing and coding course as a new career.  In the article which you can read in its entirety here, […] Read More

HIV Cured in Newborn Baby

Some days, its hard not to be proud to be a member of the medical care industry.   Sure, as a medical billing and coding pro, or a certified nursing assistant, you’re not going to be deeply involved with medical research.  However, when medical researchers, doctors and scientists announce things like this, it is a victory […] Read More

The Story About Medical Assistants that Isn’t Going Away

It seems like almost every week another publication releases a story like this one from Yahoo! Education entitled, “Job’s that Aren’t Going Away”.  In this article, the author lists seven careers in high growth fields that are projected to remain in high demand over the next decade.  As you’ll probably guess from so many similar […] Read More

Medical Bills May Be Killing Us, But Medical Billing and Coding Pros Prosper

Time magazine has a controversial article out in their current issue talking about the complexity and inefficiency of the current state of medical billing.  It raises several hot button issues surrounding how healthcare policy is determined in the US.  According to the research they cite, the following statistic jumps off the page, “We’re likely to […] Read More

CNA’s Have an Ethic of Helping Others

It takes a special kind of person to be an effective certified nursing assistant.  Being a CNA requires someone with a disposition that is inclined to want to help others.  Certified nursing assistants need to be compassionate, brave, cool-headed in an emergency and more than anything, they need to care about their fellow man. Perhaps […] Read More

Presidential Wisdom for Allen School Students

Happy President’s Day to all you students of medical billing and coding, certified nursing assistants training and medical office assistants training.  Today we celebrate the greatest leaders of our American history.  Here are a few choice quotes from presidents past which have relevance to your choice to study at the Allen School: “Be sure to […] Read More

Medical Assistants in the Hot Jobs Spotlight

It ‘s getting to be an almost commonplace occurrence, that medical assistant is included in media stories about “where the jobs are”.  This week is not going to be the week the trend is interrupted.  In an article with the optimistic title, “In-Demand Careers With a Bright Future”, Yahoo news reports on five careers that […] Read More