No Rest for Medical Office Assistants as Flu Season Winds Down

Remember the Rust-Oleum slogan (and subsequent Neil Young song), “rust never sleeps”?  Well, medical office assistants can relate to this idea, because like rust, human illness doesn’t ever sleep either.  One thing about the medical industry, there is a never ending stream of customers because people will get sick in a bad economy just the […] Read More

The Tale of the Robot CNA

Have you ever heard the story of the robotic certified nursing assistant?  No? Neither have I!  And that’s kind of the point of this post.  You see, the unmistakable trend in labor today is the automation of so many different job functions.  Technology has been a boon to business.  From manufacturing to farming to even […] Read More

Super Bowl Study Break for Medical Office Assistant Trainees

Well, you needn’t be studying to become a medical office assistant strictly.  The following also applies to all Allen School students who may be taking CNA training or studying online for medical billing and coding certification.  While it is certainly a good deal of work studying to be a medical office assistant, CNA or billing […] Read More

Certified Medical Assistant, Heal thy Cell Phone !

Yes, the cell phone has become an invaluable tool for work as much as for play.  Certified medical assistants are as prone as any other career worker to rely on their cell phones for business apps, productivity apps, and other functionalities offered by today’s powerful, hand-held computers.  So perhaps none of us should be surprised […] Read More

More Tips for the CNA Résumé

OK, so you don’t have to be strictly a certified nursing assistant to make use of the following résumé tips.  You can be a recent graduate of the Allen School with a newly minted certification in medical billing and coding, medical office assistant or CNA and this info will be equally pertinent to you. The […] Read More

Staying Flu Free Working in the Medical Office

Sleep – water – exercise – garlic – zinc – sex – laughter – massage: what do all these items have in common?  They are all things you should be having plenty of if you want to avoid getting the flu this year.  2013 is shaping up to be an epidemic year for the flu […] Read More

Medical Assistant Again Makes DOL’s List of In-demand Jobs

Every year, the US Department of Labor puts out a list of the careers in highest demand (by industry).  It surprises no one here at the Allen School Blog that healthcare careers continue to be in very high demand.  Doctors, nurses, CNAs, pharmacy technicians and all fields of healthcare are always seeking new human resources […] Read More

We Interrupt this Blog on Medical Assistant Training…

To bring you breaking developments in the “Oh my word, that’s just too cute for words” department.  Yes, it’s Monday and we should be focused as we typically are, on delivering material relevant to those in pursuit (or considering pursuing) careers as a medical office assistant or medical billing and coding specialists.  But we just […] Read More

CNA, Medical Office Assistant and Billing and Coding Pro All Make List

US News and World Report publishes an annual list of the 100 best jobs of the year.  This is what they have to say about their list, ” U.S. News 100 Best Jobs of 2013 are the occupations that offer a mosaic of employment opportunity, good salary, manageable work-life balance, and job security. Some careers […] Read More