Rewarder: A New Site for Selling What You Know (About CNA Training)

An innovative, new web start-up called has recently been launched.  According to, “Rewarder co-founder Kendall Fargo had the idea to help people who, despite their best efforts, couldn’t find answers to their off-the-beaten-path problems online. ‘Everyone has personal needs and wants,’ says Fargo. ‘We all know someone is out there to help but […] Read More

Prepared for Frankenstorm Allen School Students?

If you’re an online student of medical billing and coding living outside the Northeastern United States, then you’re probably feeling lucky right about now.  For the rest of you taking medical office assistant training, certified nursing assistant courses or any other course of study at the Allen School campuses in the NY Metro area, you’re […] Read More

CNA: A Job Making the World a BETTER Place

Blake Ellis over at CNN Money published a somewhat sad article called, “Jobs That Make the World a Worse Place“.  You can read it here. In the piece, Ellis discusses a survey put out by wherein workers in all industries were surveyed about the way they felt about their jobs and whether what they did […] Read More

It’s Never too Late to Achieve – Become a Medical Billing Pro!

Whether its medical billing and coding, certified nursing assistant training, medical assistant studies or any of the career fields available for study at the Allen School, its never too late to begin.  Even if you’re decades past college age and have already worked for years in a completely unrelated field, if you’re ready for a […] Read More

The Spacewalker and the Medical Assistant

Sometimes things just seem impossible.  Whether it is for the person trying to break into a new career field like medical office assistant or for the person looking to make a world record shattering skydive, the feelings are the same.  “It cannot be done” they’ll hear people say.  “You’ll never make it” others will add.  […] Read More

Current Event a CNA Should Know About – Stem Cell Breakthrough

Certified nursing assistants are relied upon by doctors, nurses and patients to be every bit as well-informed and trained as their counterparts higher up the medical hierarchy.  This is why the Allen School Blog frequently offers “news shorts” such as this one, to highlight a particularly important breakthrough or happening in the field of medicine.  […] Read More

Medical Assistants, CNA’s, Medical Billers, Coders, Do What You Are!

Over at Lifehacker, they have a post up that provides some terrific words to live by.  Rather than seeking a career that lets you “do what you love” as the old axiom goes, Penelope Trunk from Brazen Careerist urges that we “do what we are” instead.  What does this mean for you?  While there are […] Read More

Medical Office Assistants, Doctors and Patients-Sharing Information

CNN recently reported on the study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine which recommends giving patients access to the notes recorded by the doctor (or sometimes by the CNA, or medical office assistant) after each patient examination.  These notes include the physician’s observations and other important  data such as medications the patient may […] Read More

Job Interview Tips for Graduating Medical Office Assistants

Well, OK, these tips are definitely useful to those of you graduating from Allen School’s certified nursing assistant programs, medical billing and coding online programs and all other people poised to enter the job market shortly.  Getting a job today is a competitive process.  But once you’ve developed an effective resume, and once you’ve mastered […] Read More