6 Careers With a Bright Future Include 2 You Can Study at Allen School

Terrence Loose writing for Yahoo! listed some rather excellent information coming from the US Department of Labor.   In his piece entitled, “Six Careers With a Bright Future” loose shared the six careers that the USDOL projects will have at least a 21% job growth rate between 2010 and 2020.  And wouldn’t you know it, two […] Read More

Productivity Tips for Medical Billing and Coding Online Students

Studying by remote, much like working by remote, can be challenging from a productivity standpoint.  Of course, it is easier to get away with procrastinating, goofing off and being distracted when there isn’t a professor or boss there keeping you focused on the tasks at hand.  Like many fields of study, medical billing and coding […] Read More

Hey CNAs! What Do You Think of NYC’s Soda Ban?

Allen School ground campuses are located in New York City.  This means that all you certified nursing assistant students, those studying to be medical office assistants and nursing assistants will soon be affected by NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s latest law.  Recently passed by the NYC Board of Health, the new law will ban the sale […] Read More

Online Medical Billing and Coding Students, Protect Your Eyes

Yes, online students of medical billing and coding spend many hours in front of their computer terminals studying, reading, writing and interacting.  Even more so than their ground school counterparts studying such things as medical office assistants’ programs, certified nursing assistant training etc, the online students at Allen School rely on their computers greatly and […] Read More

Never Forget!

Students of medical billing and coding, certified nursing assistant training and the medical office assistant program at Allen School’s ground campuses all have one thing in common: they are all located in and around the New York City area.  As New Yorkers, we stand in solemn memory of all those whose lives were cruelly extinguished […] Read More

Inspiration for Medical Billing and Coding Students

Starting a new course of study in pursuit of a new career can be a little scary.  In fact, it can be downright daunting.  If you’re coming to the Allen School to study medical billing and coding to make a change in your career and your life, you may feel at times like the challenges […] Read More

Why the Nurse’s Aide Didn’t Get the Interview

So this nurses aide student got her nurses aide certificate from Allen School and hit the job market looking for a position.  She sent out scores of resumes and cover letters seeking nurses aide positions in doctor’s offices and hospitals around her home.  Although her certification was from a solid institution like Allen School, with […] Read More

The Labor of CNAs, Medical Office Assistants and Billing and Coding Pros

This weekend we celebrated Labor Day, honoring the contributions of working men and women nationwide.  Labor is the lifeblood of the US economy and the engine for economic growth that has been the envy of the world.  For those of you entering the career world with a new CNA certificate, or medical office assistant training […] Read More

Drugs for Anxiety Outweigh All Else – Why CNA’s Should Take Time Off

If you’re studying to become a certified nursing assistant, or a medical office assistant, or even a medical billing and coding specialist, you’re headed toward a fast paced and sometimes stressful career.  Americans spend more time at work than any other country.  For those in stressful jobs, this can lead to some pretty unpleasant health […] Read More