Medicine News for Savvy Medical and Medical Office Assistant

If you’re a medical assistant program student, or at Allen School to become a medical office assistant, you can wow your instructors (and later the patients you’ll serve in a medical office or hospital) with your up-to-the-minute knowledge of the latest and most interesting advances in medicine.  A toaster-sized machine that detects cancer?  A nasal […] Read More

Diseases Like West Nile Keep CNAs Busy in 2012

OK, so it’s not just CNAs.  It’s also medical assistants, medical billing and coding professionals and the physicians they all support that are working overtime to address the seeming increase in outbreaks of diseases like West Nile.  The Huffington Post this week that this season’s West Nile outbreak is the worst so far thanks to the […] Read More

Kiplinger: Medical Assisting Among Most Lucrative Job Fields

Financial news outlet Kiplinger just released a list of the college majors most likely to land a lucrative career after graduation.  You’ll not be surprised to learn that at least four of the courses of study were in the medical field including Nursing, medical technologies, pharmacology and treatment therapy.  But you’ll be very pleased to […] Read More

A Dragonfruit a Day Keeps the Doctor (and the CNA) Away

The days are getting distinctly shorter, and an autumnal chill is in the air at night.  Yes, it is still summer and the days are sweltering.  But as I was munching on a delicious bowl of sweet bing cherries last night, I realized that the summer is rapidly fading; and along with it, affordable and […] Read More

Dian Fossey, Theano and You the CNA

The history of women in science is a topic that deserves more study not just among those studying to become certified nursing assistants, but among students in general.  For centuries, men have been predominantly recorded in books and other records as the producers of much of scientific discovery.  But that is only largely a function […] Read More

Nurse Aide Training Like an Olympian

There is a lot a nurse aide trainee can learn from an Olympic athlete.  In order to compete in the world’s largest athletic contest, an Olympian must put in countless hours focused on learning and perfecting their skills in whatever event they are driven to compete in.  So too, the nurse aide trainee must devote […] Read More

Medical Assistant Training and Other Amazing Feats of Determination

When pursuing your Medical Assistant Certificate, you may feel like the task is impossible.  After all, studying for a new career in a complex field like a medical assistant or medical billing and coding (or any medical industry job) requires a great deal of dedication, knowledge, perseverance, and work.  However, it is eminently achievable.  Just […] Read More

Should CNAs Prepare for Increase In Whooping Cough Cases?

If you’re a certified nursing assistant (CNA) or in the midst of certified nursing assistant training at the Allen School, you may want to keep tabs on the following story I came across over at  It seems that there has been a statistically significant increase in the numbers of childhood pertussis (better known as […] Read More

Summer Nutrition Never Tasted So Good to Medical Office Assistants

So Summer is definitely in full swing and judging by the limbs of the tomato plants growing on my stoop, the summer tomato bounty is going to be a large one in this blogger’s household.  As medical office assistants, or even certified nursing assistants, it would be good to be knowledgeable about nutrition.  In fact, […] Read More

Don’t Let Your Brain Undermine Your Progress in Healthcare Training School

If you’re taking any healthcare training courses with Allen School – the certified nursing assistant course, online medical billing and coding, nurses’ aide training or medical assisting classes – you’d think your brain were you best ally.  But did you know that your brain can work against you?  If you’ve ever suffered from procrastination, then […] Read More