The Medical Assistant and the Olympic Hurdler

The nature of health care giving and Olympic athletics has remained unchanged for centuries.  Medical caregivers like nurses and medical office assistants have to be diligent, caring, competent, and kind to succeed.  Olympic athletes need to be conditioned, determined, and in top physical shape to find success.  Yet, the unceasing march of technology and science […] Read More

Fun in the New York Sun

Yes Allen School students, the Summer has arrived.  Yesterday’s Summer Solstice marked the beginning of hot fun in the city.  Studying to earn your certificate in medical billing and coding or medical office assistant should always be your top priority.  BUT! – its also important to have yourself a little fun to keep that work/leisure […] Read More

Time for a Diet

Allen School Online Blog frequently shares stories dealing with healthy eating (or lack thereof) and the ramifications our diets have on society and the environment.  So you can imagine how interested we were to find the following information courtesy of LiveScience.  We all know the developed world is struggling with the ravages of morbid obesity […] Read More

Hiring Managers Requiring Your Facebook Password?

We’ve recently been following stories of hiring managers and employers who require job candidates to share the passwords to their Facebook and other social media profiles.  The idea here is that the employer or hiring manager can then log into the candidate’s social media profiles and “poke around” to make sure there’s nothing untoward or […] Read More

BLS: 19,000 Medical Office Jobs Added in April Alone!

The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes an Employment Situation Summary wherein it examines the state of hiring in different career fields.  The latest Summary revealed that in April 2012 alone, more than 19,000 new jobs in medical fields were added to the American workforce.  That’s quite an impressive number given the overall sad state of […] Read More

Where are You Talking Online?

The Allen School Online blog is interested in publishing information about the top places for online discussion that is relevant to you, students of medical billing, coding and office assistance.  What kind of information do you seek or share with others on topics related to your studies?  This could include study tips/habits, online research resources, […] Read More


OK, so I realize that as a student of the Allen School Online, you need not be situated in the NYC area in order to study medical billing, coding and office assistant courses.  However, many of you are indeed located in and around the NY metro area.  If you are, this evening is the so-called […] Read More

Never Forget! Happy Memorial Day

The writers at the Allen School Online Blog would like to wish you and yours a happy Memorial Day.  Our hats are off as we salute all those who serve in our armed forces and all those who laid down their lives to protect freedom and the American way of life.  Your sacrifices will never […] Read More

Yet Another Reason to Study at Allen School Online

A team of Swedish researchers recently concluded that people who studied more actually lived longer than those who studied less.  As if you needed any further confirmation of the benefits you’re creating for yourself by being a student of medical billing and coding at Allen School Online.  Evidently, according to the research which you can […] Read More