Allen School to Participate in AIDS Walk

New York Healthcare School is Participating for 8th Consecutive Year BROOKLYN, NY, May 15, 2012 – The Allen School, New York’s  leading healthcare training school, is proud to announce that on Sunday May 20th, they will be participating in the 27th Annual AIDS Walk New York, a 6.2 mile walk to benefit HIV programs and […] Read More

Some Fatty Foods are Good for Memory

Allen School Online blog has a regular, running series on some of the scariest, fattiest, heart-clogging fast food offerings.  A burger in a Tokyo Burger King laden with 4 pounds of bacon; the Heart Attack Grill’s infarction inducing Triple Bypass Burger and KFC’s appalling Double Down sandwich are some examples of these fat-packed atrocities.  So […] Read More

Enterprise is in New York

Yes, you Allen School Online students are being well prepared to enter into healthcare business enterprises large and small, as office assistants and billing and coding specialists.  Your education here at Allen School Online shows just how enterprising you are for having chosen such a brilliant field of study and career path.  But there is […] Read More

How to Automate Your Job Search

Yes, students of Allen School Online are smarter than the average students of medical billing and coding.  But did you know that there is a way to work “smarter not harder” when it comes to the process of finding a new job once you’ve earned your certificate?  Yes, no longer is it necessary to burn […] Read More

We’re Number One! (In Hiring for 2012)

The folks over at Yahoo! Education published a list of the hottest career fields for hiring in 2012.  Not surprisingly, the very top of the list, the number one hottest hiring position for 2012 was medical assistant.  The article reports that employers intend to hire medical assistants at a rate 10% higher than they did […] Read More

Shyness and the Dreaded Job Interview

Are you painfully shy?  Do you detest having to make small talk with people, or just feel uncomfortable meeting new people in general?  Not interested in sharing personal information about yourself with a near perfect stranger?  Then you probably hate going out on job interviews.  Yet, this is something that none of us can reasonably […] Read More

Embrace “Productive Failure”

Time magazine has an interesting article this month explaining that students learn better when left to figure out solutions to problems on their own (as opposed to being told the answers by instructors).   This is interesting news for any students, not just students of medical billing and coding at the Allen School Online.  If you’re […] Read More

OK, Just One More

Like one more potato chip, or one more chicken nugget, i simply cannot resist yet another “junk food” post.  After this, I promise to lay off the stories about horrific fast foods (and the role these foods play in undermining in public health) for at least a little while.  Although it is a topic we […] Read More

The Mother of All Fast Food Nightmares

Next in our continuing series on some of the worst fast-food dining options, the post linked here outdoes the KFC Double Down sandwich and the Heart Attack Grills Triple Bypass Burger.  This one earns top honors as the deadliest sandwich.  Evidently, at Burger King in Japan, customers can add fifteen pieces of bacon to their […] Read More

You Can Do This!

If you’re just starting out in your studies of medical billing and coding or medical office assistant with the Allen School Online, you may be feeling like it is a challenge you cannot overcome.  Perhaps you decided to make a career change in mid-life and this new career path seems daunting.  Well, the following story […] Read More