The Allen School is (to me):
The best Medical Career School in Brooklyn, where you can be a skilled Medical Assistant and one can find a good paying job in today’s competitive healthcare job market
My academic/medical interests are:
Learning medical technology and software that can help students learn and apply their medical office skills in real a medical office environment.
Some of the jobs I have had in my lifetime include:
IT work – hardware& software, desktop application support, technical support specialist and Instructor.
The best thing about being an instructor is:
Helping students succeed and passing on the knowledge and experience that I have received.
When I am not in the classroom or on campus, I can be found:
In my sweet home.
Movies that I can watch over and over:
“Coming to America”, Die hard, etc.
Favorite TV shows:
Seinfeld, Simpson, Family Guy, Forensic Science, Discovery, and Sci-Fi.
Websites that I visit daily:,,,, etc.
Favorite area restaurants:
Indian restaurants, Wi-Pie Pizzeria , Hale and Hearty Soup, Garden of Eden
Coolest thing I have ever done:
Came to America.
Places I have lived:
Bangladesh, India.